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Camper (1/14)



  1. Y are u so confident in vohansanponh upseting nuffio??????? He's a good wrestler and all but i belive in nuffio taking the win!!!!!!!
  2. I heard Greer from Antioch is going down to 125 !!!!!!!!!
  3. Yes the match between Lillard - Rucker will be close BUT I don't think Rucker is going to let his last region match him walkin out 2nd
  4. I STRONGLY believe that Nuffio can take the Gold!!!!! he jus needs to shoot n follow thru each time he takes a shot.........and it being his last year will push him even more for that match and towards placeing in state
  5. I believe they can make it !!!!!!!!!!
  6. This year is a diffrent story .............all of them can't jus wrestle one match and go to state ..... almost all the teams has a 103 ....so n other words they have to fight it out !!!!!!
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