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Everything posted by DrDave

  1. I agree with KISS principle totally. Stance, starts aiming points everyday I agree. Fundamentals everyday, yep I agree with that also trust me we weren't doing anything fancy, but I was told I couldn't have anykind of organized practice in the off-season where I was present outside of the 10 days aloted for spring practice.
  2. Now you think its too complicated? That is just basic O-line fundamentals. Nothing complicated about any of that, but it takes lots and lots of reps to get it down. You don't get all spring and summer. 10 days in spring. I think your intent is clear, and your welcome
  3. I only had them one year, last year. You are entitled to your opinion and I respect that. I am not pursuing any position. If the "new" coach wants my help we can talk about it. If he dosent I will still support him 100% and he knows that.
  4. I believe they get 15 days to get in 10 practice sessions
  5. Fit to finish drills (staying on blocks) was done everyday, trap blocking drills(yes with correct head placement) once a week, Half man inside leverage was taught in ALL pass pro drills, depending on what type protection you are in, BOB(big on big) full slide or half slide, your inside gap may or may not be your responsibility . Guards and centers were always taught to protect A gaps and control the depth of the pocket. Tackles must control width .Center has to make "Nasty"calls for Blitz reads from inside out. Tackle should alert running backs to outside inverts blitzing with soft or hard calls. etc,etc. This group had not been taught any o line technigue in the past( I am not knocking anyone it is just the way things were set up). We had to start from stance and steps. I know you teach that every day but I mean we had to start from the very basics. I am convinced that O line is the hardest position to learn on the football field. You WILL not learn it in one year. The kids worked hard and I am proud of them. Conditioning was not my responsiblity but I do agree there should have been more of it on a weekly basis.
  6. Sorry K that the thread was closed. Not my intention. I will not apologize for the post. I was attacked personally and simply defened my self and family. Just what O line drills would you do SK ?
  7. It was suggested I look on here and see what was being said. Its not just the "sour grapes" Click it is the lies you spread. YOU made some pretty strong accusations about me in another thread ( I am the good Dr.). All of them LIES.Oh yeah you will pull the trigger allright, the only problem is you only sprinkle in a little truth from time to time to make it sound like you know what you are talking about. You don't need to mention Hink in anymore threads either, the family isn't happy about it and my late father-inlaw would roll over in his grave if he knew he were mentionened on a message board in association with you( you act like you were friends?? all I ever heard him call you was ole loudmouth). I would suggest you stand down on all any future comments about me and or my family. There are things YOU don't need talked about on here.
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