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  1. Hmm..sounds like someone silenced the lambs, eh? -Chadwick
  2. I've never heard him belittle us...he's told us we can do better...made us run more...never said anything demeaning though. I've never seen him throw or kick anything...but even if he has it still doesn't give you the right to badmouth him when he's not here to defend himself. If you have a problem with him let HIM know not us. Especially if he's not here. And if you are talking about a general problem dont apply it to a specific coach. Your idle gossip gets you nowhere. If you were truly concerned about this problem you will take it up with the coaches you see it in not tell the world of their problem. All this does is make you seem petty and ignorant. Thank you goodnite. -Chadwick
  3. Aye. As long as the opinions are posted tactfully and the subject has a chance to defend themselves...tis only fair.. -Chadwick
  4. You did not silence the lambs as you thought I simply have a life outside of coacht and I'm sorry if i was attending to it. I've played under several good coaches thank you and seeing as you dont know my soccer background I would suggest you please be quiet. If you feel the need to show your ignorance please ask a friend if you should and follow their advice. I have played under Bayliss and at no time was anyone on my team belittled or talked down to. We were pushed, we were bettered, we were worked, we were taught, but sir we were definitely not belittled. I've watched the best coaches become offensive to the refs so please don't target one coach when all have done it at some point. I dont remember a game where we didn't shake hands. That may be a players personal choice but I know in my 2 years of playing under him we never showed poor sportsmanship. Your supposed knowledge of the game obviously doesn't extent to your judge of character. On the character scale sir you are not high ranking, talking about someone when they aren't even here to defend themselves. Make fun of me. Fine. But dont make fun of someone who isn't even here. Someone who you dont personally know. If you truly have a problem with the man take it up with him not simply letting everyone else know what a horrible person you think he is. He is a great Christian and supportive coach and yes those are qualities I choose to defend. -Chadwick...yes I sign my name...unlike you because I support what I say and stand behind not hiding behind a username
  5. I think it's just over and out meh ol' gel, wot wot. But however you crazy aviation types choose to talk is fine with me. Glad you gave in to the old common sense ole boy. Does me heart some good to see a youngster come to terms with his elders, glad you understand now. -Chadwick
  6. Tuff and all that jazz, the regularly scheduled program turned how to be slightly too violent and angry for today's children. Teaching them to put others down and to scorn those considered novices...quite different from the sesame street I watched. -Chadwick
  7. Sir Chadwick! Did you hear that boys!? I'm a knight! I always wanted to be a pony when I grew up but a knight will do I guess...oh how exciting...well I'm off to slay that big ole mean dragon fellow...hope he doesn't have a cold that would be terribly unpredictable! -Chadwick
  8. Oh sirs! tuffnstuff I'm sure you're all tuff and all that jazz but this would be a friendly message board. And it would be greatly appreciated if you left friendly posts. If someone is a novice instead of downing them how bout giving them a lil instruction eh? I'm sure you didn't become the Coacht god you did in a day. And what do you mean "how would this be of help to you?" She asked how they play! Dont you like to know the other teams style before you play? Whether they only have a few key players? What formation? Usual scorers? These are all handy things that fall under that broad category of "how they play" which would be "a big help" so unless you're just such a coacht/soccer god and go play blindfolded I have no idea how you can see information about opponents as being useless! So tuff and all that jazz be helpful, be nice, laugh a little at these silly boards that only cause frustration. or I beg you...leave for the sake of all that's soccer and all that's novice. -Chadwick
  9. hmm I predict rain...my knee seems to be twinging just a bit and it always does that when it rains...call me an old man..but you'll see...
  10. 8-1 is the word sir that's the word...8-1...
  11. Aye Mcminn will show us Walker's true colors but Soddy will give us a good taste. Ashton will prove to be a key player yet again and I'm sure Coach Bayliss will lead the team to yet another great season with his experience and coaching prowess.
  12. Aye boys it's game time sir! Although I have yet to see a grace game this year I have great confidence in our girls team mainly because of the veterans we have out there. I'm fairly sure we should be able to pull off some incredible wins and overcome some tough teams which is good because needless to say the guys team...well it's a rebuilding year in coaching terms. And until things get heated and ridiculous...and until boys soccer season...I will be spinning my whimsical tales across this board with less regularity and will leave you with fleeting comments rather than outright opinions...i'm out...-Chadwick
  13. I think the draw does have a little something to do with it. Grace, a region winner, faced CAK, a region winner. If I remember correctly in all other tournaments the winner has faced the loser. While CCS the loser faced the lowest ranked team there, I think...so it matters a little...but not as much as some people make it out to mean. - I believe we all know who I am
  14. Listen my bramblewood friend I've been gone for quite a long time and to revisit these boards and find some jealous player who's team couldn't even make it to state crying about how it doesn't matter that grace went that far angers me. How can you even say "Look where you are now. Talking on coacht?" Please sir look where you are now...talking on coacht...and we just got on tonite...because we've been at a state tourney in memphis. Sorry we couldn't get on earlier like you because you weren't there. I beg you sir continue to be negative in everything you say and show your immature jealousy. If district and region didn't matter then why do we play them? Obviously they do...that's like saying "well let's skip all this season stuff and just go to state finals and pick two random teams" but I guess if we did that then you might have a slight chance of seeing some playing time eh? -Chad Savage (sign your name don't be a nancy)
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