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  1. A high school coach is an employee. It is his JOB to coach and teach. That being said, let’s say you go into your place of employment and start dropping the “F” bomb at different people whether they be co-workers, subordinates, customers, (whoever you deal with at work.) Would you be reprimanded for it or would you expect you boss to overlook it because you’re human and are just having a bad day? I’m pretty sure a lot of us would probably get fired on the spot.
  2. This is not the first or the second incident.
  3. I’m amazed. Is there no one out there that thinks a high school coach should have some class and character? A coach that yells explicit profanities at children is okay? What type of example is this behavior setting for these ball players? A high school coach has a position of responsibility, when it comes to the development of these young men (not just on the ball field.) I am about as far from liberal as an individual can be, but I certainly would not stand for an adult yelling the F word over and over again at my child.
  4. West High School baseball coach suspended from team BY BOBBIE YOUNG Tribune Staff Writer Chuck Stansberry, baseball coach at Morristown-Hamblen High School West, was suspended from his coaching duties Tuesday for the remainder of the school year. School officials said he was suspended for a violation of the school system’s code of conduct but would not comment on specifics. Stansberry, a science teacher, will continue teaching at West High. Director of Schools Dr. Dale Lynch said decisions on staffing at individual schools are the responsibility of the principal and West High principal Dr. Jeff Moorhouse suspended Stansberry after consulting with the administration. “It’s unfortunate while Stansberry is an excellent classroom teacher, he made a mistake that was a violation of the code of conduct which necessitated actions being taken in this event,” Moorhouse said. “The code of conduct holds professionals to high standards.” Stansberry has been the West High baseball coach for five years. Moorhouse said his future with the baseball program will be evaluated at the end of the school year. Assistant coach Nick Morgan will take over coaching duties for the rest of the season. Morgan is also a geography teacher.
  5. I actually registered just to reply to this comment. I sometimes do not understand why people speak about things in which they know nothing. So as for your suggestion “the people at East need to light a fire” you might be missing some facts. Sherwood Park does not belong to East High School nor does it belong to the Hamblen County School System. The park belongs to the city of Morristown and is controlled by the Parks and Recreation. The “people at East” have been beating their heads against one wall after another to try and get some progress made on the field. “The people at East” are at the mercy of the Parks and Rec Director, the City Administrator, the City Council, and several different individuals who made commitments to the project and then did not follow through. It is the “people at East’s” hope that our young men will get to play there next year but we have not been assured that even that will happen. The “people at East” are very sorry they might offend you by hosting you at Frank Lorino (although it is not quite as sub-standard as “CRAPPY”), but know this, we are still very proud to be Hurricane Baseball supporters no matter where our home field might be.
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