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Posts posted by Fansrcrazy

  1. 23 minutes ago, Gbnation said:

    What I posted was the truth whether you admit it or not! The ones that were running there mouth came up and apologized after the game was over so if you didn’t do anything then why come and apologize. 

    I guess we will be adult about and agree to disagree! Don’t recall GB gentleman fan that started it apologizing! Moving on, believe what you want if it helps you cope. 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Gbnation said:

    You are completely wrong about this! Your fans were hollering at an older lady and calling out kids names and there was not going to be a fight. The cop took two of your drunk fans out of the game so get your facts before posting anything else. 

    Your AD and the cop came and apologized for the way that your fans acted and the lady that set in front of my wife apologized also. So blame GB fans all you want to but it’s not the truth. 

    If I recall it was a GB parent that got up and started it, and that older lady was not acting like a “lady” she was yelling at whoever she could, again fans forgetting the game is about the players  and not “their ego” if you cannot handle intense games and people saying things then go sit on the visiting team side. Where you belong. Don’t know where  “drunk fan” or them being escorted out of game came from, seeing that they just moved upstairs to get away from the crazy people. Have been a part of UH basketball for over 3 years and this is the first time I have witnessed this, hope to not encounter it again. Luckily our boys did not even know it was going on, because the were doing what they were supposed to be doing, playing ball. As for “rain coats” and “waders”,  grow up no one would do that. Idiots  

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