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Everything posted by ETSUHouse

  1. I would drop everything if my college room mate asked me to work with him too. Hendrix and him were room mates and are close
  2. Tre Lamb again is not having that issue recruiting ETSU on name. He has 1 4 star Aj Johnson 3 stars in Jaden Pierce Izay and Mason Ball from EHS. Like I said as the season went on Quarles lost more and more of the locker room so if you want later in the season the players were there to put highlights out instead of caring about the staff they knew after VMI that he was gone. The only reason he was hired was Scot Carter both Noland and Sander hated the idea of Quarles as HC. Kinda wish Jeff Fisher plane landed in Tricities Airport in 21. Another fun fact Noland had to talk Carter out of hiring Quarles after Torbush retired and hire Randy Sanders instead. In 21 Noland said fine you get this one chance at the hire.
  3. Not from what I heard the players hated him. They had some who liked Quarles but guys liked fans post about firing Quarles even in 2022 biggest being Jacob Saylors who is on the Falcons PS. They knew on the first day according to people I know and chat with that it was gonna be a train wreck. That's why Chandler Martin left this past spring for Memphis and he balled out. Quarles did not have the respect of the players and by mid October most cared more about looking good on tape than what Quarles thought cause they knew he was gone
  4. Are just gonna post silly comments or bring facts. My entire post was based on facts. Here is some more Quarles couldn't recruit. 9 early signing day vs 30 this year by Tre Lamb. He struggled in the college game as a OC at Furman they were middle of the pack every year. He leaves both 2022 and 2023 the offense takes off. Furman had a QB that was also a punter at his old school under the Arkansas coach who never punted. He led etsu to some of the worse losses ever. Austin Peay and WCU. Finally name a school if you can that returned 20 starters and had a losing record like etsu did in FCS please cause if you don't follow FCS you are wasting my time
  5. Sanders did 2021 Fall beat Vandy won the Socon beat KSU held NDSU scoreless in the first quarter no other fcs playoff team did that 2021 Spring 17th team in a normal year that's a playoff 2019 played 8 QBs 2018 fcs playoff Won SoCon Quarles in 2022 had 20 returning starters from that 2021 year team and ended 3-8 then didn't improve lost more talent at the end of his tenure he had 34 scholarship players. Tre Lamb signed more guys by 9 am on early signing day than Quarles did all early signing period he was a middle of the road OC as Furman as blossomed offensively since he left. Plus insider knowledge at etsu says he was waiting to retire in 2 years and was in auto pilot
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