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Everything posted by kbrks

  1. Like I said Hater247 you will not get an honest, accurate or intelligent comment on the subject. This statement from ICM is no where near the truth. In fact, the first time I ever heard this was when I read it today. This just keeps getting better and better...
  2. I will give coachrus an A for effort, it is actually one of the more intelligent posts he has done on this topic in quite some time. It had potential, but.... Course the way he threads his words and blends scenarios and past posts together actually takes it out of context and thus is not truthful. Got to love when people try to convince others what I have said without using even one direct quote or post from me. And if history is any indicator, the response will be something to the effect, "you know what you said." Welcome to the world of coachrus. I wish my experience could say he is an isolated example of representation of the community. Sadly, he is an example of an element the wields power and influence and has blurred the lines between faith in Christ, good works and pushing forth an agenda when it serves the purpose that any action or behavior can and will be justified or excused. And now those of you who may have wondered know why things can happen there that seem so contrary to the professed value and belief system of the school. If you really cared about the community and the kids, coachrus, you would stop posting because all you are really doing is revealing elements no one there wants exposed and making sure things only stay within the community clearly seems to fit within your definition of ethical behavior. And once again, you would be hard pressed finding Scriptural support for that approach, but hey, who needs Scripture when we have Teddy Roosevelt, state and coachrus's profession's ethics?
  3. Riddle me this? How can a person post a general story, give no names, no real context, yet call it truth because it is his source and his experience (e.g. dinner with parents, moms in tears), but when someone else does basically the same, and even provides more context and more detail based on his sources and his experience is simply speaking lies, making false statements, spreading rumor and hearsay. Simple answer, it is possible in the world view and life of coachrus. You should stop posting coachrus, you are not doing CPA any favors in demonstrating an element that is part of that community, those who lack tolerance for anyone questioning or having a different view point than yours.
  4. Please, look at the last few posts. Understand how a public forum works (and the key word is public). If you post a view you open yourself up for anyone to post a dissenting view no matter what the topic. This includes whether you think a coach is great or not or what a team's success is based on. Has nothing to do with "can't stand that." I acknowledged good things happen, but there are other related issues especially in the scope of this thread which you do not seem to grasp. In life according to coachrus, there are only 2 kinds of people in this world. It is obvious in your comments about me and others I have seen you attack over the years, you are not in group #1. You have a lot of work you can do on yourself before you are concerned about what group you place others in. Am I surprised you can't live within you own stated value system? Of course not, since you are so willing to live within your system of double standards. Keep hiding behind your screen name, demonstrating your inconsistencies, since we all have choices, right?
  5. You see how they post, not one of them could provide an accurate, honest or intelligent description. Even though they make it what it is all about with me, it really is far in the past, water way under the bridge. I can assure you, as I have said in the past, I have nothing to hide and do not have a problem what is posted about me or my situation as long as it is accurate and honest. When not, I am more than willing to set the record straight. And all that means is areas will be revealed about CPA they would rather not be revealed, yet make me the bad guy for revealing them. Again, facts are stubborn that way.
  6. That is my problem with you coachrus, you post in the same way and spirit you condemn in others. You have no problem attacking me year after year, judging or should I say misjudging my motives and the example(s) you use are general (e.g. "mommas cry...over false things you say,") which totally contradicts what you say others should stay away from. And I am the one who is blind? You seem to forget, their are 2 sides to every story. Amazing, how you choose to look at only one - a mama said it with tears so it must be true. I look at both and I will say once again, emphatically, I have never written anything false on this site. You and some others would be a lot better off looking at your own hearts and hands than worried about mine, since all that leads to is hypocrisy. Not going after the coach who replaced me in the least. I am fundamentally in disagreement with how the program has been developed and resist the ideas that others present, particularly that the success is not based on superior talent predicated on multiple transfers. Doesn't matter where it would happen at the HS level, I would be against it. No different than me being fundamentally opposed at the college level on how UK has decided to operate. Not personal with me, but it certainly appears to be personal with you.
  7. Haha, now isn't that typical, ask for Scriptural support and get Teddy Roosevelt (out of context to boot) from a guy who self-admits he has never been "in the arena" at the coaching level he loves to post about. More comic relief, but always good to start the day with a hearty, belly laugh. BTW, the Scriptures support speaking truth, debating, expressing disagreement and confronting issues that deal with injustice, unfairness, testimony, etc. are worthy causes. Those like you continue to confuse supporting a belief or opinion with the facts and label it as "tearing down." If that makes it easier for you to dismiss the real issues, knock yourself out.
  8. And such is the great aspect of truth, it does not change, facts are stubborn that way.
  9. At least after making other similar, but more firm commitments, he learned to use the word "probably" this time. Course with all the previous attempts, by this time, does it really matter?
  10. There are more than 2 kinds of people, too simplistic of a view to deal with the more complex issues. And I know you forgot at least a 3rd group in your paradigm, the kind that move back and forth between the two, which I have seen you do many a time. The sad part about those in group 3 is how easy it is for them to deceive themselves thinking they are a member of group 1. As far as the actual idea presented, by your response, does that mean you are a proponent if you can point to enough good you don't have to deal with the bad/the not so good? And if you point out the bad you are in group 2? Good luck finding any Scriptural support for that approach. As ususal you can't debate the idea or thought presented, but go straight to making it personal. IMO, better to demonstrate knowledge and being smart about the subject matter than what you are willing to demonstrate about yourself, but to each his own. Welcome back BW.
  11. I've always said there is a lot of good that goes on at CPA, but simply does not negate the need to take care of the other which is the trap many at CPA fall into; keep pointing to the good and we don't have to deal with anything that is not so good. Sorry, shouldn't work that way.
  12. Look who is back, you mean your last post after last season really wasn't your swan song like you said it was going to be, now isn't that a surprise. Lots of coaches have the answers, even those with teams, they simply don't have the talent.
  13. Am I hearing crickets again...chirp, chirp, chirp... No problem, I am used to that response to my questions. Got the same when I asked name another successful coach and program who has multiple transfers show up each year simply to play for the coach with no extra inducements or incentives. Got the same when I said simply list the teams CPA has beaten teams with as much/more talent. CPA is more suspect this year because there is not as much talent. But a player like Blackwell is worth 20-25 wins on his own, especially in Middle TN.
  14. Simple, in high school basketball those who do it without depending on transfers for their success and done in a way that supports the philosophy and value of sport as well as being consistent with the educational institution's values and philosophy. Not talking "talent" in general terms, talking specific talent, enough talent to play NCAA Division I basketball. Over the last 4 years CPA has had anywhere from 3-5 players on the floor with that type of talent, all who transferred in. Most programs would be lucky to have one, the vast majority have none. You name me one coach and program who has that kind of talent (NCAA DI talent) at the high school level and has lost many games.
  15. Exactly, high school basketball with adults in leadership positions calling the shots. But to think that other teams with non-Division I type players simply need to work harder, prepare better, etc., and will beat CPA is totally idealistic and unrealistic. As I continue to say, depending on transfers to be successful is not the way high school basketball was designed. Which is why for me it is not that special or great of an accomplishment. There are many, many coaches when they have all the advantages/superior talent can win lots of games and championships too.
  16. I will disagree with you on that point and pretty much the rest of your post. Sport will always be about values, being consistent with those values, how a program is built and developed, etc. Sport is always bigger than the game itself and the two cannot and should not be separated. The system itself is very simplistic, nothing I have seen over the years would concern me about playing against that system (and there are some systems I can't say that about), in fact there are ways to counteract that system. If you think it is based on coaching and the system as opposed to having superior talent on the floor then you simply do not understand. When people can objectively begin naming the teams CPA has beaten over these last years when they had less talent than their opponent, I will re-consider my position. Doesn't mean the most talented team wins every game, but if it is coaching and the system, it is easy to point to those types of games when you weren't superior at just about every position on the floor and still came out the victor.
  17. rulefollower - I could name families as well, and anyone who denies this does not know the CPA community as well as they think they do. nerd - Confronting issues, speaking truth about what a person does know, has nothing to do with being judgmental and not forgiving. Again, you don't know or understand the Scriptural teachings on the matter. All one has to do is study the life of Jesus and the Apostle Paul to know the difference. Easy cop-out when one wants to label someone or remove themselves from the debate. Because you think I am being judgmental and unforgiving this means that CPA can discount the truths of Scripture related to the appearance that has been created? I think not. You and others consistently use words like hearsay, jealousy, hater, etc. Another cop-out. What you and others do not get or do not want to admit is that this came from the inside, from supporters as much as anywhere. When JL came in as an 8th grader, it was his mom who told someone I knew that it was the coach who encouraged his attendance at CPA. It was a player's mom who was having difficulty financially who was telling others that she was told by the coaches to not worry, not to make any rash decision, they were "working on it." It was a parent of a player who told a good friend of mine it was Coach Maddux that kept telling her it would benefit his son's college chances if he transferred to CPA. And the list goes on. I can name all the names involved in situation I have ever referenced to, but choose not to since there are those still involved. Has nothing to do with hearsay. Does this mean every player who has transferred into CPA over the last 8 years has been done due to a violation of the rules? Not saying that, but it does not deny the other. Who knows, maybe the reputation has expanded enough where it is now happening above board. Though so far, when information does come out it is not in support of following the rules. Is this too simple for you to understand? But until there is repentance, it does not matter, because it is about how the foundation was laid. Another important Scriptural principle. If I was truly spreading rumors, speaking lies, it would be my brothers in Christ out of love who would be in contact with me first and foremost because they would not want me to continue sinning. Wonder why no one can confront me on the issue, hmmm.....It is how people are willing to confront the difficult issues that demonstrates whether they are simply being religious or applying true Christian beliefs. Yea, yea, yea, your last post on the matter, not going to reply to me any longer, going to quit posting on these boards altogether, etc., etc. Heard it all before, guess will see if this time you can honor your word since that says much about a man's character.
  18. Glad to see nerd is back for another season to provide comic relief. Who is this guy? Could be wrong (which I do identify when the possibility exists) but my guess is it is RH, aka sportsnerd, aka CPA4Ever, aka divepix. Maybe this is the reason why he continues to re-surface with different screen names, talk about your Jekyll/Hyde approach. One minute he is an advocate of keeping it about the sport and apologizing for overstepping the line, next minute he is back on the attack and judging (latest example is rulefollower). Flips-Flops back and forth framing his arguments to only serve his purpose, no real consistency. And he does it with such force. No wonder he gets along so well with certain CPA administrators, birds of a feather... News flash, you can't win the debate by using the argument of those who you are trying to debate. Obviously there are those who think Maddux's success is based on having superior talent, not coaching ability. And what do you point to - how many games and championships he has won. If you want to prove your point why not try listing all the teams he has beaten when he has had less talent than his opponent. That is a true coaching axiom and one that is used to measure a coach's ability. I don't think you can do it or at least do it objectively. Fact is CPA wins at the high school level due to superior talent (even last year after losing Lindsay). You ask how many coaches could have done what CPA did last year after losing Lindsay, the answer is many, many since the talent level was still superior to opponents. Fact is the CPA approach, building a high school basketball program that is contrary to the philosophy of high school basketball and allowing the coach to be director of admissions has greatly hurt the testimony of the school. And not only those who you describe as haters and jealous. Why do you think the Bible teaches to abstain from even the appearances of evil/wrongdoing? Simple, because from a Christian perspective, testimony trumps! And you don't get a pass in this area simply because your child had the experience they should have experienced or other good things happen at CPA. Actually, that appears self-serving along the lines as long as my experience and my kid was treated well, nothing else matters, I don't care how others are treated. What does that say when you lack understanding and empathy for any who does not have the same experience as you, they are automatically wrong? I think not. Fact is nerd and those like him before him do nothing to help the testimony of the school. Stop, you are not helping at all in your attempts to defend, you are actually hurting the cause. But until you do, I will continue to enjoy the comic relief you provide.
  19. News on an old player at CPA? http://www.libertyflamesnation.com/category/basketball/ Bonds’ status in jeopardy Braxton Bonds, another incoming freshman, was on campus in Lynchburg for a week in early to mid June. He attended classes and worked out with some of the other Liberty players. According to a source, Bonds left Liberty, and returned home to Tennessee after communicating his dissatisfaction with Liberty. One source states Bonds does not intend to return to LU. There has apparently been no direct communication from Braxton to Liberty since he was last on campus. Classes don’t begin until August 18th, so there’s still plenty of time for Braxton to be on campus this Fall and with the basketball team when practice begins.
  20. Fat chance, new headmaster is former HS principal and fellow Vanderbilt grad and the AD for many reasons...my advice, don't hold your breath. TSSAA rules specifically state there can be no recruiting contact with a student in 7th grade and above. Course when someone says "7th grade AAU tournament," does that mean rising 7th graders or those who have completed their 7th grade year? Regardless, as you note, we all know the spirt of the law and those at CPA would mentally acknowledge based on their religious faith not to follow the letter of the law, but the spirit of the law. Now application is a whole other matter and it is by the actions or fruits we know which is being followed. There is no doubt which agenda is being pushed forth in this setting and it is not testimony/ministry. But throw in some "good works" in another area (maybe the team will mow some elderly people's lawns or raise money for a good cause) and people can pretty much justify anything these days no matter how clear it is to others.
  21. Only very few will actually know the details behind the coaching change and in this situation I am not one of those. I have at least met each of 3 of the principle parties involved, the AD/football coach, the former coach and the current coach and know nothing negative related to any one of them, in fact all has been very positive. When I first heard NCS was looking for a new coach, I thought Coach Anderson decided it was time to give it up, had no idea his contract was not renewed. My first thought after finding out it was not his decision was too bad he did not go out on his own terms, one would think he deserved that, but again I do not know the details behind the change. From today's Tennessean article, made it sound like Coach McPherson was an assistant under Coach Anderson. Now Coach Anderson is out and Coach McPherson is in. That can make one wonder if there were any back room/behind the scenes things going on since it is not always good when an assistant gets promoted when the head coach did not leave on his own. I hope for the sake of all involved that is not the case and would not be surprised in this instance that everything was above board based on those involved, but I have been surprised before. I hope in the case of Charlie Anderson, the proper process was followed because he, like any other coach, deserves that to be the case. That involves criteria being established and evaluation meetings held to demonstrate whether or not the criteria was being met before the final decision was made. Sadly, even at those places professing a Christian approach and philosophy, it does not always happen. I hope in his case it was since there are too many examples where it does not. I have a feeling many a Christian administrator when all is revealed will finally understand the magnitude of decisions that were made without proper process and how much hurt it created within people and their families. The principle is simple, apply the golden rule - treat others how you want to be treated. This is not the same as making "tough decisions for the good of the organization." It has nothing to do with a person not being "man enough" to handle being fired, but simply what is right. I wish Coach Anderson the best.
  22. Your source was wrong, the incident you are making reference to happened in 01-02 or 02-03 during a practice when two young, first year assistants (Coach Couey was one of them) and a young team was not very focused in practice, playing around with each other and yes, I did get on both. After finding out it did bother them, it was addressed and never happened again after hearing their perspective. My last year at CPA was 2005-06 so does't seem feasible my contract not being renewed at that time had anything to do with that incident. (See what I did there, I countered your source with the actual facts, not a personal attack, because like I said, I am not trying to hide anything. As a friend tells me, I don't care what the truth is, I just simply want to know the truth.) I don't remember taking any notes, but if I did I can assure you if I did it was strictly basketball related (e.g. saw a set I liked or an out of bounds play). No connection whatsoever with your assumption which is not possible since it has nothing to do with vengeance. No need to say you are sorry, that is between you and Christ, nothing to do with me, but sounds like you have given yourself a reason not to be Christ-like, wonder if He agrees. I have an obvious connection to the school along with two children who graduated which I have said countless times. And I did not know that anyone had to have a connection to a school to post, this is a public forum and I post on topics that interest me.
  23. Not to take anything from the SS team and win, but Lindsey leaving also helped the SS cause, maybe a thank you note needs to be sent to the family from the SS faithful. Cute phrase, but hardly accurate. Anyone who makes that statement obviously does not read very well since there have been numerous posters who have had a problem with the CPA approach, has no clue of the pulse of the basketball community and has no idea what it means for a Christian school to uphold a testimony related to this area.
  24. Is this your way of not replying to me, but replying to me, even though in the past, (like others) you were done replying to me? This only shows how little you actually do know about basketball and how those like you try to skew the argument in your/their favor. No one is talking one game scenarios and to say CPA was more talented than Grace that year could be debatable. We certainly had enough talent, but we also had some limitations in size and guards who shot it well night in and night out that year. The strength was athleticism for that level and a pressure system that gave other teams problems. Grace had a good team, four guys who could score, a little more size and was well coached. After beating them early in the season by 15 or so, they actually made a nice adjustment against our press that was very effective though we still forced 17 turnovers, but primarily on the half court which did not allow us to get easy baskets in transition. Our best player had an off game and our two best free throw shooters missed a couple down the stretch they had made all year. Is that coaching? Maybe it is, but players still need to make plays when they are in a position to do so. Some might say on a night like that it was coaching that kept a team in the game still with a chance to win. Regardles of perspective, only an idiot would judge anything based on one game scenarios. I can mention a lot of firsts that happened and beating teams that had more talent during those years.
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