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Everything posted by footballace2003

  1. look karate kid just stay off macon prob... i don't post on smith county stuff unless macon is connected .. so y cant you do the same
  2. i dont agree with hardly anything the coaches do but i am saying the crowd that homecoming brings behind the boys ... Ex> 4th down situations
  3. i think with the crowd behind them it should be a close one
  4. yea most of the coaches where on the down and out teams... so now they do what they know best .. lose ball games...
  5. yea most of the coaches where on the down and out teams... so now they do what they know best .. lose ball games...
  6. the problem is people like you who are satisfied with an ok team ... did you go to the game 2 night >>>> it was embarrassing and don't sit here and say that they had better athletes because they don't. I have seen 4 years of nothing but down hill coaching. People have got to stand up and do something. tonight was the smallest crowd lafayette has ever brought to smith county and it isn't because they don't like football as much. It is because they are embarrassed to see the way the coaches have run the program into the ground. Dyer is still coaching the line and let me tell ya i saw how good he is at coaching them ha ha they have no foot work at all.
  7. I agree with you ... i feel sorry for the boys because they are good athletes but athletes with no and i mean no guidance. It looked like to me that macon had not even watched film on the owls.
  8. anyone want a piece of owl???? Because the tigers going to spread their feathers>>!!!!! Macon14 Sc 6
  9. this is coach brewer aint it ... did you ever really coach anything ??? i know you sat in you lawn chair drinking water from a mug watching the players run. thats all you ever done aint it ??? everyone i have talked to are glad you left ha ha
  10. if actually there was another Man interested but big prock didnt want him and ther reasons he was not picked are bad and shouldn't be said on coach t .. big prock could have been sued over the staments that he made on why this man didnt get it.. the man went and toured the field house and spoke to some of the players .... facts man facts if macon would get a decent coach he wouldnt get run off ... expert
  11. If steno and coach cook and what ever other coaches want to take me up on my offer i will pay up... If yall will get out of lafayette i will pay for the u haul truck. Yall can move some where and really work yalls football muscles.. if everyone on here would call 10 people from lafayette that go to every football game and ask them what they think about the football coaches. i be 80% of them say get some new ones. They are kids "coaching" (if thats what you call it) kids. Cook may go to church every night and i am sure he loves his family, but that in no way makes him a football coach. I wish cook would post on here. /hungry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":hungry:" border="0" alt="hungry.gif" />
  12. i feel more like a robin hood because i dont kiss the @&& of a man who is in no way close to a decent coach .. you can ask the players after the season and find out how they feel about the joke of a coaching staff .. like i did with last years and the year before and the year before that . If the coaching staff would take as much intrest in actually coaching as they do swinging there wistles we might have been able to atleast beat westy.. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />
  13. so the prob is spoiled kids wow ! i would like you to name one
  14. how many turnovers did macon qb have last year ha ha
  15. ha i will donate to the moving fund for all the sorry coaches we have in lafayette ... and steno you act like cook is some kind of football genius .. this just in if you havent watched a game he stinks at coaching .. i know i know i just posting slanderous comments about him and hideing behind the computer .. all i have to say is i for one dont care what you think about my post and really dont care you played and i know there are alot of people that go to the games and see exactly what i see. cook is not the only one to blame that shoulders boy . the dean guy all stink .. coach cook if you get on coach t i want you to read this and tell me what will it take for you to get out ..... there is plenty of people that know more about football that cook. i know for a fact one person who said he would help cook and cook said this man did not know anything about football....cook stick to teaching and give up the coaching job
  16. i bet it is coach Fitz if he is not a coach.. then why is he on the field ??? Does this mean anyone who comes can be on the field ???? Pick one man coach or fan
  17. explain.. please >>> a few coaches did not pass a test they had to take if i do recall...
  18. i am pretty sure they weren't run off..... an i sure you could pay enough it would be alot but yea if enough people pitch in they could get a really really good one here in lafayette.
  19. boy ya cut me deep on that one .. and to be correct i said IF they COULDNT find ANYONE BETTER they should discontinue.. i am glad to see you can use a thesaurus ..WOW some one give this man or woman a cookie ......
  20. i dont think philmr is your real name .... the coaching situation is horrible .. it dont matter how much you like him . do i think he done a decent job last week. yes i do ....but why did we not tried to control the ball and clock in the first 2 games. if he is the best they can get i think they should discontinue football at macon county.. just because he is on the radio does not mean he has to kiss coach cooks #$$. what is your real name big man.
  21. This is probably going to make a bunch of people happy so I am going to eat my words tonight . i want to say to the coaches i thought your game plan was simple but effective.. i liked the ground game and total ball control . i would like to see more of this in the future good job 2night boys maby your train is finally on the right track. coaches congrates in the win and good job.
  22. lets meet over coffee and i will tell you what ever ya want to know because i cant let my real identity get out now can i haha..waffle house in gville maby
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