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Posts posted by pounderfan1

  1. How good is Chat Central?

    with half there L's coming from prep school. and losing district by 5 and region by 8 championship.with two starters out. one of those starters avg 18 a game. and playing only 5 guys in both games they lost. and both starters are back tonight.I'll guess will see in a couple of more hours. how good they are??

  2. with Montgomery and Poole coming back Monday for central and central having the more experience team with all six seniors playing and the experience that they have form last year state run chattown will be punching two tickets again to state. the only way brainerd or central lose is if york or upperman kill them from behind the arch or central and brainerd just come out and play awful. and chatt central will be at full strength for the first time all year heading into Monday night game. good luck to all four teams and safe travels.

    🔨🔨🔨🔨 go pounders!!!!!!

  3. Well I was watching the game tonight at Seagull in Murfreesboro court side. Then Observed the Blackman game following it on the first row. Those boys can play ball. Don't think Cleveland or Walker Valley can play with them. It's my opinion. Several coaches will apply for EH. Wadley is gone from McCallie. I'm sure they will go after Cole Rose at Boyd. Don't be surprised if Rick at Central is entertained. That's a sweet job and opportunity. One of the beat in town. I still believe Cherne should have gotten it but small town politics play into it. Why would you give an elite job to someone with no proven record at a AAA school that is filled with athletes.

    i highly doubt coach rogers will leave central in the next two years especially since he really believe this sophomore group can lead him to the promise land and with his daughter being a senior next year at central. rogers leaving is probably out the door.IMO and knowing coach roger's if  him going to east ham became a rumor he is probably  going to clear it up really quick. he's just a honest guy like that.  

  4. Dang you got 3 accounts on here now ballermoms14 , Chattaboogie and pounder, but I do think they played better tonight without that dead weight has you say, but again will be the same next year. obvious getting rid of the dead wieght didn't help to much ya still lost. :mrgreen:

    loolllllllll. dude is a real joke. know he mad because we all are taking up for our team instead and telling the truth of what actually happen. no one really told what the problem was at central just said it was gone away form the team. BUT A HIT DOG WILL HOLLER. earlier this week we were going to lose by 25 to mcminn central now there talented is compare to red bank. lol. glad you gone man. what a headache you are!!!!!! see you around to finish this convo later!!!!

  5. Central almost made it a 6-AA sweep. Score was 64-61. Pounder fans give us the 411 on how the game was handled. It's on to ERidge on Tuesday. Brainerd vs McCentral at 6pm followed by the

    Tyner/ E.Ridge game.

    once again winning1 has know clue what he is talking about. with central fixing there in house problems this week before the game it was a different team who showed up tonight. thank god!! it was a great game by both teams close game all the way to the buzzer. at halftime it was 32-32. with three minutes to go central was up by 3 61-58. fouled a guy shooting a three 2 minutes and some change left central leading by 61-60. they made a lay up to take the lead 62-61. then ref made made a bad call but other then that refs called a darn good game. they made some free throw 64-61.shot a desperation three missed it at the buzzer. but to many second chance points killed us in this game. probably the lowest turnover game central had played all year. the best coach game by coach rogers all year. really the first time central looked like a team and was having funny since back when they first beat east ridge and played close with brainerd. you can read the newspaper for box score's. jamike poole lead the way with 16 tre tiller had 13 or 14 only missed one free throw out of probably 5. teron hayes had 8 or 9. over all good game it just wasn't our day to win. the young pounders should hold there head up high. mcminn central  is well coach and have two or three good players. not very tall think they will have trouble with moore down low. he should have his way down low with them know body to guard him. brainerd and tyner for region championship. 


    p.s i think my pounders will be the favorite in the city next year. 

    good luck to the rest of the chattanooga teams cheering for you guys!

  6. i hope the refs let them play tonight like they did at tyner. because i believe this will be a physical, high intensity, fast pace, knockout drag out hard fought game..  if we can get some production off our bench and take some charges central will win the game. that's the key to us winning this game those two things right there. may the best man win...... go pounders!!!!!!!

  7. central does win tomorrow. they pull away down the stretch.the pace of the game will be to fast. this game is more of a statement game for boyd then us. tyner is our statement game next tuesday. i just hope the boy's don't over look boyd and get caught looking forward towards tyner. this is what you call a trap game because boyd can beat us if were not ready and focus. 

  8. a little revenge game tonight at red bank.i don't think the young pounders overlook them tonight. and i hope howard can pull off the upset tonight. that would put the pounders back at the three seed for district's but with a win tonight we want finish less then a four seed. every game counts this last week and a half. 

  9. Pounder alumni and fans lets get the Pounders in the district tournament with a high seed and win it. Pounderfan1 and AAU basketball we all need to pull together and get every fan behind this team. Matter of fact all athletics at the school needs our support. Look I am just an ordinary alumni that pulls for the school and kids. They have a chance to be good in basketball, and football, baseball, softball, track and everything else they have offered if we all give our support and show the kids we are behind them. GO POUNDERS. Lets win this tournament. Both of the young men you represent are good players and will get better. Come tourney time Pounders should roll.

  10. I always try to keep coacht in perspective. I mean think about it people get on here behind a screen name and usually tear apart men in there place of work. This is their job, the way they provide for their families. They count on 14 to 18 year old kids to perform good enough so they can keep their jobs. I just hope nobody ever makes a factory worker.com to come and talk about me or you at our work places making up lies and assuming things and putting them on the computer for everyone to believe as fact. Whoever is the next coach we need to find the good in them and support that. Remember I don't think any coach wants to lose

    i agree!!!!

  11. if your not winning1 mr.long my apologizes. 


    winning1 i'm not going to argue with you back and forth on a website especially when you don't have a clue what your talking about.  i am at every game cheering the team on and my brother rather he plays or doesn't plays. so if you ever want to have a face to face talk about anything well i'm not that hard to find buddy. lol obviously

    :popcorneater::roflol:  :D

  12. i hope they hire someone outside of chattanooga. someone we can't pass judgement on and we all don't know anything about.. that way  we can only watch and see what he does with the program. and we don't know his pass history at other school's in the chattanooga area. just a fresh start for everybody. just my opinion!

  13. You and Mr. long are idiots. J.long's can play and so can Jmike but they are just beginning to play once they settle down they will be great, You Poole know absolutely nothing about Basketball and Mr. Long you ain't nothing but a Rich man with to much time on his hand, Let these boys play and stay out of it. 

    never was in it to beginning with. never said anything about anyone.... oH yeah let me guess you do!!!!lol and we can tell by the great predictions you make and the half information you give on teams and programs. you sir are what we all call a joke lmao. 

  14. Good win for the Rams tonight. Central will be a team too look out for come tourney time. I must say as a Ram fan the officiating was horrendous tonight on both ends but you gotta take the good with the bad. Good Win Rams!!!!!

    i don't think anything was wrong with the officiating. it was a physical  and hard playing game and they just let them play. lol just my opinion. 

  15. I am Mr. long and I do know who you are ,I also see you just joined to make negitive comments ,the team played great, so enjoy these young man coming together and let's support each other instead of bashing ,I don't agree with everything Winning says but he is able to say what he wants and your brother did great last night. Stop this ,Jlong is a team player and will always be, because he loves his team and central ,the team took this loss very hard,because they played there butts off this is not helping the team at all, these boys have a chance to do some great things. So family and friends and fans we need to stop this that's including me. But your guess is wrong.

    first off my brother did play a good game and needs to get more playing time even doe he start's and i've been on here with this username for 3 or 2 year's. and you are winning1. you created this storm yourself mr.long. don't blame anyone else sir. and i am a central alumni too and use to follow football til allen came wasn't a big fan of him maybe i will follow closer when we get a new football coach. and just like pounder1 i have not bash anyone or over hyped my young pounders i just let them play and read the comments other's say about them. but reality is tyner game was only the second time we have had our whole team back healthy and strong. rogers finally place's the right starting line-up out there. questionable down the stretch but we had are chances to win but it look's like the young pounders are starting to hit on all cylinders. but we will see when we play tyner and boyd at the end of the season before districts on how they we measure up. good day

  16. Pounderfan1, This team has got to learn to play together before district or big trouble. To much talent. They have got to prepare themselves to play . The coach can do what he has to but the players are the one's that are playing. These kids that have been suspended for skipping or whatever reason need to realize that they are hurting somebody else also. I have seen many young teams succeed in sports. That is no excuse. They have been playing since back in November. They need to get with it. They have to step up and make something happen. No excuses again. To late into the season.

    that's all i'm saying let the young guy's play ....the playing togather part is not the problem. they played togather for the last three years rather it was middle school, freshman team ,or jv ; besides long. it's about putting the best five out there. that's why instead of losing by 40 or more we lose by 11. scored 27 points in the 4th quarter with the sophomore group after only scoring 2 in the 3rd. all i'm saying is everybody's back know so rogers needs to place the right starting lining up out there or central is going to keep losing. no excuse over here it's just last night was frustrating because we didn't utilizes all our talent the right way for whatever reason and that has to do with coaching not players.

  17. Went to the game tonight and Brainerd was leading 58-33 after 3 quarters. Brainerd went on a tear in the 3rd because it was 37-31 at the half. Central did not press. Shot too many 3's and did not rebound after missing. Final was 71-60; Teams are playing for district seeding so every game is crucial. The crowd was pretty good but I thought it would be more attending.

    yes we got out rebound and we let brainerd shot to many three's and second chance shot's. i felt like we should he played man and pressed. but this is my opinion. we started off the game with only one scorer one the floor which was long and he's not a shooter but a good penetrator and assist guy. he finally puts tiller in who can score which spread the floor open a little. teron gets in and attacks and places a little presser on brainerd pg. ryan did okay but could have did better missed four free throws in the first half. but what had me at awe the most is and some of the crowd that actually come's to most of central game's or heard about central is where is number 20? or where is jamike? then puts him on the floor in the 4th with the rest of his sophomore class. jamike looked find to me and didn't look that sick since  that was the the explanation i was receiving form some sources on why jamike was not playing.tried to talk to his big brother he seem like he really didn't want to talk about it. however, rogers finally puts the sophomore class in togather. what do you know all of them started to make shot's rebounding and playing a little defense making the game look a little more closer then what it was.. if i'm rogers i'm going out with the young guys. there the one's who have got you this far. ride or die with them because there the future and our best chance's of winning. that start line up rogers placed out there last night will get us killed form here own out because we have know offense of presence without tiller, long, jamike, ryan, and teron. oh yeah he need's to utilities rodney more off the bench to . but we need to get back to letting the young guy's lead this team.

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