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Posts posted by DutchMantel

  1. 48 minutes ago, FootballGod said:

    did you watch your film?? Clarksville toasted that ZONE coverage all night. They picked on 6 all night. He got 1 interception against station camp...great considered he has had more balls fly over his head than richard simmons. you guys are very small and your linebackers are the worst i have ever seen in springfield. your defense is weak dude BDP hanging 50 on ya

    I’ll give you that, there was some blown coverages in that game. Not as many as you let on,but whatever. Now as for the defense being “soft” I don’t think so bud, but keep thinking that White House will find how soft those guys are Friday night. I’m guessing tho since you are the “FootballGod” you’re going to come down from the heavens and touch the Blue Devils with the hand of Zeus and guarantee victory. Keep dreaming bud, keep dreaming.....

  2. 17 minutes ago, DANR said:

    Fellas, fellas...who gives two craps about last year.  On to this year.

    Tough to tell about WH this year because the teams they have played are not great.

    I think Springfield is pretty good on offense, and can strike quickly.  Defense is still a work on progress, but did improve against Station Camp.  I definitely think the Jackets are more battle tested, and have revenge in mind.  Should be a good game, can't wait til Friday. 

    I agree 100% on all points. I hate referencing the past in sports it’s a mute point, can’t change it or base anything x’s and o’s Off of it. The only thing that the past may affect is experience over coming adversity in competition.

  3. 8 minutes ago, BigBlue97 said:

    now dont make me call Greenville... you keep acting up, ill call yalls papa to remind you how you didn't belong there in the first place.  btw i having a hard time remembering who won the district last year? i know the schedule wasn't tough but we all play the same district games. Who did y'all lose to in the district? You are right though we did pound cupcakes, we played Springfield. 

    I knew this would come up. Greeneville was, in my opinion, the best team in the state last year, probably win it all again if I’m being honest. Yes, White House won the region, no doubt. I bet you tho Porter would trade that region championship and his win over the Springfield, to be in the championship game.:bored:

  4. 1 minute ago, BigBlue97 said:

    i know football. 23 will make a play. 8 will prolly make a play. Springfield will score but as seen last year WH always responds well to adversity. Mental toughness has always been WHs strong-suit. Not saying it wont be close but physically WH will impose there will.    

    I expect nothing but that from White House, they’ve always played that way. To think that it’s going to be more or less a cake walk is foolish. Springfield handles adversity very well too. They have been behind in some games this year and made come backs. I don’t really like referencing the past, but last year down every single game in the playoffs and came back in all of them. My point is White House hasn’t been tested in a game this year, how will they handle getting busted in the mouth right out is the gate?

  5. 21 minutes ago, FootballGod said:

    1-your defensive line is more of a middle school line.

    2- your linebackers are small and soft and always out of position

    3-your corners are always burnt and number 6 gets toasted over and over.

    4-your so called superman is to worried about being mr highlight than playing sound fundamental football. 

    so pretty much your entire defense is junk. i see your name is pound the rock 23...that kid aint never pounded the rock. 8 and 9 are better runners and more physical. If he was all that he would get the ball more...face it i know you guys want him to be some bigtime player but kid is Austin Peay type

    First and foremost I don’t even personally know #23. I have watched the kid play and wish him nothing but the best and hope any all these young men, on both sides of the ball can continue there education or football career, at any institution of higher learning if they so desire. The d-line and linebackers: I wouldn’t say it’s a middle school front by any means, the do a good job of stopping the run and protecting the perimeter. It’s more a average size high school line, much like yours. The corners aren’t getting “toasted” like you put it. It’s called a zone coverage, not man(*football terms).Speaking of #6 I’m pretty sure he had an interception last game so I don’t think he got “toasted”. Yes you are correct #23 doesn’t run the ball, he’s a slot guy #8 and #9 do pound the rock, White House will see this first hand Friday night.:bored:

  6. 17 minutes ago, BigBlue97 said:

    watching y'all play heritage literally made me laugh. I have never seen a less physical front in Springfield. Yeah you have some decent athletes but nothing Wh cant handle. if you know football, you know this a team game and WH is just a better team. There is not one doubt in my mind WH goes into Springfield and physically imposes there will. Tell them boys to bring extra chinstraps because Helmets will be flying off all night.  

    WH 35 

    Springfield-21    Take that to the bank baby.     

    I’ll admit the first half of the Heritage game was a little slow, they made adjustments and finished strong. That’s what matters is how you finish, I don’t care if you win by one or one hundred a wins a win. White House is decent up front, but by no means are they the Pittsburg Steelers of the mid-2000s in the trenches. I’m fairly confident Springfield will scheme and adjust to counter what they do. Props on saying we'll score 21 tho, I’d have figured the arrogance would’ve told you White House would pitch a shut out.:bored:

  7. 24 minutes ago, FootballGod said:

    Who is coming to watch the beatdown on 76 friday night? We will put up 50 on that soft defense. BDP BABY

    Such a White House thing to do, start a thread about how Springfield is soft. Ok,I’m bored so I’ll bite. Tell me, in football terms(x’s and o’s for you cave man speakers), how is Springfield soft? How can White House exploit this, or is it just going to be “we beat down Springfield all night then go home celebrate” kind of answers?:bored:

  8. 13 minutes ago, FootballGod said:

    BDP stand for beat down punks! And thats exactly what we will do AGAIN against the springfield thugs. You guys really think your something...yea you had a good lucky run i give you that but i thought with superman i mean #23 you guys would for sure win state! But greenville knocked the nappiness out of that head. Cmon man yall aint been relevant since the early 90s...since then you been a bunch of underachieving clowns! Friday we will take that as a home game...blue devils once again take that region crown.

    What’s this we stuff, you got a mouse in your pocket? I guess your going to throw the pads on and relive the glory days? What language are you speaking any how? Is that cave man or pig Latin? I can’t really decipher half of the things you speak of. The problem with White House is they’re always confused. They’ve  always longed to be in the Sumner county upper crust of football, but have always had to come on over to Robertson county to get players and play all there home games.

  9. 2 minutes ago, copacanobra said:

    The same teams we played last year before we beat Springfield.  Y’all have a harder schedule sure, but it’s not like you’re playing powerhouse.  Gallatin and station camp aren’t that good dude.  

    I’m not the one bragging about how good we are. We’re going to do this and that, and all. Last year was last year, yes White House beat Springfield plan and simple. You won’t hear any excuses out of me about why. My thing is White House hasn’t played any one that could challenge them, but yet BDP land is all blowed up about how great they are with no method of measurement. :bored:

  10. 27 minutes ago, FootballGod said:

    Here is what I have seen...I have seen shs play several times this year...you didn't show anything other than undersized team in the jamboree. Then in our bye week we watch you at heritage and a good team would have hung 50 easy on those scrubs. ALl year your so called big play maker has done nothing but limp around and cry about cramps! 23 is fast but his head is so big I don't see how his helmet goes on. On film I seen the BIG playmaker at his natural position at safety let a clarkesville receiver catch it on him and he was to soft to make a tackle. Tried to make a big hit and not wrap up and cost his team a score. Again always trying to be a highlight reel. Come Friday that big head will be shrunk....face it jackets you have a weak defensive line and your linebackers are soft as a pillow. we will walk in that pretty new stadium and again knock you off those high horses...you know we own highway 76!!  BDP BABY  

    So riddle me this Sherlock Holmes, who has the mighty blue devil Possey’s played to prove themselves this year?

  11. 45 minutes ago, copacanobra said:

    I’m expecting the defending champs of nothing to come in and lay down again after getting hit in mouth.  I hope the kids get on here and see this disrespect.  BDP is the champion of this region and it’s gonna stay that way until someone knocks them off.  Springfield obviously has the best athletes but that doesn’t always win games.  LETS GO BABY!!!! IM SOOOOO HYPE 


    I guess we’ll see how those signature non-region wins helps LAST years region and 2nd round and done champs, this year.:bored:

  12. 31 minutes ago, brian2000 said:

    I don’t want to hear any excuses of why devils have a cupcake nondistrict schedule and can’t win in 2nd rd at home 

    Easy now, that was last year. We don’t talk about the past on here. They’ve played some big names this year and blew them outta the water, I think there best win was to a 2A school only beat them by 30 something I think.:bored:

  13. The jackets have to protect the perimeter tonight and limit the option play of SC. SC’s qb does a decent job running it and making the pitch, they need to make him pay for it every time he goes to pitch. On offense just keep grinding the way they have the first couple of games and spreading the ball around and the jackets should come out on top. Springfield 35 SC 17

  14. 3 hours ago, TheCommissioner said:



    So what do you guys think of the game?  Wet field probably, how much does that slow down our offense? 

    I feel like Springfield is the better team, but that doesn’t always translate to wins on the field. I felt like last weeks game the team was a little lackadaisical in the first half but put together a solid second half. I don’t think the wet field will hurt the offense to much, the running game is looking better and better every week, and I don’t see it hurting the short to intermediate passing game much. If anything the it might affect the deep ball game, but that’s not a realiable winning strategy any way. I think defensively the jackets are better than SC and last weeks game helped getting the younger players some reps to shore up some depth issues. With all that said I think the Jackets should/need to win to put another solid preformance on the field before the meat of the region starts. Just my $.02.....

  15. 7 minutes ago, JacketLover said:

    Haven’t heard this. The Zone usually broadcasts from the sight of the Friday night MyTV30 game which this week is supposed to be Father Ryan at JPII. 

    No they'll be there, they’ve been advertising it all day on the radio. IDk if that means they’ll be putting the game on tv or what. They’re calling it their week 4 game of the week.

  16. 19 hours ago, bigdawgtn said:

    Its time for some to start living up to their superstar status and do what they need to do to keep theirselves happy. No reason your star athlete should be having cramping issues. If the Jackets play football the way they are capable of this one should get out of hand early.  42-7


    17 hours ago, brian2000 said:

    If the kids aren’t doing their part then it appears that this season doesn’t mean that much to them.  We’ll know their preparation and how much they care in a couple of nights. 

    Agreed. Some of these kids could have a shot to play at the next level. If these guys aren’t doing the prep work, on and off the field, during the week scouts and coaches take notice of that. It’s time to put or shut up and get it done, let’s go Jackets.

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