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Everything posted by lillian

  1. Were you hoping CPA would hang 100 on the ol' Jackets 4 or 5 years ago?
  2. The 80th point came on a 47 yard touchdown pass...completely unavoidable. When TC loses, their coaches complain about how many special ed kids they have on the field, but when they get the chance to embarass someone, their kids are impossible to slow down...odd contrast.
  3. A few years ago, everyone thought Ezell Harding was low character because they scored 70 points against a higher-classified Loretto. Public school advocates from across the state thought it the most despicable crime ever committed against their public "yellow bus" brethren, including many of the Trousdale faithful. Now, all of a sudden, it is okay that a school with twenty times the talent of its opponent scores 91? 91 points, and it is unavoidable? That is fiction, and you only have to go back to 2000 to prove it, when CPA could have scored 100 on Trousdale but checked up at 47, even kneeing the ball four straight times at the goalline at the end of the game to show mercy. RBS was helpless, and Trousdale made the decision to humiliate them. No trophy, or lack thereof, will define this yellowjacket team - its actions last Friday clearly show their true character. And all this time we thought their coach was anti-private, when he actually is anti-everybody. At least Scott Smith is off the hook now!
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