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Everything posted by star_gazer

  1. I stand corrected. You did say positive things about #1. I said I thought he was one of the best not the best. He is just a junior with little experience until this year. I hope he continues to improve and grow!
  2. Unless things change, I may have to agree
  3. Do you hate on everyone? Height isn't everything. Energy and drive says alot! If he was on some other team you would have respect for Peanut. He gives his all and has an outstanding presence on the court for a little man. If I am mistaken about him trying to rebound with the trees last night someone let me know. Just give people the respect they deserve of instead of hating on players from everywhere else but oakland. I complimented your school and your outstanding talent. I did not say one negative thing about oakland.
  4. Thanks Oaklandgrad for the honest evaluation of the game! It is about time someone stepped up and looked at the whole game and was honest. Height is a problem for Siegel even though I was amazed at some of the opportunities that Siegel got for a second shot inside. Of course they did'nt fall. The rebounding abilities of Marc Gooch was amazing and Peanut's has got to be one of the best defensive players in the district. Overall, Oakland has the height and the power this year in the district. I think the giant killer that has remained silent that everyone needs to watch out for is Blackman.
  5. The nation isnt allowed to do much anymore. They seem to get in trouble for the smallest thing. No more good cheers, hollering at the refs, no name calling or dry erase board, Nothing! Just not the same.
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