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Posts posted by baylorbigdog1976


    I believe BA has 81 players dressed and only 11 seniors. 


    BA has 3 players being recruited by Alabama. Just assume they have offers from all the big schools. 

    Offensive tackle 6’7 290 junior 

    Offensive Guard 6’5 295 junior 

    Running Back  Sophomore ( reminds me of Eric Gray )


    QB I hear is heading to Naval Academy. High 49 400 M and on BA 4x100. Fast for a QB / Okay passing when receivers run into space. Some games 200 yards passing / few good runs 50/100 yards rushing games. 

    Defensive End / O line 6’2 250 junior offers from Syracuse , Kentucky . More to come I think. 

    Offensive Tackle 6’4 275 receiving offers from mid level schools 

    Safeties  have offers but we have been hurt there.

    BA is very young on D line and receivers.  Many first time starters filling roles this year. As an example on the 2017 team there were almost 30 seniors. Most years since 2015 mid 20’s. 

  2. 2 hours ago, BlackHavenSenator said:

    Be cool your "Slip is showing," but because it is and I have a little time let me address what I mean by "teams like these"...


    Brentwood Academy, for all of the fine coaching they have and good athletes they have, Whitehaven has just as many, if not more of both. You said it yourself that the team is YOUNG, but even IF they were Senior heavy, us being at our best should be better than the private school's best. That's my opinion, forever! I never once said we should BLOW OUT BA, but I said Whitehaven SHOULD be considered the favorite and I KNOW the majority of THIS STATE does not see it that way. Now let me point out to you why I say your "Slip is showing"... Your bias (Yes you're likely bias about how you feel about the 14-Time State Champion BA) runs totally counter to MY BIAS. My bias is a team made up like Whitehaven should clearly be a favorite over any Private school, period. We have more athletes to choose from and some of ours have a different type of motivation then their opposition that come from well to do backgrounds (That's not saying that a few of us at Whitehaven didn't come from well to do backgrounds). So simply put, in other Southern states (FL, GA, AL, TX for example) a LARGE CLASSIFICATION, BIG CITY "URBAN" School would be favored over the Suburban Private school. ONLY in TN HS FB is what I said taken as some sort of JAB when the fact of the matter it shouldn't be and Whitehaven is still likely NOT considered the favorite by the vast majority of HS Football fans in this state. 

    The End

    Fair enough. Can’t disagree with much there. BA is not IMG in Florida. Ravenwood just a few miles down the road has more athletes this year than anyone in middle TN. We will see how it goes with them. Even B wood and of course Oakland are pretty stout with Athletes. 6a is tough this year. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, kwc said:

    There we go! BA's inferred superiority due to discipline and execution alone. My, how refreshing.  This could get interesting indeed!

    LOL@ if WH can stay in the game. Good one. THAT made me laugh.

    This is going to be a fun week.

    KWC if whitehaven plays like they did against Ridgeway- ZR is right. BA is not a team that will stick to something if it is not working .

    Not like NLR or the Clearwater Catholic Team BA played. They continued to run the ball over and over and over  again.

    WH will have everything and the kitchen sink thrown at them - doesn’t mean you guys can’t absorb it but it’s how the game will go. I know your QB can also pass the ball. That alone will make the game more interesting.

    i don’t think you guys are a track race team - Ridgeway showed me this but I think you have a heck of a defense and if you can shut down BAs offense and score in the 20’s I for one think you guys can win.

    i May be completely off target and maybe it’s a track meet but I Just don’t see that type of game - not as 48-45 type 

    i could see a 17- 7 or 21-10 score before I see the other.

  4. 1 hour ago, zoneread56 said:

    First post on the T in a good bit. After watching the BA game on Friday vs mccallie, I have to say Ba is severely out manned up front on dline. They do not have the front to run a 3-4 Like in years past so if a team likes to ground and pound then they can have success like mccallie did. The BA d coordinator seems to be stuck in his ways because even on those great teams from 2015-2017 BA was having to score 35-40+ a game at times to win. Now, even though BA still has athletes on offense, it’s not nearly the same as in the past especially at the WR position group, so it’s gonna have to make the D play better defense whereas in years past they could just get 2-3 stops and win the game on just offense. That being said BA still has the advantage on DaHaven imo Bc of how disciplined they are and their execution on O. If whitehaven can come out and stay in the game up to half and into the 3rd it could get interesting to see how it plays out. Should be a good game and good atmosphere!

    If BA starts the way they have all year in the first half then it’s more than probable WH will jump out on top. If they crank it up like they have in the second half early then we shall see.

  5. I will stop taking shots at BHS but I don’t understand the stuff he post sometimes — teams likes these  ?????

    You guys may very well come into Brentwood and out play BA but I don’t think it will be easy. You are coming into a place with 14 state championships and a long history going back 50 years. The kids play hard and play the game the right way with respect and hard work.

    I will be straight up with you guys. If you come in here undisciplined and thinking that way — we should run all over ‘teams like these ‘ you will leave here with a loss and your tail between your legs on that long ride back to Memphis. If you play well / like you did last week you can have a different outcome but you will not roll all over BA - you do not have enough firepower to run all over our defense or keep us off the board.

    Of the last 3 classes going to the NFL from the state of TN- BA has a third of the kids and would have had more had one not been cut and is playing pro ball elsewhere. There will be multiple players on the next  level from college come out this year and next as well. More than likely BA will produce over a third of our states pro players if you add up the period from 2016-2021.

    This game has a potential if done right to help the entire state get behind more rivalries and teach the kids something very valuable in return. Each year I think the top 6a teams should play the top Privates — Maryville to Ensworth- Oakland to McCallie- Whithaven to BA - home and home .

    These games , especially this one between WH and BA continue to reinforce in our kids something many of them already know - that when you step on the field we are all colorblind and it does not matter if a rich kid goes home in a Range Rover or a middle class kid goes home on a bike as many of us did on this board. 

    We are all brothers in the end. And sports over any other venue we have should teach these lessons to our kids and especially to the parents that sit in the stands who have never once stepped onto a football field to play the game.

    i know there is incredible respect by the coaching staffs of what each has accomplished and I do hope BA comes to WH next year and many years to come because it’s more than football as we know.

    We still have a lot of work to do and healing to do on both sides of the ball of life - black and white and when teams like Pearl Cohn can knock off MBA in a given year it helps to fuel something  that most people can’t always understand - it’s just another game to them. Or people get so self absorbed in what’s in it for me or my team they fail to see the big picture.

    Those games are about community - school pride and a sense of inclusion, contribution and achievement.

     I was at that game toward the end and the best part was when I saw some of the MBA players come over and congratulate some of the PC players after the game. 

    This will not be one of those games as WH is a TN football powerhouse not playing the David and Goliath role but I do think it is needed on many levels and unfortunately as in many cases this opportunity will be lost on deaf ears.  Or maybe it’s just ignorance sometimes or people are just doing the best that they can. 

    These types of things flourish and have staying power when we as a group of fans express our interests to keep them going. But they need to have purpose and take on a deeper meaning to do so. Unfortunately I can image many people in the stands on Friday night will not know or care much about WH, it’s school , it’s mission and how many kids leave there / academic and athletic and move on to do amazing things in the world . And I imagine I can say some of the same things regarding stereotypes of people who will be traveling here from West Tennessee as well.  And people unfortunately will leave Brentwood only learning who is the better football team Friday night. And that’s our fault - all of us.

    “ Teams like these  “ ????? BHS I love ya man but this game will be just another game in a busy schedule if we all think this way. And trust me it will be just that I am afraid. Off my rant and on to the game.

    BA is young this year but has 12 or more players who should play on Saturdays. The starting safeties are hurt so that has put pressure on 2 ways and the defensive line is all new but there are pieces there to make another run at States this year.

    I do not know how BA will respond to how physical WH is this year on the Defensive side of the ball but they can mix it up and are tough and pretty big upfront on the O line. So only time will tell 


  6. All joking aside I do think WH should be favored for this game. This is a young BA team that has the necessary pieces but needs experience and tough games to mature.

    They are balanced but have a young d line and both starters at secondary are out.  They have  kinks to work out - namely the slowwwwwwww starts that have been the norm in all 3 games. Hasn’t been till the 2nd half where the light has come on.

    WH IMO is the best team BA has played this year and they will need to be clicking on all cylinders to stay in this game. If they get down early by a few touchdowns it will be a long evening 

  7. 46 minutes ago, BlackHavenSenator said:

    The rest of the state may think otherwise but Whitehaven should be the clear favorite against teams like these.

    I agree with you. Big mighty school in Memphis 2500 kids 1000 boys to pick from and all the people who move there to play for WH versus a itty bitty private school in the most affluent county in Tennessee with 170 boys in the entire school 9-12. 

    You guys may end up playing your JV team come second half but should be a good walk in the park for all those sec bound athletes you have.

    i would imagine your 2nd and 3rd strings would start on BA. I hope we have enough space in our locker rooms to accommodate the number of players you have and since we don’t have visitor stands will apologize for the lousy atmosphere here where you have to sit with and among people who rarely clap during a game. We also have no band so I look forward to hearing a loud WH section and you guys march up and down the field carving up a tiny private school on your way to a running clock.

    All kidding aside I do agree with you - think any big 6a school should be favored over most of the private’s any given year but we still have to play this game on the field 






  8. 2 hours ago, oldwiseone said:

    A lot of love for the B teams (BA & Baylor).

    BA is the better team? Really? McCallie's defensive and offensive lines totally dominated. 

    McCallie cleans up it's hiking issues and they win the game by 3 touchdowns.



    Any team running the option, throwing the off direction pass and constantly rolling out to get to the edge to score all their points will need to do more next time against better teams. They will make adjustments and I’m not sure sure McCallie can. They are who they are.

    McCallie has a good team but it revolves around 2 -3 players mostly.

    You dominate both lines when you can and  the other team can’t run the ball and you get penetration from your D line. BA  was never sacked and I would imagine had more total yards than McCallie - so how you can say they dominated anything is beyond  me.

    BA played a sloppy game especially the first half and was close to winning the game at the end. 

    I would guess 80 percent of McCallies yards cane from options and QB runs around the end and those off direction short passes.

    Not taking anything away from Mccallie - good team but I am not ready to hand them a golf ball on what I saw last night 

    BA has a lot of work to do but they have more talent and really good coaches - are very young and will not be the same team they are now come year end. 

    A very experienced mcCallie team that is the best they have had in a long time is 7 seconds away from losing this game to a very young and not so experienced BA team. Let’s talk at the end of the year when both teams mature - 


  9. Will be a long night for BA next week I am afraid. I’m not sure WH will keep BA off the board but if they play like they did the first half tonight it’s a real possibility.

    My feeling is unless BA plays it’s best 4  quarters WH will roll out of Nashville with a W. 

    Congrats - huge win for WH and dominating win for TN football 

    • Like 1
  10. Almost wrote in today that I thought McCallie would win this one in a close game - exactly what happened. Ba was on the 9 yard line with 4 seconds left  one play to win the game and pass went incomplete.

    another nail biter with a good MCCallie team. I do think if they play again BA is a better team but they need to learn to get things going early. Not sure what the deal is - 3 points first half . 

    All 3 games have been 2nd half efforts this year. If they do not play 4  next week they will not win this game coming up. 

  11. Good game - good little Highlands team. Always well coached and long tradition there. Like Alcoa and Maryville. They do not make many mistakes.

    KC will need to play better to get thru D2 but tonight did not sway me one way or the other.

    BA looked pretty good at times with the Big win over Clearwater Central Catholic ( Florida)  34-3 

    The next 3-4 for weeks for all teams in D2 will be tough- BA has Mccallie - Whitehaven and Catholic coming up. Catholic has tough games next few weeks. Ensworth May be better than what I imagined this year. Will not be an easy game next week away.


  12. 9 hours ago, REBELRON said:

    I think Catholic has a shot to beat Brentwood Academy this year.  Look forward to seeing this game. 

    They sure do - I watched BA scrimmage Oakland - didn’t learn much from it. BA is  in Catholics head a little bit I think but the game last year was closer than the previous year even though the score was not reflective of this.

    Catholic certainly has the athletes this year to do it and home field advantage. BA has its work cut out for them. Both teams should be able to score from what I see. BA is somewhat younger than in recent years. If the defense plays okay they have chance going into Knoxville 

    i just do not know how this team will make out . They have many athletes with major D1 offers - linemen - running back - linebackers - safeties 

    we will know more in a few weeks - just not ready to go out on a limb either way.

  13. I sure hope it makes TV. It deserves to...I also hope it turns into a multi year game Nashville / Memphis- home and home. Both teams need tough games and have a tough time scheduling as we all know.

    I have watched some very hard nosed games at BA over the years.

    The St Xavier game - many  Ensworth / MBA games.

    From what I know about both teams this should be a hard hitting - high energy game. My dream is both teams come in undefeated and people come from all over to watch.

    BA allows fans to stand on the sidelines away from the players and it’s a great place to be when the game is close, intense and a high end matchup.

    Whitehaven must get past NLR and McCallie is not a lock for BA either so we will just need to wait and see where the chips fall. Even so it should be a fun one.

    Both teams are loaded with talent. BA is a little young  many of the non seniors have offers from all over the  place. Good lines, one of the top running backs we have had at the school, good line backers and secondary. Speed too.

  14. TI did not surprise me but BA let the game go at the end. Congrats to Mcacallie and Ralph. 


    BA was  pushing McCallie around on the lines but McCallie has dynamic playmakers in the backfield. They scored two quick tds on plays. One long pass play on 4th down and the interception for TD. I enjoyed the game as the atmosphere at the end was terrific.

    Will be good for BA and also for McCallie 

  15. I don’t get it. I know whitehaven has played a few good teams but no one in the state has more talent on a team.

    if they do not pull it together it will be a giant disappointment. Season not over but with this talent they should not lose a game 



    Bryson Eason 6'3" 250 Junior LB/RB 4.6 4stars.jpg
    Melvin McBride 6'4" 315 Senior OL/DT 4.9 3halfstars.jpg
    Cormontae Hamilton 6'3" 240 Senior TE/OLB 4.6 3halfstars.jpg

    Tamarion McDonald 6-2 220 Junior S 4stars.jpg
    Martavius French 6-2 235 Junior ILB 4stars.jpg
    Keveon Mullins 6'2" 205 Senior WR 3halfstars.jpg
    Devin Boddie 5'11" 165 Senior WR 3stars.jpg
    Jacobi Rice 6'3" 260 Senior SDE 2stars.jpg
    Tyler Hunter 5'10" 220 Senior ILB 2stars.jpg
    Vincent Guy 5'10" 165 Senior CB 2stars.jpg

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  16. 9 hours ago, kwc said:

    I talked with dannyq after the game. NLRHS is a different beast altogether. I like the fact that we put up 38 and threw a TD to Josh Exom and two to Mose Frazier.

    Also, Bryson didn't play either. 

    Still, 46 is a LOT.

    You guys did not play bad - nlr this years beats most teams in tn . I still think whitehaven will get it worked out. Too much talent. Whitehaven has the most talent on the field of anyone in the state

    No one else close including Oakland or Brentwood academy or NLR. Have to play better as a team 


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