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Tommy Williams

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  1. Dean you guys do a great job!!! Great broadcast, great video, awesome sound!
  2. You can get the LIVE play by Play on www.tigerlive.com. TSSAA has a few rules that keep us from doing the video but we will have the audio as always. Friday night you need to bring your ear plugs...cannon's blowing...smoke flowing....and we will cheer the Tigers on to victory. My wifes family is from McEwen and they are a classy bunch. They will have fun in the Jungle. Tune into TigerLive.com with WXRQ's play by play with Trevor Brewer and Duane York. It is always a great broadcast and we are very proud to be apart of it.
  3. Was it just me or did I see a few tire tracks full of those anti- Jungle T shirts thrown down after the game? I was told by a local historian that Mt. Pleasant hasn't heard that much cannon fire since the Bigby Greys had a skirmish on the square with the Yankees in 1867. My street has alot of older folks on it and I was told after the first quarter alot of them strapped on helmets and headed for the basement. You could see the field for the cannon smoke. Good game guys...!
  4. This Friday night TigerLive.com will provide a FREE live video stream with play by play from Mt. Pleasant Tennessee and the much anticipated game between the Mt. Pleasant Tigers and the Columbia Academy Bulldogs startintg at about 6:30 with some pre game chatter from the WXRQ broadcasters with video stream provided by schoolsportsradio.com. exclusively on the www.TigerLive.com site. Please join us from both sides of the field for this title match!!!! Here is the direct link! http://www.tigerlive.com/LIVEBROADCASTVIDEO.htm _________________ Tommy Williams Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee TigerLive.com WalkingHorseChat.com WalkingHorseLive.com
  5. See, I thought the same thing but its an illusion. Caleb runs like a blue streak...your eyes play tricks on you so it looks like he has two or three folks running behind him. Josh Dugger puts that hat on people so hard when you hear those pads poppin on the radio it sounds like a crowd ran into somebody. Josh is the only one from Mississippi and Caleb is MP born and raised. Mt. Pleasant is packed full of Duggers. I also think Caleb's Dad is on the coaching staff.
  6. By the way Duane...guys, I guess I am also going to have to apologise for being partial and unprofessional. This afternoon I pitched some graphics on TigerLive.com that has a tiger pounching a little scarred bulldog with a newspaper in his mouth yelping for help. Sorry to be partial but the cannon smoke rolls for one team. By the way, was it me or did at the Zion Game they run out of powder to fire that thing? You know our headquarters is on Walnut street and the cannon blasts sometimes don't make it past Squirrel and company to my right. I say we will need alot of powder Friday night.
  7. "Live Broadcast on TennesseeSportsNet.Com....Professional, Impartial broadcast in FM Quality!! Hope you give us a click. Thanks!" Duane, I don't think the guy was picking on the broadcast team, I just think he was giving his site a pitch...and I don't blame him. We do web work and I pitch mine on different sites all the time. This guy worked with Dean Johnson for awhile at schoolsportsradio.com, grabbed his idea, and started his own thing. I think Dean tried to pitch him something to do and stole the idea, the format, and went his own way. Some people are just that way. Although it gets little traffic, the web world is just full of so many options, and is a tough racket. It is a shame however that the list of online radio coverage for high schools is so small. You and Trevor know we do it in the horse business for a living and its a constant mad dash to the next best idea. Dean and I did a horse show last night from MTSU's Miller Arena on a pay per view project to twice the number that were sitting in the stands. Last year our daughter who cheers wanted us to try doing a high school game because with our show commitments I was sometimes unable to attend. Dean routed us a dedicated stream, and it just took one game to convince me Mt. Pleasant had a huge following, not only in the stands, but out there somewhere where the broadcast didn't reach. Kim and I both were raised here and she more than I knew MPHS had a dedicated fan following...even outside of parents and other family...but never did we expect to see the traffic it drew. The greedy side of me took over and thats when we put the advertising options on. Believe me...our advertisers love hearing the cannon blast. We have two new ones coming on this week...for the rest of the Football and all of basketball. I don't know about most towns, but Mt. Pleasant is pretty unique. The only comment I might have is the comment about professional/impartial. If you and Trevor were professional and impartial I for one wouldn't want to listen. Any monkey can ride the fence. Your show is a huge draw and thats why we had such a huge interest on streaming MPHS games, and them only. We have been contacted by several schools and just pass them along because... guess what...we like being partial. My Christian love for all those who visit our beloved city wishes you all the best...safety to and from your homes...but when ya'll hit that field, and the cannon goes to blowing, and the jungle drums go to beating...I tend to enjoy a bit of common sense...a little unprofessionalism with Christian limits, and a whole lot of partiality. When Marco Daily runs down that field I don't want to hear how great the guys are doing running behind him...I want to hear...how the whislte blew for a time out so the other coach can send in some fresh humans that can catch their breath. Just my thoughts! Tommy Williams TigerLive.com WalkingHorseChat.com WalkingHorseLive.com Grand Champion Grafix
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