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Coach Holloway

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Coach Holloway's Achievements


Manager (3/14)



  1. I wasn't accussing you of anything. All I was doing was explaining the situation. Also you must understand that I was blasted by a Vonore Alum for having that black stripe. There exact words were "You can't have that black stripe, that is a Madisonville color. Why can't you get a blue stripe if you are not trying to represent madisonville!" For someone who was not from here it was a shock because at the time I had no idead about the two differrent schools still having such issues. Hopefully they can be resolved. I tried to help with that but was still constantly accussed of helping one morre thatn the other. I couldn't even attend the youth league games due to someone saying something about me going to one and not the other. For the kids sake someone needs to please resolve this issue. Sorry i brought it up but a lot of people thought the same thing. Sorry if I offended you in any way. I went back to the original colors on the football uniforms, but as you can see on here that doesnt make people happy either. Good luck on everythig.
  2. You have no choice but to go red on red when red pants are all that coould be purchased. As fot the socks at least they were all he same color. As was pointed out earlier, the kids on the football team wore exactly the same thing right down to the black shoes to keep he unity factor. I totally agree with the unity from the ground up including the communities. Good luck in the future.
  3. I am not sure what sports are using black. I know the new football uniforms are Red, White and Yellow only. I think Basketball and Baseball are the same way. No offense buut could the use of black be a Vonore thing rearing its ugly head. i know that when i purchased a shirt my first year that had a black stripe on it I was blasted by a former Vonore person. The shirts were only made in red and black so I had no chice if I wanted that pattern. I had no idea it was such an issue. Is it because that black was once a Madisonville color, because that is what I was told or is it not. Either way I believe in using the original colors and symbols. That is what i did this past year. Honestly though if you have ever tried to buy any type of warm ups, coaching shirts, etc. it is very difficult without to get them with no black on them. I know that it oes offend some but get over that it is only clothes. IMHO the school colors should have been Blue and Black then maybe everyone would have been happy. Never mind that. I forgot where we were talking about.
  4. SID, I would say call SQHS the Politicians but I know several people waould be offended then. LOL>?
  5. Sequoyah actually has written permission to use the name Sequoyah from the Chief of the tribe, wonder how that would hold up in court. Loudon High School is called the Redskins.
  6. Then he better keep his resume fresh or win a lot.
  7. Well coach if you would read the post from me earlier you would know why I wasn't at the banquet. Like I said if it had been held when it was originally scheduled I would have been there. I really don't have to explain it to you but you seem like an ok guy. I made a promise the day a young lady signed her scholarship that I would be there on the day that she started her first game and I honored that committment. As I said I called and told them I was running late but I would be there shortly, but I just got back to late. I did however see and talk with several of the kids at the local A&W that night and they wanted to know why they didn't receive their letters. I had no answer because that was one if the excuses for moving the banquet. You see coach I do care about these kids. I cared enough to come here even though I would have to give up my retirement years, take my wife from a job she loved and move my kids. You see I didn't make demands for her to have a job and to transfer my tenure like I was told some people did when they had a chance to come here. Does it sound familiar or was I misinformed again.
  8. Thank you. I appreciate all you did for SQHS.
  9. Good post. I know what the story was so you don't have to explain. I told Mike the same thing you did and he was fine with that. I took up for you before he ever called. Believe me he was not happy at first. We really dont' need to continue cutting on each other. This was between me and the Administration that trashed me to a total stranger. Now that you know the rest of the story lets just forget the other stuff you brought up.
  10. I did stand up coach. That is why there is a new coach at SQHS now.
  11. I wasn't at the banquet because I promised one of ny former players if they ever started in college I would be there and I went. I planned on being back but due to some unforseen circumstances did not arrive in time. I called during the banquet and told them I was on my way back but was held up. The kids understood. If the banquet had not been moved from the regular date in December it would not have been a problem. It was supposedly moved because the letters would not have had time to get there. Funny I have had several calls wanting to know why the kids did not receive letters at the banquet. As far as the youth baseball team I was asked by Bob to take and get the team started until hecould get osmeone else because noone else would step up. I told him I had no time but in order for those kids to have the opportunity to play I took it on an interim basis. It was known in advance and I held up to my committment. If you or someone else had of stepped up in the beginning then it would have been different wouldn't it. You are making accusations without facts again. Just like the Meigs county article you had to apologize to the coach about. I do appreciate the fact you think I was done wrong, but this has nothing to do with that. This is a person in an interview telling a person who does not now me total untruths. Or maybe he like you just didn't have all the facts. I appreciate your past support and want you to understand I will not sit by and let people tell lies about. Thank you and good luck. Why does the truth bother you aren't you supposed to report the facts. Well there they are.
  12. I will email you tonight or tomorrow. Don't have an e-mail address here at school. Can you give me an idea where you are from.
  13. Sorry KK it is hard to reamin positive when you find out someone you trusted talked about you like that to a total stranger behind your back and didn't have the facts straight.
  14. Trauma, I appreciate your input and comments. If yo think the interview process was bad you should have gotten the job. You would have been called in every week about something, told you need to change yor offense, defense. Told who should play where, and the list goes on. I know people on here are going to say it is just sour grapes. I kept my mouth shut on these issues in respect for the administration, but if they are going to talk about me in the interview process all gloves are off. I rode my 4-wheeler to the practice field that Mickey Howard and myself built on my time off because it was used for transporting stuff to and from the field due to the fact administration would not pay 120 dollars for a storage container to keep stuff in. I took days that we were out of school that I could have spent with my children and drove a dump truck to get the dirt there for the field. Actually my boys had to ride with me. I, not the school or booster club went out and got donations to pay for the field. The boosters did help but did not build it. As a matter of fact when the roadgrader I had donated to use had a flat tire the administration wold not even pay the 125 dollars to have it fixed. They were absolutely no help on that issue. As a matter of fact they even told me when it was finished we would have to practice on the baseball field to keep from tearing it up for a year due to the sod. The sod company said 4 - 6 weeks. My son is the one who rode during practice due to the fact they had to come with me because the Boys and Girls club would not accept my 11 year old due to the fact he had cerebral palsey. In other counties he has been in after school programs with no problems. Yes the school bought a sled and new uniforms, but wasn't it about time for that. Most people don't know the process I went through to get those things. Pulling a tooth from a tiger would have been easier. I can't believe that all that was said in the interview, oh wait yes I can it was behind my back. As far as discipline, once again the administration played a big part in what could and could not be done. I let a player come out half way through the season because he had to work due to being the only income the family had. When the parent started working again he came and asked me to play. I told him he could practice and play JV only. The next day I was in the office about a senior payer who had quit 3 times previously and told I had to do the same for him. That was bull crap and politics in its truest form. he Sequoyah philosophy should be as long as the parents don't complain everything will be okay. One last thing to ask what would you do if your principal came down at halftime and told you that you needed to listen to Sharp because this game was a big game. During halftime when you are trying to work. This was all in the course of a normal season at SQHS. Do you really think a coach can operate that way? Now I feel better. I probably will not get a good reccomendation from the school but if you don't stand up for right then you will always be wrong. Now you see whay I spent some time in the main building don't you, but I assure you it was not during practice time! The assistant coaching fiasco is another post in itself. Jeff holloway
  15. You are right warchief. This is not what the whole thing was about. I did go to the two volunteer assistants because I thought it might be a good move to have a representative from each youth organization. Maybe it was a good idead maybe not. I will say these guys tried to do everything that was asked of them. Mike Black is an excellent coach and should have been there the whole time. Volunteer assistats aside the big problem is they need to get some quality, knowledgable, hard working assistants in the school to help the head man out. One is just not enough. I have a coouple of ideas as to who you and redchief are and I hope I am wrong, but I would not be surprised. Good luck to Coach Summey if he is the new man. Most importantly good luck to SQHS football players. One thing I do miss about SQHS is those hard working young men. Good Luck and God Bless.
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