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Everything posted by wall

  1. if you really are a daddy calm down and show some maturity, it's just a message board
  2. wall


    i thought you unloaded a gun while cleanin it?
  3. even though CA lost several good players, they aren't left with nothin, they still have very skilled players spread around the field
  4. i'll have to hand it to slim shady, i mean the assassin, he did a great job GO LIONS!!
  5. it takes more than one man to win the tournament
  6. 1.columbia 2.coffee county 3.tullahoma 4.shelbyville 5.lawrence co. 6. franklin county 7.lincoln county
  7. it can be argued that columbia's field is one of the best in the state, it's long, wide, and has good turf
  8. i guess no one else from this district thinks that they have a chance of winning it besides tullahoma and columbia
  9. everyone talks abotu farragut mcminn and so on because all those teams can back up what is said about them, yes ibarra was an all state player but was totally ineffective in tournament play, but you still treat him as a god
  10. no, i'm just sick of hearin about ibarra from every person from tullahoma
  11. just stating why "why not" wasn't the question
  12. every team has a backbone, just unlike your team's backbone comlumbia's backbone didn't crack under the pressure
  13. the one big problem with good players from small towns is everyone just thinks that they're a big fish in a small pond, and won't be able to compete once they get against some real competition, which isn't always true but usually it is
  14. tullahoma also has the dreaded ibarra advantage
  15. why is the question because ibarra was uneffective in the tournaments last year, he was totally shut down, first against columbia then against blackman
  16. if it isn't a challenge why didn't you win the district last year?
  17. why does everyone from tullahoma worship ibarra?
  18. farragut has won in the past i don't see why this year will be any different, but good luck to both teams
  19. i don't think that it is possible to go an entire season without being scored on, unless you have one weak schedule which wouldn't suprise me considering it is tullahoma
  20. just want some opinions on who will come out on top.
  21. that's understandable, and i know ibarra is a good player, but i don't think he can be compared to some of the players from from the nashville area much less east tennessee, and getting district myp isn't sayin that much because besides columbia and tullahoma, district 8AAA isn't that strong of a district
  22. what's the excuse for the blackman game?
  23. I'm going to say tullahoma. the guys there have been together for 11 yrs and they are strong as a team. District 8 i can't believe you can compare tullahoma to teams like brentwood, farragut, and mcminn co. i hope your dreams aren't crushed to hard when you wake up and reality hits you in the face
  24. a player is only deadly if he is a factor in the big games, and obviously ibarra wasn't
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