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Everything posted by screenandroll

  1. Coachh, why do you rank Unaka above Happy Valley? Sure HV got beat by South Greene but was that enough to drop them below a team they beat soundly? Just asking. That wasn't a favor for Osu was it? Again just asking. Wisemaple, if we are just talking about guarding the ball and help defense then Clawson would be a little better than Banner. If we are including defensive rebounding then that would bring them closer. Clawson has an advantage with quickness, Banner has an advantage with strength. Clawson is a little better at man, Banner might be a little better at zone. Really just depends on what areas we are looking at.
  2. 1a Elizabethton (best team in Carter County) 1b Cloudland (2nd best #1 team, haven't done anything to lose the number one ranking) 3 Unicoi (even with the loss to West Greene) 4 Happy Valley (even with the loss to South Greene, doubt they will move up the rest of the year) 5 Unaka (has a chance to move up at least one spot with their remaining schedule) 6 Hampton (also has a chance to move up a couple of spots with their schedule) 7 Johnson County (no chance of moving up but they have gotten better) Coming down the stretch, some teams are preparing for the tournaments, others are preparing for it to be over.
  3. Cyclonefan, 33viking is right. Happy Valley's guard and perimeter play is their weakness. When the pressure is on they sometimes have a hard time handling it. I really don't think the young players for Happy Valley are ready to step in at this time. Maybe for a minute or two but not ready to do any better for an extended period of time. The perimeter's focus and concentration must be an area addressed by Coach Godsey. Scoring 1 point in the first quarter just shows how ready you are to play. Even Williams missed some shots and free throws she needs to make. After the first quarter both teams played pretty evenly but of course by that time the game was over. Another area that will hurt the Warriors is the loss of Summer Ward (mono). She was a spark off the bench that really helped in the post area. Solution, not sure. Either the players want to play the way they need to play or they don't. Can't make one. Maybe let them come off the bench a few games might help or something to that effect. The Lady Warriors are pretty good when the perimeter players are focused and "in" the game. Williams will be a constant each night. That's why their record is what it is. Some nights they play, some nights they don't. Like I said earlier, thought it might be a long night for the Warriors. South Greene has really improved throughout the year (as I'm sure you know) and Happy Valley hasn't improved as much. Pressure on the ball, nice quickness and good shooting from South Greene was the difference. And like 33 said, Happy Valley wasn't "inspired" and South Greene was.
  4. Now Highlander, you and I have disagreed and agreed before, but trying to cut in front of someone's BBQ, just isn't right. Where I come from "them are fightin' words".
  5. Cyclone, don't think Elizabethton will have much trouble with West Greene. They (West) must have surprised Unicoi, after that win don't think many will be looking beyond their game. The ole coaches saying, "remember they just beat Unicoi" will help keep the players focused. The trouble I see in the county is South Greene coming to Happy Valley. Not sure the Lady Warriors are up to beating them again. Wouldn't be surprised if thats not a Rebel victory tonight. Others intake? And I have tasted those BBQ sandwiches before, if Krich doesn't want to go I'm available.
  6. OB, not another "dead horse". My barn is already full of them. By the way OB, I was just responding to your post (which I agreed wth) on team awards. Forgive me for using that term again. I still haven't seen much response to Unicoi's loss at West Greene. Would like for someone that attended the game give some more details. If you do I would gladly give you an ........better not say it.
  7. OB, I agree if it is a team accomplishment. Everyone shares in making a team. I think we were talking about individual awards, or at least I was. Yes, each Unaka player got a state championship ring, which they truly deserved, but they all didn't make the all state tournament team. And Cyclone is correct, in the school years a lot of individual awards are handed out by other sources, but most teams have an end of year sports banquet in which other individual awards are given to the players that excelled in certain areas. Again I truly feel our young kids must be taught that if they truly want something they must be willing to work for it (not given to them). And I know what Krich is thinking, it's just a trophy. But after a couple of years these same kids expect to the same rewards for the same effort or lack of effort. Parents expect their kid to get the same reward as someone who has worked twice as hard (and rightfully so because it has always been like that before). Let's teach the kids what is right. Let's reward them for doing something extra and yes I mean reward each kid that does the extra things and works the hardest, just not a token reward for all.
  8. Sportie there are a lot of poor coaches out there but just like life (seems to be my slogan of the day) there are poor bosses, teachers, administrators, etc. I bet your son learned a valuable lesson from that experience. And your son will be rewarded for his hard work, maybe not at this exact moment but when he's successful in life. Just goes to show that giving something to someone that doesn't deserve it usually doesn't do any good.
  9. Osu, I've got your back on this one. Everyone does not deserve a trophy at any level. The ones that go above and beyond expectations are the ones that should be recognized for their efforts. If everyone, even the kid that never comes to practice, never tries to get better, doesn't care weither they are there or not gets an award then the ones that work for it doesn't value it as much. Many would think why should I work hard if everyone is going to get something. At the most, if you wanted everyone to get something, then it should just be for participation (and then it should just be for those that really participated). An award is just that, given for something extra. Don't penalize kids for being good or working extra. The best athlete or the most talented are not the ones that always gets the awards, sure they get their share, but aren't the most talented that have worked rewarded the most throughout society? That's just life. Keeping a kid from being disappointed is not the most important thing here, it should be to teaching the kid how to handle disappoint. Has anyone on here not been disappointed at one time or another? Again just life. How we handle those disappointments is of the upmost importance. And we all hear, but these are just little kids, aren't these the development years? Aren't these the years they learn the most? We'll let's teach them about real life. Not fairy tales where everything is equal and fair. If we hide them from real life then when will they learn it? Or will they ever? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to paint a gream pessimistic view. I'm all for rewarding the ones that deserve the rewards and if they work for it then they should get one. Each coach should know who has done what and go by that. The only thing I disagree with Osu is, "I never gave trophies to the superstars". How do you think some of those kids got to be superstars? By hard work and dedication and they should be rewarded for their efforts. Sure some are just better on talent and do not work at it, and they shouldn't be reward just because of the talent. And in my humble opinion, that is what most awards should be based on is effort. How's that for being on a soap box, Osu? Now back to basketball. What's going on at Unicoi? Saw where Johnson County had the lead at the half. UC faithful give us some news. Elizabethton, Happy Valley, Cloudland all took care of business, as they should have.
  10. Osu, I,m going to have to agree with Krich (again), These games do matter, If not then why do they keep records, why not just scrimmage 20 games and start the tournaments. Sure the tournaments are a new season and the teams are back to even, but does that mean we forget about what has happened? Let me ask you this, from what I read you used to be a coach, did you ever win the conference or league? If so, did you make a banner that said conference champions, a tee shirt maybe or something that recognized this accomplishment? Well I've seen many conference championship banners so they at least much mean something. I also believe I would rather be 30 - 0 going into the tournament full of confidence than 0 - 30 without any. (between you and me osu, I do understand what you are saying, just not to the point that you have drawn it to)
  11. King, I'm sure I'm going to regret this but here goes, and just what did happen at the elementary on Saturday? Sorry, folks I had to ask.
  12. I wouldn't think Cloudland would be taking Hampton lightly. But do think they will handle them even if it is at Hampton. Should be a close and interesting game but just don't think Hampton has enough man power to keep Cloudland from scoring. Cloudland would have to have an off night (which is always possible) for them to win. Now on the other hand, they might beat Unaka at home. Unaka will have to play well to beat Hampton. The team that shoots it the best will probably win that game or could look at it as the team that plays the better defense will win. Has probably a lot more to do with the better defense, because poor defense will lead to good shooting. Highlander, do you really, and I mean really think UH can beat Cloudland? I know you are just a nice person and don't want your team to get overconvident but I don't think they have much of a chance of losing to UH. 90% to 10% they will win, maybe even higher. Your getting to sound like Krich, just kidding, wouldn't put that off on anyone.
  13. Darth, what do you mean by "it don't mean nothing in Feb"? Are you saying the tournament games aren't important? Just wondering. I was taking your word on some of the things about Cloudland, is that a mistake? I do watch about 5 or so games a season, as I probably do with each team (haven't done that with Hampton). I do rely on trustworthy information from Krich, Cyclone, Highlander and many of the others. Where do you get yours from about the other teams? Guess you watch all the games. You can't just look at records, each team doesn't play the same schedule, some are loaded with cupcakes and Highlander doesn't like it when I talk about it so I won't. You must look at common opponents and head to head games. Now, wish I made the money dickie v does for giving his opionion. I give mine for free, and come to think about it, you post on here so that must make you a dickie v also. Welcome to the club. Which db team are you talking about? Gray or Kingsport? Keep posting, ole great Sunny. I await for your interstellar relpy. Almost forgot, you got beans and cheese, one lucky dud, I mean dude.
  14. Darth Smith, again you make a pointless point. Sure teams have other players that are needed. The ones you mentioned, Canter for Happy Valley, Oliver for Hampon, Taylor for Unaka (hows that Sportiemom), but without the ones mentioned in the prior post those teams probably wouldn't make it out of the district or region. Now Smith you know Lunsford is the mvp of the team. Yes, Banner is a good player, but who does the team depend on for the big shot? Not sure Banner is the best defensive player on that team either. She has improved in that area a lot, but the best? Not sure. I'm even going to disagree with Osu, I thought all games meant something. If not then why play? Must look at all games to see who stands on top. As far as being a Cyclone alumni, think Cyclonefan might disagree. And final, what kind of cheese do you have? I'm very fond of cheese. Bet they make some good cheese and even make some of their own "whine" up in the mountains.
  15. Sunny, I think the clouds from the dark side have taken over your thoughts. I ranked Cloudland #1 with Elizabethton. Cloudland needs to make a better showing against some quality teams to remain in that position. They can't live on that win alone to remain number 1. Elizabethton has time and time again beaten quality teams (South Greene, Happy Valley, Unicoi), while Cloudland has struggled to beat the teams they should (UH, Unaka, Hampton). Sure Happy Valley is in trouble if Williams goes down. Believe you could say the same thing about Cloudland if Lunsford goes down, same about Elizabethton if Petrowski goes down, same about Hampton if Pitman goes down and same about Unaka if Babb goes down. Each team has a vital player that would really hurt them if they were lost. Think cyclonefan answered the other parts of your rankings. So Darth Smith, I mean Sunny Smith I know there is still some good thoughts in you. You must let them come out. May the wise be with you.
  16. Osu, how can you put Unaka and Happy Valley tied for third? Happy Valley did beat them just a few weeks ago. You gave Cloudland the edge over Elizabethton, and why was this? Maybe because Cloudland beat Elizabethton. Should mean something. Just wondering what you are thinking? 1 Elizabethton 1 Cloudland 3 Happy Valley 4 Unaka 5 Hampton and yes each game gets tougher as the season goes on. Players are having to play through little injuries, physical fatigue and mental fatigue. So even more so now the underdogs have a little better chance of sneaking up on someone.
  17. Krich, been in that ditch before, have crawled out many times. It's kind of like a home away from home. Now another question, do you really think Hampton can beat both of the county teams before the regular season ends. Well, I know they can, anything can happen, but do you think they will? I haven't seen them play since the Thanksgiving tournament. Know they have improved some. Give me some reasons why you "expect" this to happen. and if you want to see me at a game, I'll be the one in the dark glasses and the fake beard trying to hide my celeb status.
  18. 1a Elizabethton 1b Cloudland 3a Unicoi County 3b Happy Valley 5a Unaka 5b Hampton 7 Johnson County Still can't seperate the top two teams. Elizabethton escapes with a win at South Greene and Cloudland continues to win. Cloudland does have a win over Elizabethton, which we all know, so I can't find any reason to seperate the two. Unicoi's loss was a major setback. Happy Valley won despite Williams not carrying the load. Have to rank Unicoi with Happy Valley because they (Unicoi) did beat them (Happy Valley) last week. Also have to rank Unaka with Hampton (or I would be just like Cyclonefan) together giving Hampton credit for their big win on the road against North Greene (which Unaka was not able to do). Johnson County gets my respect award for last week with all the team went through and still came up with a win against Sullivan North. Of course that doesn't get them out of the bottom but it does speak something of their character.
  19. Krich, I will end this thread (to get started on the new one) by telling you this is my only and will be my only ID on coacht. I used to post on here about two years ago and just recently decided to come back. My old ID had expired (I really forgot my password) so I came up with a new one. I enjoy debating different views on here and have also taken my share of "punches". Which in time everyone on here will be misunderstood, misquoted, or just plain disagreed with on their thoughts, views and opinions. Which again, is what this site is for. Like we told the Highlander, once on here and posting, everyone is fair game. So take our comments for what there're worth (not really a lot in the reality of life) and have fun with them, chew them up good, spit them out if you don't like them or wash them down with whatever it takes. I do appreciate everyone's and I mean everyone's (even coachh and osu) intake on different areas and hope they and yourself will keep adding interesting inputs to these threads. Now off to list my week 22's rankings.
  20. Highlander, did you go back and read your post? The major thing you said about the game was how bad the official was. You didn't give us your detailed stats of the game like usual. Sure it might have been a blow out (varsity) and the jv game closer, but you still could have talked a little about the players that did well. You usually do a good job of that and usually tell it like it is even when they don't do well. Saying the ref was bad and missed a lot of calls would have been plenty. You don't have to tell what names you called him just the fact that you called him names was enough. Maybe this was a new official trying to learn how to call a game. Most jv games are officiated by new officials. I'm sure your coach doesn't get on a new player such as a freshmen as much as they would get on a senior. Remember what we said when you first starting posting. You must be able to take a punch when you start giving them, ok. Another thing when you said his calls angered the crowd, you meant the Cloudland side, cause if it just went one way I'm sure the other side felt pretty good about his calling. If both sides were angry then he just didn't do a good job on both ends. Maybe they felt the same way about the other ref that you said did a good job. Again, when writing humor look for some back. Not all was said in seriuos, just a little ribbing. When you state, "Landers won of course" look for someone to take a shot at you. And don't apologize for posting. You have a right to post anything you want. Just be ready to defend your statements. Now for some serious opinions, Krich, don't really think a game like this (Cloudland's) is good for them at this time of year. Maybe early in the season but not in the middle of their conference run. Sure the freshmen get to play a lot, but aren't they playing a lot in the junior varsity games? Having fresh legs in a couple weeks will be really important. Yes, it might have rested some of the starters (even though a day off would have rested them more), but the freshman that are playing on the varsity and junior varsity aren't used to playing 30 games. They played around 20 last year and their season was winding down around this time. It will be interesting to see if they are able to hold out for the remaining part of the season. Just as much mentally as it will be physically. It's also is a chance for a let down with your intensity level. If you are playing at a high intenstiy level, which they've had to play with over the last two games, and now get a game where they don't have to do this, could cause a backslide. I'm not saying this will happen, but it has been known to happen before to other teams. Just my opinion on this. Coach Birchfield is the coach of the team and I'm sure he is doing what he thinks is best. What is your take? Coachh, GLee, Cyclonefan? One last thing, Highlander. I don't always have a knee-jerk reaction to everything about Cloudland. See who I have ranked first or tied for first over the past few weeks. I have stated Cloudland will win the conference and will not be tested until the late rounds of the regionals. Just some knee-jerk reactions to some comments made by some Cloudland faithful. (and that wasn't implied to you) So Highlander keep posting the way you want and if you want to throw a punch at me then that's part of the game. Just don't get mad if I try to duck or even the ole rope-a-dope technque.
  21. Another good night of basketball. Some things were shown again last night: just how close some of these teams are, Elizabethton can win without Crapps having to carry the scoring load, Happy Valley has someone help them besides Williams and Canter, Unaka can beat someone like they are supposed to, Cloudland takes on another non worthy opponent, Hampton continues to improve, (and if the score in the paper was correct) Unicoi takes a major step backwards, and Johnson County shows it has some players with heart. Elizabethton wins a big game, starting to have other players step to the forefront. Happy Valley, if they could get this help every night from these players then they could make a move up in the rankings. Unaka beat a less talented UH team like they were supposed to, not giving UH any hope of stealing a victory, taking care of business early and not letting them back in the game. Cloudland, well they wasted another night (been through all this before about scheduling) will not comment any more. Hampton by beating North Greene shows they are slowly getting some better and will contend with Unaka for second in the conference. Unicoi getting beat by West Greene? What a major let down by the devils. Can't wait to hear what happened. And what a story by Johnson County, beating Sullivan North, a night after the house of the South girl burning completely down (while they were playing Hampton). For her to come back and lead her team to victory, not to mention the other players doing this for her, what a show of heart. And Highlander (you know me, can't pass this up). Why after a 13 point JV win would you get on here and complain about officiating. What if you would have won by 20, 30, or even 50 (like the varsity) would you still be complaining. Just because this person was from Johnson City, and if you didn't know him then how do you know this, doesn't mean he would have it in for the Highlanders. Knowing this JV team, they play very aggressive and the best play the most aggressive. Some officials call a tighter game and the players have to learn how to adjust. They should know how to play hard without fouling (and it is a foul if the official is calling it one). Have some interesting questions for you, 1) where you pressing 2) where you playing man or zone and 3) Is it nice to call people names? Just wondering.
  22. K is always the bad guy (he just doesn't know it). Tried thinking of someway to pin this on Osu or even coachh, but just not smart enough to do so. And by the way, my wounds don't need salt. They hurt enough by themself. Thought you were my friend, G. Peace to you.
  23. Sportiemom, let's slow down a minute here. Let's do remember how all this started. Krich was talking about girls that might go to college and play basketball (not any one girl but any girl in general). He said they would be asked to do many things such as change positions, improve skills and/or lose weight, to paraphrase. I said he shouldn't have mentioned losing weight because that didn't go over well with women. Said as a joke. I even thought you would get on him for saying it also. No one at any time or any place mentioned your daughter. Not krich, not GLee, nor myself. I'm not sure how your daughter got in this conversation to begin with. I have dealt with this before and the statement brought back memories. Just trying to give Krich a hard time. My opinions are just that, my opinions. I just analize what I see at a game or what someone has told me about a game. If someone is a poor ballhandler or a poor shooter or a poor rebounder then that is part of the game. If someone is a good ballhandler or a good shooter or a good rebounder then that is part of the game also. If you want to discuss a game all areas need to be discussed. Not just the good ones, not just the bad ones. And that's what it is a discussion of the game, not individuals. please read my disclaimer (prior post) Osubrutus, don't get on here and talk about baseball. This is a basketball thread. If you knew anything about basketball then you wouldn't be talking about baseball. (just thought I'd use my clause where I said I could still get on you) Have a good day.
  24. Not trying to ruffle any feathers. Just some nonserious curious questions. Still think Krich could take the boy friend and with tag team help from Tim Chambers could double team "Daddy Barry". Krich, believe it or not some things on here are said in just plain fun. May I say once again I would never try to intentionally say something negative about any individual player (reserving the right to talk about coaches though). I respect the hard work, time, dedication they put in to this great sport. Pointing out mistakes made, pointing out weaknesses, giving my unknowledgeable "coaches view" opinion does not mean I am trying to embarasses anyone or make them look bad or even feel bad. If players read this then they must be willing to accept the opinions along with the praise. Quick note to the players: realize that if we all knew as much as we think we know then we wouldn't be on here telling each other we would be somewhere else making millions of dollars telling other what to do. This is my one time disclaimer that goes for all other post I may make. Thank you, Screenandroll (reserve the right to all talk about osubrutus at any time) How's that GLee?
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