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Posts posted by countryREB

  1. What were the Bradley fans saying about Prevo's last TD? I need a source from the other side.

    You could tell the hurdling rule had been used against them in the past. They were immediately screaming for the penalty. As bad as Maryville fans thought the refs were, Bradley thought the same. To me, right or wrong, seemed like everything against Maryville in first half and against Bradley in second half. When Bradley's coach called timeout to argue the hurdling issue the ref looked like a deer in headlights.
  2. Sounds to me like both of the Otis brothers were being selfish. The coach sacraficing his brothers football future just to try and win a couple of games and the player for going somewhere where he will be the big man on campus instead of being a part of a good team. In that case, they both have gotten what they deserve. But I do not know them, just my third party view.

    Why don't you have the guts to say what you really have against these guys. Broken hearted girlfriend I'm betting. What happened honey?
  3. cR thay gott a good spot thay go two evur yeer inn Chamberlain, SD......A widder woman hoo wuz left wif a big farm haz lett hitt grow upp fer bird habbytat......Her kids haiv left tha farm and she's maid hit a bird huntin' place.....She's maid tha basement ov her house intwo a few bedrumes and added showers fer tha hunters, and she maiks brekfust evur mornin'......Thay've maid friends wif her and tha famlee and thay haiv ben down hear two vizit and go two tha Smokies...

    Well stars it sounds like I'm going to have to get in on this. Has momma stars got any available sisters?
  4. LOL........cR thay sed tha good stuff wuz allways beehind tha "grill"..... Tha onlee way eye wooda wint inn GG wif out my Bawl Play bowncer, wood bee wif Marcel Ledbetter's lite-wait McCullick......


    My diddy-in-law wood ruther bird hunt and watch tham dogs werk, az eat (two baid hiz dawter ain't tha saim)....Thait ain't far frum thair place and he's hunted evur place down thair.....He called this mornin' braggin,' while eatin' brekfust att tha Cracker Barrel inn Clarksvul on tha way two South Dakotee fer sum rang-necks.....Thay allways brang baick sevrull, butt knott oncest haz he axed me orr momma down two shair wif 'em fer sum reesun..... :hungry:

    Well I wish him luck. Tater is on his way back(or already back) and it was a bad trip for their group. Birds are way down. Maybe he will find a hot spot.
  5. Pep eye wood taik cR upp on thait......Bein' a Ate-th place superfly frum Sweatwatur wood bee like undeefeeted Hevvy -wait chaimp inn Blunt Cowntee.....Eye nose beecaws baick inn my yunger days eye dated a gurl frum Bawl-Play and she wuz a bouncur att tha old Giles Grill on 411..... :popcorneater:

    Giles Grill brings back some great memories stars. After a long day of quail hunting when I was a kid my dad and his buddies would stop there late in the afternoon and send me behind the grill for one last hunt while they checked out things inside. If I made it back before dark they sent me across 411 to hunt what is now the industrial park. Then for some reason I got to practice driving home as a 11 year old.
  6. Peppy it looks like your out numbered so I'm going to offer up my services. I placed 8th in the last tufman in Sweetwater in my weight class (superfly) and have trained nonstop since then. I'm here waiting to help with a kick to the knee. Call me if you need me. The cost will be one free shot at a present coach, deal?

  7. You really think we will score 7? I don't know how we will score 7.....I mean GB played mostly Maryville Freshman in the jamboree and couldn't score on them, so I don't know who Maryville could put in this game that would give us a chance to score 7.

    Think it will all depend on which WB team shows up. By all accounts the freshman QB moved WB very well last week when he entered the game. If WB plays him and can eat some clock, the game may be a 3 or 4 score margin. The main thing working against the Govs is the score from our game last week against LC. It could get ugly if our boys think they have something to prove. I'll go with 42- 14.
  8. It was easy to see several years ago that he was special.....I even got him to autograph a football for me, it will be worth a lot one day. He had a coach that taught him that a champion never looks behind, he always looks ahead.....and I'm sure he will look ahead and work hard to get back to where he was.

    Sorry to hear about #88. Has made a huge difference since entering the line up. Teams have been running away from Jackson all year and Matt has been right there to shut them down. It will be good to get back on the home turf with our own refs after last night.
  9. No one expects you to be scared ... But we would of thought that our Maryville Rebels had done enough for you to at least show a little respect .

    Peppy I think after we score on our first 7 touches he will find a little respect. 35-7 at half. They may get to 21 or 28 on our jv in the second half, but we can name our points.
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