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Everything posted by utvols1

  1. All these greeneville fans always blaming officials for losses...i was at the ladies classic for every game and the officiating was quite consistent both ways in every game. Did they miss some calls?...OF COURSE...but did the teams hit 100% of their shots? NO...every official is going to miss some fouls every game just as every player that shoots will miss shots...I think its time for people to stop blaming the officials for wins/losses and concentrate on their teams and what they can do to get better.
  2. I also officiate basketball, and I agree with what the other officials on this board have said 100%. Most of us as officials do not come in to the games with the mindset that we are going to call for one team or the other. We are as un-biased as we can possibly be. We dont get together and talk about who we want to win the game or who we are going to single out or anything like that...and most of us do it for the love of the game and for the kids. I think I speak for most of the guys who ref ball when I say its not at all about the money...For the small amount we do get paid we have to pay for gas, make sacrifices in our personal schedules, and listen to hundreds of critics that are up in the stands ever time we take the floor. I know that when I am out there on the floor I try to block out what everyone in the stands are yelling and focus on the game. As far as talking to coaches goes,...if a coach comes to me in a RESPECTABLE manner and with a RESPECTABLE tone, I will talk to him with RESPECT. I dont like to give technical fouls but sometimes they are necessary when coaches dont go about things the right way. To me, and the guys i officiate with, we work hard and do our best, and understand that coaches are not going to like every call we make.What this whole issue boils down to is RESPECT...If I am treated with respect then I will show respect and work with the coaches, but if a coach is yelling and screaming and telling me how horrible I am...then things will get a little bit uncomfortable for them when they lose there standing priveledges and the other team gets 2 shots and the ball...like i said...if I am shown respect, I will show respect but if a coach isnt respectful...I have some motivation to remind him that he needs to show some...Its all about RESPECT
  3. First I would like to say hello to everyone on the board, i have enjoyed reading through posts on coacht for the past 6 or 8 months, and find it quite amusing. I attended the ladies classic each day and watched every game in the tournament. The fans on here who are complaining about the officials must all be greeneville fans, because while I agree that some calls were missed...the officiating was quite consistent and fair throughout the tournament. I have been a basketball official for several years now, and fans in greene county are the worst for having this mind set, but i have spoken to fans from south greene, greeneville high, and chucky doak and they all think the same way...in their eyes they have never lost a basketball game, when they lose its the officials fault. It doesnt matter if they get beat by 40 points and have 2 fouls called on there team the whole night...its NEVER their fault its always someone elses. I know that there are some fans out there who actually give credit where credit is due...i have spoken with many of them...but I would say that 99.9% of all the outcomes of games played are not affected by the officials...everyone blames us for their teams losing, and thats ok...they can blame whoever they want to...but if you are going to complain about officiating, then what you need to do is go register with the TSSAA and put on the shirt and whistle and go out there and give it a try...you will find out just how difficult it really is. As officials, we dont get together before the game and decide who is going to win. We dont decide who we are going to call picky fouls on, and we dont decide who we are going to let get away with murder out there. Most of us are non-biased people who love the game of basketball and the kids that play and enjoy going out there and calling the games. I know all 3 of the officials who had the Greeneville and Lexington Catholic games, and they are all 3 great referees. As far as you who blame the officials every time your team loses go, you should realize that maybe your team isnt the best team in that game. And yes, I agree...some calls were missed...it is a lot easier to see everything when you are sitting in the stands than it is when you are out there on the floor, but when your team makes 100% of there shots, never makes a turnover, and doesnt foul anyone...and still loses...then you can blame the loss on the officials. We are human and we will miss some calls, but we also do our best out there to not make the same mistake twice. We do our best to officiate in the fairest manner possible. For those who still want to complain...go to your local parks and rec center and ref a few ballgames...i bet you cant even call on the instructional midget level without missing calls and making someone mad...maybe then you will appreciate just how hard officials work!!!
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