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Everything posted by BilltownIndian

  1. How many teams have winning records against Maryville? I'm guessing not alot.
  2. FWIW, D-B is closer to being Maryville's size than it is to being Science Hill's.
  3. While true, it is also true that D-B has never taken the path of competing in any division lower than the highest in TSSAA while all but two of Maryville's titles were won at the lower divisions. It is also true that D-B has a winning record against Maryville. Like you said, just facts.
  4. J Fred is used for football and baseball. The football field runs through left field and beyond. The stands you see in the video are the permanent stands that extend to where the outfield wall is placed. For football, temporary stands are brought in for the other side of the 50. You can see the baseball configuration at the link below. Take away the outfield wall and imagine temporary bleachers and you get the picture... https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&abauth=50a24afdF1iq_5KJIKVoPlEQSqXyoYcJtLM&authuser=0&q=1800+Legion+Drive,+Kingsport,+TN&aq=0&oq=1800+legion+drive+king&vps=1&jsv=440c&sll=41.117935,-77.604698&sspn=5.535968,8.602295&vpsrc=3&num=10
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