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Everything posted by Will2Win

  1. Point well taken. Let's see what the replies are like. The replies will legitimize the author for me. The fact that JD would come out in the open is just his style anyway. He won't hide behind a fictitious username like most of us. While we wait for a response, feel free to weigh in on any of the previous questions.
  2. First of all, thanks coach for making yourself available on coach T. Since you are the athletic director for Williamson county I think you would be the right person to answer this question. How can an athletic director at one high school also be a football coach at a different high school when these two schools are on each others football schedules? Even if it is possible according to rules or regulations, does it seem right? Has this ever been done before? Thanks
  3. Rathbone, PHS offensive coordinator/athletic director to coach at Independence this year? Can anyone confirm this? If so what is going on at Independence?
  4. Thanks for the apology. Truth is we don't care about what happened in the past. In the words of Nick Saban, "What happened yesterday is history. What happens tommorrow is a mystery. What we do today makes a difference..." These are words to live by. One more thing. Since you can see seven months into the future, should we start calling you Nostradamus instead of Franklymydear? If so what will the score of the Page vs. Fairview game be this year? I thought most of your predictions were for 2012.
  5. Once again Franklymydear your information is flawed. It might be time to find a new source before posting anymore incorrect information. The truth is that Herzog cleaned house at the end of the season getting rid of all faculty assistants who worked for Daniels. In the process he did not get rid of any "good coaches". I am not sure who you were talking about anyway. All he has left is one faculty assistant and two part time assistants all of which he hired. His efforts to hire new qualified coaches is being thwarted. Whether it takes one, two or ten years Herzog will build this program the right way.
  6. "Franklymydear" you must be getting your info from the Franzia vineyard because nothing could be further from the truth. Herzog is the real deal! My son is a rising senior at Page and I have seen how this coach operates on and off field and have been nothing but impressed with this man. This coach truly cares about his players, year round, not just during football season. Coach Herzog monitors his players' grades and holds them accountable. He also is aware of their activities on and off campus and is not afraid to intervene when necessary. The bottom line is that Coach Herzog is more old school than anything else and for a high school football coach today there is no higher compliment. He quickly earned the players and parents respect this past fall and he continues to gain support as we all watch him head this program in the right direction. In almost every program there will be the momma's boy or over protective parent who complains that something is too harsh or not fair. This is almost always the overwhelming minority. However; this situation is different. The opposition is coming from another direction. "Et tu, Brute?"
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