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  1. I 100% agree with your opinion on the excessive acts. There is no place for that in football or any other sport for that matter. I do not believe #60 returned to the game after that and if Hood is anything like he use to be, the kid will pay for it all next week. I was truly disappointed to see the excessive after whistle act towards the end of the game. All I can do is relay and emphasize to you the wonderfully respected man that coach Hood is and deserves to be recognized as. Text on a screen will inadequately relay my true feelings towards it, but I will say things are never as good or as bad as they may seem in the moment. Things happen, opinions (sometimes unchangeable ones at that) get formed, and blood boils for all involved. I do not expect you to wish to have a sit down dinner with our coach, but I hope you keep that in mind when forming lifelong opinions. It is 1:03 as I'm finishing up this last piece, so its officially time to hit the hay. Enjoyed it and I mean it when I saw good luck in the playoffs this season. Stay healthy and represent district 10-a well! No hard feelings here. TnColt88
  2. A) As a fan of the sport as a whole at all levels, I respectfully disagree with your continued assault on the block of the kicker. B )As stated earlier by someone else, your kicker attempted and almost made a tackle on the runback. For the most part, NFL kickers don't. When they do, Trindon Halliday (Holliday, Halliday?) ends up as Pat Mcafee's hit of the week last October when the Broncos came to Indy. That being said, just because you personally have not seen a tactic employed before does not automatically render it "dirty" or any less of a play than a block on a running play. C) Mainly the one I now see Kemny has deleted regarding my statement attempting to make peace and remove myself from the conversation. Also slightly to do with your insisting to throw in the comment pertaining to my "new screen name". Mainly Kemny twisting words though, again, has been removed. I am obviously not going to change your opinion on the situation, and I am okay with that. I respect it. I however, respectfully request that you do the same for mine; rather than continuously point out how "indefensible" it is without really even providing any rhyme or reason as to why you believe blocking a would be tackler is a "dirty" play. I have already conceded that #60's actions were excessive late. My viewpoint does not pertain to that, as you should already know.
  3. All I am trying to say. He is a grown man, and a community respected one at that. He has bigger fish to fry than trying to hurt a kicker.
  4. In reply to NCSdad as well as Kenmy: A) This is the first time i have ever cared enough to post, so no. It is not a new screen name. (Not that it really matters) b ) As for Kenmy, if that is how you wish to translate it, so be it. However, I must inform you that you are indeed putting incorrect words in my mouth. See, I truly meant what I said in that post as written, as I did in some of my previous posts in attempt to show my non-bitter attitude and preference not to argue. C) If the two of you wish to disregard my attempts to keep this classy and as non hostile as possible, I will gladly remove myself from the conversation. I was under the impression there were reasonable conversations to be had on message boards such as this. However, (and I do not believe I am the first person to point this out) I have no desire to take place in the snarky, back and forth, non game related remarks that the two of you frequently like to make. People don't get along sometimes. I am not blind enough to be unaware of the other run-ins you two could have potentially had with different fans at different times. I would like to not be thrown in with your generalization of no credibility just because I happen to have a differing view (while still somewhat agreeing with you, which either of you have still yet to do to my knowledge) than your clearly biased one.
  5. Agree to disagree brothers. Good luck in the playoffs!
  6. This is all I am trying to point out. A kid can be coached to block the kicker. How he goes about it, which we all agree was excessive late, is on the kid. Again, I do not agree with the extra curriculars towards the end, but I refuse to believe blocking a would be tackler is "dirty" or "bad for the game".
  7. I disagree with your logic pertaining to the situation regarding the kicker being blocked. The excessiveness is where we can meet in the middle. We are in 100% agreeance on that. However, I do not believe, as you clearly do, that simply blocking the kicker is a dirty play. He is one of eleven and has the same opportunity to tackle the ball carrier as anyone else. Probably the last i will say of it. Agree to disagree, but no bitterness coming from me.
  8. You're entitled to your opinion; and I respect it. Again, just trying to put my perspective in that of a frusterated 17 year old boy. Believe what you want, but I refuse to believe grown men with reputations and much more to worry about than football condone and teach that.
  9. Right or wrong, I believe it is more of a case of a frustrated 16/17 year old kid than something the coach deliberately instructed him to do once the game was out of reach. I think it's ridiculous to assume a kid was instructed and cheered for by his coach to act in that manner. Was it pleasant to watch? Absolutely not. Both of these coaches, as well as most high school coaches in general, have much more on the line than resorting to small victories like that. Just my two cents.
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