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Everything posted by coachtut

  1. They may be aware The Shadow Knows the real reason they left Straford.
  2. The catfish, could be a wife of a coach, and BluenWhite also could be the same person. WOW UT beats Lsu in OT./;///////////////////////////
  3. I hear Antioch may have to forfiet games, because of playing an ineligble player.
  4. Wilsson Central will defeat Oakland,and so will LaVergne, Smyrna,Lebanon, and Riverdale. NO playoffs, nada, nothing.
  5. sos & ssos, you will be blessed for taking care of the older brethen, althogh sos is not to far behind, hmm the shadow did work at a very young age. Do ya'll think 123 is another Child? Just joined. Aw well keep on keeping. Must be nice to have an open week.
  6. Shadow, you better get sos and ssos to watch your back. The Zchild will be calling you out , maybe in BluenWhite colors. It is sad that refs cheat, and fans do not stand and cheer, but one thing is for sure, you will not need to look for space to put any coaching awards this year.
  7. How many games each team will forfiet is the question. Every 2 or 3 years these teams screw up , and the powers in metro just close the eyes , and say nothing.
  8. SOS, heard your defense looked good against both teams. Good offense, and good defense, going to get the ATTENTION of Rutherford County. Tell me WC is going to scrimmage Marshall Co., so the CHILD can dog you. See you a little later down the road.
  9. I wholeheartly agree the football staff is certainly well ROUNDED.
  10. Is it just me or what, coach 763 and zorroschild have the picture identifying thier username? Could 763 really be the legend ZORRO, and just found his child has an entirely different viewpoint on this thread. If so maybe 763 can help clean up ZC posts?
  11. What about it-SOS, I think the child is calling you out on the SCORE.
  12. How bout BENNY MONROE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. The system has not changed, only the at the top players. No more good old boys, but now it is the good young bros.
  14. DUH, It's METRO, done deal, already picked, interviews a sham and a joke.
  15. The rumor is that Bobby Baskin is leaving Overton to go to McGavock and coach with A. Broome. Buda, I thought you were looking south man, trying to get away from the metro mess and into the mid-state. Good luck!!!!!
  16. SORRY, not in the near future!
  17. The offical choice will be made today, the offical announcement--who knows? Callitt dude, you know what I am saying, chill and have some Captain Morgan. nununu-- Brentwood Academy
  18. CUJO , you are a wise man. McGavock needs someone from out of the metro system, new blood, new ideas, a fresh positive attitude. There are some of these type applying.
  19. The interviews begin Wed. , June 23.
  20. Man, you have to be joking, Hard Worker, duh, why was he absent at least 1 day aweek from practice during the season, and never showed up for spring practice in May.
  21. Broome has been picked as head coach and they have not interviewed. Cancel and let tribue do it again.
  22. Why does Metro continue to have interviews, when everyone knows tribue will name the coach, and no doubt has already told him. The best thing that could happen would be nobody apply and expose this joke of a process.
  23. Tribue only wants a coach to win! been no names here on this thread that can do it, including his.
  24. You have to be kidding, no head coaching experience, very few years at high school level, and McGavock needs someone that has been a head coach. The size of the school should draw many candidates.
  25. Shadow, man you are getting old, you messed this one big time. Maybe you don't think your boy has a chance. We need ANSWERKING to keep us informed about METRO.
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