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Everything posted by JackieFargo

  1. - take Clayton,please That's an interesting take on things.....hasn't Clayton been successful at FHS?
  2. Does anyone know who the coach at Franklin is?
  3. I noticed that. That should be a requirement to host a tournament.
  4. So, why is it that the results from the tournaments are not posted anywhere? It seems to me that at the very least, someone representing the AAU would be able to post the results on that web sight. Just curious. Or maybe there's more to it than I realize.
  5. I don't know about the other programs, but I can speak from experience about the Copperheads Youth Wrestling. You may notice some other threads about this program and the current and former wrestlers that came up through the program. It is lead by Chuck Bean and a great group of coaches that, in my opinion, really provide a solid foundation for the youth. My personal experience is with my 6th grade son who is in his 1st year of wrestling. He had never stepped on a mat until October and I can tell you the impact that the Copperhead coaches have had on him is more than I could have ever expected. Check it out as a possibility. www.copperheadwrestling.com for contact information.
  6. Great. I think we met at the Sharpshooter Beginners Tournament. I'll talk to you tonight if you're there.
  7. Congrats to all you Copperheads. Bruindad2, tell me which coach you are and I'll introduce myself tomorrow at practice.
  8. I will. By the way, Grayson won his very first match Saturday night and ended up with a 4th place finish in his group. He did very well and had two guys pinned only to end up getting caught and losing to them in the 3rd round. He has learned so much and gets better every time he wrestles. Thanks again for all that you do.
  9. Bruindad2, Are you one of the coaches now? My son Grayson is a 6th grader and I've not had a chance to meet all of you coaches. He's looking forward to this weekend in Clarksville and I'll make it a point to introduce myself. Thanks for what you do, it's really making a difference for Grayson.
  10. Let me add to the thread by lauding the Copperheads program. Chuck and all of the coaches really have a passion for what they do. And I'm convinced that they are trully doing it for the development of the kids and for wrestling in Middle Tennessee. A perfect example of this dedication occurred this past fall. My son had never wrestled at all and decided to try it at his middle school. It was a good experience for him and he really became enthralled with the sport. Unfortunately, he had very little time to "learn" the sport and was really struggling with what to do in a match. Over Thanksgiving, Chuck was gracious enough to work with him on his own and he spent 3 days of the Thanksgiving break working him while the rest of the middle school team took a break. My son came back after the break not only in better condition, but the improvement was noticeable in all facets of his technique. He was more confident and at least knew some things to do and had some answers. This has been a good winter for him and I'm sure that he will continue to learn and grow as a result of the Copperheads and the coaches that take the time. He is excited about wrestling in Clarksville this weekend. As is evident from my signature, my wrestling knowledge is limited. But I'm learning fast what a wonderful sport it is.
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