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Posts posted by CardinalFan00

  1. Last night was better, but there's a ways to go. I don't think that's being disputed. I am encouraged in most areas.


    Regarding the insults being thrown and the redneck references, class means you control yourself in all aspects. You can't insult a town then talk about how classy you are. Football gets mean, the boys get riled up. Seems to me the kids can leave it on the field and the adults can't!

  2. This will be my last comment to you, you have NO idea what your talking about. You are so far from the facts it's sad. You need to keep these boys names out of your mouth or your hints as to who they are, because I've talked to a few parents who are fed up. You're a joke.


    cardfan, you need to get with reality. The twins were encouraged to play at AHS. If they had not been two giants, no one at AHS would have known their name. Which two got ran off? The first was already practicing in the spring with the Bobcats until a 'meeting' with the coaches in Adamsville changed their minds. They needed a travel partner and brought the other Ramer young man with them.


    You can spin it ever how you want to spin it, but those are facts. The young man's dad from Ramer had rooted for the Bobcats since his graduation from AHS even when they were playing the Cardinals.

  3. Dont know what your comment about relatives pertains to...Sweats preferred the program at Adamsville, and you may not know their parents but they don't let people influence their decisions about their kids. Nixons dad went to Aville, and Burdette came from Aville to start with.


    cardfan, let's count them up. Two Sweats, Nixon and Burdette. You take those four off AHS and put them on McNairy's team and it will make a different case. I do not think relatives had anything to do with it. How many brothers go to a different high school than their sister? I guess she is not a relative.


    AdamsvilleDad may have found another Travel Ball team today. The first game of the year could be the "Travel Ball Bowl." We could get Ricky Yates to let him toss the opening game flip to help make some money off the game.

  4. Most school teams are made up of kids from various areas. Doesn't matter what name is on the school! We are an open county, get over it. Adamsville is no more a travel ball team than Central.


    Are you saying MCHS isn't winning because a handful of kids didn't go there? If I was a bobcat I would be offended to know my fans thought that way. You are too busy spreading rumors to support your team. MCHS has plenty of kids with potential, the program has had issues but maybe theyare being fixed. Middle school and high school football are very different. A good middle school player isn't going to be a high school star without the right coaching.


    Work with the ones you've got, bring them along. Forget the few that aren't there.

  5. I'll give you one thing - you got me beat on the history of McNairy Co sports, and the finances of the olden days! But, like it or not, these Selmer and Ramer kids of the last few years that are at Aville did not need any arm twisting as to where they wanted to play.


    Can we at least agree that we're all ready for some football?


    Bobcats live in a Roundhouse, not a glass house. We could not afford windows back in 1969. CardinalFan, you believe in the tooth fairy if you think AHS does not ®. Coach Massey began the deal in 1980 when he convinced Randall Avery to come from Ramer to play at AHS. Randall will tell you today he made a huge mistake.


    Coach Bridges' favorite saying was 'you got to take who gets off the yellow bus.' Coach Browder's connection at Michie helped begin the trail of Blue Devils going to AHS. Do you think AHS would have done as well in the early-80s without Sambo Carroll, Terry Nixon and Jimmy Sides?


    No complaints i

  6. Correct on the bussing. The premise of the post was that as always Mc chose to beat the ol dead horse, regardless of the fact the Michie students can go to either highschool. As we all well know, Mcnairy Co students can choose which highschool they want to attend as long as they can provide transportation if it's not provided.


    Personally, I think the whole recruiting conversation is a load of crap. This county is small enough that students/families can easily make the decision as to which school they want to be a part without any solicitation needed. There are many factors that make up this decision - academics, convenience, legacy, various personal reasons, and yes - sports programs. MCHS may not get many Aville students, I don't know that statistic. But I do know that they have out of county kids due to the quality of the sports program that they are affiliated with, or possibly because of a long standing relationship with a coach from that school.

    What's the old saying, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones?!

  7. If you could see the forest for the trees, you would noticed he mention the R word and MCHS in the sentence as well.


    TCAIntense, you and your brother were much smarter than your cousins when it came to making decisions. Shame on you for mentioning the 'R' word because no one at AHS would ever think of doing that.


    Coach Bridges is one of my all-time favorites. He may not have beaten MC in football as a head coach, but he did help them win as a great defensive coordinator. I must add he never did it with any Selmer players on his team!

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