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Posts posted by JamieOSpry

  1. This confirms my first post that you may have concerns but don’t know really what your talking about. Coach Martin took vacation to help get the field ready from my understanding. What do you do with your vacation days probably not help a team. As I stated before schedule a meeting and state your concerns quit hiding on a message board  . All the parents and players want to win and we do have talent but negative karma in the community drags everybody down. Be the better person and schedule a meeting with the coach and say what needs said or go away. Be the adult in the room and quit the childish high school drama crap. 
    One last thing is own your thoughts criticisms and post. Put a name to it. It’s a shame what attention this brings to our town.

    Much love for our town, players and families. It takes a village.


  2.  I have been on both sides of the sports deal here in town. I have had coaches that wouldn't play my kid because of pressure from others politics involved and I also have had my kid out played and replaced on the spot they were playing  by a better player. But one thing is for sure I did not lie to my kids and tell them that shouldn't happen its Life. They knew the truth whether it was because they just plainly got outplayed or that the spider web and political nature of this town got them this time. Life is hard and Little Johnny and Jenny don't always get a trophy.  We cannot build false hope and entitlement in our young players because all to often when they hit the real world they cannot deal with adversity and turn to other avenues for satifaction. My point is simple be honest with yourself and your children's ability. Most of the time there is not a conspiracy against your child he / she has done something sometime when you were not looking to get the cards they are being dealt. Actions , attitudes , morals and personalities all start at home with Mom and Dad.

    We are molding better adults the sports portion is a by product allowing us to enjoy each other.



  3. I will not hide behind a name so this is Jamie Spry

    To whomever is posting this stuff about our town, team and coaches you are pathetic. I have grew up in this small town and with the ones posting these comments. Yes I have a good idea who you are and it's not Robert bless his heart he couldn't articulate the message that well but I do love him for being Robert.

    My thoughts to you are what are gaining to try and disrupt the community, families and team . If you have nothing else to do than hide behind a message board name then you probably need a hobby or some small church in our area to help you pray for peace in your life. If you do not agree with the coach then schedule a meeting with the coach and discuss your ideas / concerns. Most of the time when this happens both sides learn something they didn't know.

    This town has some great families and great families have great kids and great kids make great adults but sports in this town brings out a whole different character of person for some parents. We all know we have had coaches that were awesome and some folks didn't get their way and they were ran off. We also know we have had coaches that were immoral and thankfully they were removed.

    If you know about baseball volunteer to help. Get out with your kid and ask more kids to get out on Sunday afternoons , Saturday afternoons anytime and put the fun back in the game and at the same time teach them, build them up and not post useless crap on the internet to tear folks and teams down.

    I am the booster club president and understand that every business in this town get's hit up by every team in this town for $$ and the school system does little to nothing in my opinion to support the team sports financially in our area so their is a lot of pressure put on the parents to raise money and if you think they don't expect something for their little Johnny or Jennie for raising money you are dead wrong. Facts are facts most folks are out for themselves.

    If you have a opinion be man / woman enough to add your name to your post so we can agree or disagree with you but also know where you stand. If you choose to hide behind the mask then in my opinion your comments are void and meaningless and have no value other than to disrupt and tear down teams.

    Do I agree with everything going on. No but I will voice my opinion and move forward and try to help the boys enjoy their school years because they do not realize these are their best years. Because being an adult sucks sometimes for having to deal with situations like this.

    Build up the town, teams and families ….. Don't keep tearing them down. 


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