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Everything posted by jbhsdad53

  1. hey moto take into consideration that jb defense scored 6 at forrest and the second string allowed 1 score for 6 i think the same game
  2. no pun intended pal but tummins was wore out in the third quarter and i watched the game u watched u mite want to back an look at some film to refresh your memory .
  3. thats funny . right there moto if that aint funny on both sides then yall need to get out more .
  4. it is the second rd to the left an there is a sign richards rd
  5. boxman u can go 24 to exit 19 go right thru 4 way stop till u tbone into kinneys rd take a right on to kinneys rd to richards rd .take a left onto richards rd. and follow it to 41 take a right onto 41 and go 600 yards and the school is on the left . no playing round here that is in my opinion the fastest route .
  6. hey tex make it hard on him bring ur spurs not ur ropin spurs either i mean ur get um up and go spurs the ones that r the size of a silver dollar and needle points lol ride that pony
  7. easy c11 easy now lol well be puttin a saddle on u to lol
  8. sorry to disappoint u sb but the ponies will fly only thang is it is gonna be backwards lol
  9. no extra charge for the flying ponies cheer for the defense of jobyrns and they will saddle them up for you and let u ride free
  10. well sb looks like u r going to be able to work today seems a mite slow here guess w/64 pages most folks have ran out of crap to shovel out huh lol.
  11. hey butchie i think all the cascade folks are still walkin in the rain this morning and fraid to get their laptops wet what u think
  12. they need to stop and fill them boys(young men) up before they come to the dungeon might make em sleepy huh.our boys (young men )will be /hungry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":hungry:" border="0" alt="hungry.gif" /> /mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad.gif" /> /bored.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":bored:" border="0" alt="bored.gif" /> by the end of the game lol
  13. ur right logger fields gonna be bit sloppy shouldnt matter though these boys (young men)will be ready to take what ever comes there way /hungry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":hungry:" border="0" alt="hungry.gif" /> please forgive my ignorance with this dang puter kinda new at it and just discoveredhow to find and use these props lol
  14. ur right tex them roads down yalls way r far worse than most of the roads round here.
  15. True butchie aheart felt post and with todays prices I'm impressed that u would offer up the hankies an paper for those guys y not save the money an tell to use there shirt sleeves
  16. region 5 will do every thing they to take care of bussiness in the playoffs. breaking news wku on lock down reports of a fool shooting
  17. fos full of sh-t d/a once again ofthe day.helping u now laugh out loud .....;'"? put them where you want them . im sure i know where i would like to put them rotflmao
  18. i will and thanks for the well wishes but sorry they will be pulling for the red devils on this 1pal.
  19. cant say that i would press my luck either the 1 at home might take ofence to another coming in huh lol.
  20. main drag out of wartrace to thesouth east i think runs along side the tracks towards normandy u cross yell street to get to it. do u remember where the tannery use to be? if so that is buggscuffle .
  21. hey c11jb people has some of your neighbors from buggscuffle highway comin up to watch the game they have a grandson that starts on the famous Dfense for jb
  22. hey butchie this is my opinion this poster formerly mentioned as dingleberry lol incase he needs help w/thatlaugh out loud is almost as bad as kopectate kidd .......... hey dingleberry ill put extra periods there for u man that u wont have to look hard for them put them where u want ......
  23. ok d/a your point has been maid here and i think your welcome will soon be worn out not the wholeworld has time to sit an try to figure out how to piecccce people off like you correct my spelling if u want i care not and if u want to go back in and edit my post with .,?:;[]{}|=+-_*&^%$or what ever the heck else u wont go do it and while u r gone go back to where u came from or give the people here the respect of this game and not the ones you have lost already punk
  24. well da of the day one more time percentage is base on more than one game w/ u or your team and ill bet we havent punted the ball w/ our first string offense more than 8 times so do the math DA 8 games 8 times aint reAL BRITE BUT PERDY SURE THAT IS 10 percent or less
  25. let me hummmm u made adjustments at the half congrats 4 that hats off to the coach we prolly didnt aswell we got other players in the game hummmm maybe u didnt hummmmm trye a stalled drive is 4 and out but if my memory serves me correct that drive started at the other end of tthe field didnt it hummmmmm maybe d/a of the day maybe we was burning the clock hmmmmm game stratagy still it matters not we all have complemented forest program and u still call us weak and y do we need a field goal when we put the ball in the endzone 90 percent of the time
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