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Everything posted by sweetwaterman

  1. Both teams are comming off of WINS Tellico beaT P F & Sweetwater won again SQSH or better known as Madinsonville\ Vonore LOL .... The BIG BEARS from Tellico always play tough against Sweetwater , BUT I think Sweetwaters speed will be a little too much for them & Sweetwater still has that Smith running back & that Mason quaterback ( who ) tore Tellico up running the ball last year....
  2. That is almost the CRAZIEST stupid thing I've heard SQSH is lucky Sweetwater pulled there starters in the second quater !!!!!
  3. Got to through in my 2 cents on this one. Sweetwater has a couple of great recivers this year that they didn't have last year & if the line can give Mason ( Just a second or 2 to throw the ball...... It'll be a long night of catch-up for the red team. If the line dont hold then Madinson-VEGAS has a chance.... GO BIG BLUE
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