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Everything posted by hoosierdad

  1. The Ryan tournament most years has been the first weekend in January; however, I see that Ryan is going to the POWERade Wrestling Tournament in PA at the end of December. Is this why they moved their tournament date? Usually they have it the first weekend in January and Brentwood has their tournament the next weekend. This has created a logjam of tournaments in Nashville.
  2. Coach Kramer, great post; however, a couple of issues: Private schools can take students from all areas; however, metro and other public schools have taken students from other areas not zoned for their school due to many issues. Also, tuition at Wilson Central is probably a lot less than it is at a private school. Just saying.... I would also think it helps when a school district is open zoning. It helps in getting kids who would be zoned for one school to go to another because of the open zoning in the area. Also, just a question, is it cheaper for a home school student to participate in a public school athletic program than it does for a private school? I do not know the answer to this question. Can somebody answer this? I applaud you for wrestling Ryan and the other private schools in Nashville. It only makes your program better to wrestle the best competition. The public schools in Nashville wrestling has been going down for years so it is great to see you going outside of it. The split between public and private was not because of getting students from all the areas as you stated. The split became because Brentwood Academy beat Riverdale in football. You have done a great job with Wilson Central and should be proud. I am. Keep up the great job and keep pushing your program to the top.
  3. A few observations: 145 lbs. Caleb Powell (Baylor) beat Wesnofske (Ryan) by a Major 152 lbs. Caleb Canada (Baylor) beat Naughton (Ryan) 160 lbs. Southerland (Baylor) beat Morrice (Ryan) Southerland is not at 170 lbs 170 lbs. Seagraves (Baylor) not at 182 lbs.
  4. This is too funny. Once again, Soms entertaining us all.
  5. Congrat's on a job well done. This is quite an accomplishment.
  6. WG, Your ignorance is getting the best of you. I did not lash out. I asked a simple question, you answered, people asked how you came up with your response and then you changed your story. A few facts for you: 1. You get upset because somebody misspelled your name; however, every time you post, there are incorrect spellings and terrible grammer, not to mention misuse of the English language. Would you like for me to hightlight all of the errors? It would look like my 3rd grade English paper. 2. When did I say you should keep quiet. That would be so untrue. I enjoy reading your babble. It is entertaining similiar to Sommers. 3. You should stick to one answer and not bounce back in forth. It really makes you look uneducated. When somebody ask a question, answer it honestly. Do not change back and forth. Stay with your gut feeling. 4. Not trying to pick a fight. I only pointed out how you changed your tune and your answer. If that is trying to pick a fight, consider me guilty as charged. What does it make you??? Please do not answer. 5. Lastly, I am an adult and try to carry on an adult conversation; however, with you, it is difficult. I will try to lower my expectations and talk to you like I would a 1st grader. Leave little Thadd alone. Agree with everything regardless of how baseless it is. We do not want to upset the young grass hopper!
  7. Before you get on to somebody for misspelling something, re-read your post that is quoted above. I believe next time you will keep quiet. As for your response, you are now changing your tune to DI. That was not the question. The question was the best in the state and you said no, it was Cleveland. Now you are changing your tune to say DI. Again, you are skirting what you got called on. Is Ryan the best or not? If not, who is? I will make it every more simple for you WG. Regardless of division, level, private or public, who has the best team in the state? So far, Father Ryan has done pretty good considering the competition they have competed against. Is it Cleveland, Bradley, Wilson Central, Baylor?
  8. This should be a great match tonight. Good luck to both teams.
  9. You did not say DI in the beginning. My question was "Is Father Ryan the best in the state". You said no. That is when the questions about your response started. It is clear you think Cleveland is the best in the state period.
  10. Impressive. Beat one of the better teams in Kentucky as well as 2 of the better teams in Ohio. Is Father Ryan that good? I read earlier how they beat Wilson Central pretty good. Are they the top team in Tennessee?
  11. What is the Nash metro ctr? I know of the Municipal Auditorium and Bridgestone. What is this other arena?
  12. Congrat's to all 3 young men who took on the challenge of wrestling in this great tournament. It appears they represented the state of Tennessee very well. Hopefully, in the future, more will be able to take advantage of this opportunity. Great job!
  13. You missed his point! Why was the official talking to people in the stands if this indeed occured? Reftn, why would an official do this?
  14. Coach Connell, Thanks for all you have done for High School wrestling and wrestling in general. You have been instrumental in the growth of wrestling in Tennessee. You are an icon of the State. Thanks.
  15. Georgia officiating is terrible. If they know you are not from Tennessee, you are done. I have seen it at the McCalle Tournament and I have seen it at kids tournament and other high school tournaments.. As bad as you think the officiating is at the state tournament, you should see it in Georgia.
  16. You are wrong. The DII did not want the split. If so, do you believe McCallie, Baylor, Father Ryan, MBA would have said no? They would still be in the same regions with many of the D1 regions. This was all because of football. The private schools want to be with everybody. DII did not ask for the split. Be honest! DI schools have a quota they must follow and all that attend public school get financial aid because they do not pay for the full price of education. It goes both ways. Plus, you can move from one district to another so a public school student does not have to attend the school they are zoned for. This is because of football. Nothing else.
  17. I think the best option for a message board is to get ideas and make a proposal to the TSSAA Board. Use the message board as you are doing as a sounding board for options and opinions to get the best possible proposal. Do the research, get the income/cost for another facility and make a proposal to the TSSAA. I wish you the best of luck as the wrestlers deserve better.
  18. reftn, since you know so much about the TSSAA Board, how may people are on the Board and how many are DII?
  19. Congrat's to Father Ryan for winning the Traditional State Tournament. I do not think if Baylor had Tate, it would have made a difference since Baylor was 62 points behind Father Ryan. When Father Ryan wrestled Cleveland this year, the wrestler who wrestled 132 lbs wrestled 120 lbs at the state. Father Ryan also did not have Eckhart at the duals so it could have possibly made a difference. It is all under the dam as you wrestle what you have. Father Ryan won the DII tournament and Cleveland won the DI tournament. Congrat's to both teams on an outstanding season.
  20. The split was done by the DI schools. Sorry. The DII schools would love to be all one tournament. This occured because of football, not wrestling. This has been posted hundreds of times. It will not change until those on the TSSAS Board change.
  21. BB, again, another great article. Not only on the wrestler, but of the family and background. I wish there were more of you in the wrestling community who write because you bring us the stories behind the wrestlers like they do at the Olympics. Thanks again for another great piece.
  22. When you send an e-mail to msutherland16@aol.com, you will look no further. He does an excellent job with his club team in Chattanooga. Coach Sutherland is all about helping wrestling in Chattanooga and he can send you to the appropriate team/school/club.
  23. You have many choices in Chattanooga. The State Tournament is this weekend and that would be a great place to start networking if you are available. There are plenty of opportunities to assist, if not with a high school; certainly with a middle school or club. I wish you the best of luck in your search.
  24. Congratulations on your retirement. I hope this does not mean you will not be coming around. I know your passion and have witnessed for the past 30 years. You are truly one of the great supporters of wrestling and Clarksville would not be where it is without YOU! It is time to enjoy your wife and family; however, you still need to make some appearances at matches. Best of luck!
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