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Everything posted by mctb

  1. What went on last night is over it is time to move on. Even though I dissagree with the running last night at 10pm I did not say anything as I did not say anything when coach K pulled all starters out but one....the one that caused most of the problems. I think coach K is doing a pretty good job in putting on the field the players that need to be there. Only a few of these players have ever played anywhere but at their local dixie youth program and it really shows when coach K is trying to put 9 good players on the field at one time.......he does not have it. Most of these kids and their parents know nothing other than the dixie youth mentality they growed up with and that will never get them past this level of baseball and will not let this team be successful ever until the kids get away from whats being taught at Madisonville and Vonore.....that teaching being I am the coach and my kid is the best. You want to be successful....get these kids all the training they can stand during season as well as off season.....there are places out their every where to get training.......the problem is the parents don't want to take the time or spend the money to get the kid the training they need to be successful.....so just stay with that same mentality....only play and practice the game during season.....and come watch a losing season year after year.
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