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  1. A GA state champ wrestled in a tournament here and got first seed because he was a state champ. He got beat twice here and what should have been a finals match was in the semis because of that “state champ”.  The whole point of having to place the top 4 for regions is to bring the best. The fact that we have some regions that have less teams is unfortunate. Hopefully, as wrestling gains more attention those areas will become more competitive but every region has strong kids.  It’s math if you have 8 kids half is those place. If you have 32 there are far more not placing that could have with 8 kids. 

  2. I understand it only effects team points within that region. I would have thought TSSAA would have all regions doing the same thing.  It just surprised me that region 7 was the only region and for state you only place the top 4 to make it. Teams could potentially be rewarded for having more kids in consolations then in the finals. And kids that lose their 4th place spot after wrestling for 3rd would not have in other regions. Fyi- this had no bearing on my wrestler. Just thinking of others and how they would have made it if in a different region. 

  3. Any reason why Region 7 had a true 4th place and no other region had that?  Doesn’t a double elimination tournament mean you can only lose twice. Can’t that unfairly add team points by allowing two kids that have lost twice wrestle again?  Just curious on thoughts and why it isn’t consistent throughout the state. 

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