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  1. OK. Was in a hurry....since you are such a nice guy, you're welcome. Have not seen the shirt, but think it has something to do with BEATing CLEVELAND!
  2. Just thot I would pass along info on a txt I received today..... a police escorted convoy will be leaving the High School at 4:30 on Friday. Decorate your cars and pick up your free Thunderstick at RCHS, 1st come 1st serve. Also I hear they are selling a pretty nifty little tshirt at the High School this week. Made SPECIALLY just for this game. Call the office for information on these. And, by the way, glad I could give you a really great signature to steal, EaglePride1 since you were not intelligent enough to think of one yourself. But you left off the most important part....... The Claw in coming, Cleveland, to take it from you in YOUR OWN HOUSE!!!!!
  3. I beg to differ. We have proven ONCE AGAIN that injuries are not going to determine the outcome of ANY game! We are not a team of one or two "stars" whose health determines whether we win or lose. Whenever one gets hurt, another steps right up and we keep right on truckin. It may make Cleveland feel a little better to concentrate on our injury report, but our boys aren't dwelling on it. They smell a Region Championship and NO ONE, I said NO ONE is stopping us now. THE CLAW IS COMING, CLEVELAND, TO TAKE IT IN YOUR OWN HOUSE!!!!!!!
  4. Not sure about new injuries, but I heard Revis will be able to take part in a few plays this week. Fingers crossed. I sure would like to see him be able to finish out his Senior year. Prayers are with you, Kevin!
  5. I heard the JV kicker (a Junior I think) put several kickoffs into the endzone in games and did not miss any PATs. I am not really suggesting we even let him do long FGs. Davis can probably do long just fine. Not sure. But we DO know we could at least benefit by trying something else for just the regular ole PATs that we are not getting. And let me make clear that IF that kicker cant do it either, it is going to fall right back on the special teams coach ("Daddy Davis" I believe) for running off the other kickers we had that COULD.
  6. HELLOOOOO?! Does it not bother anyone else that Davis cannot be counted on to make a stinkin' PAT?! I mean, THIS IS RIDICULOUS!! Is it too much to ask? Once our boys bust their butts making a great effort getting it down field and pound into the endzone for a great exciting touchdown, THEN we all have to sit on the edge of our seats hold our breath crossing our fingers and PRAY that maybe by some miracle he could manage to get it thru the uprights. That is just completely RIDICULOUS!! Once you make a touchdown, it should just be a given your kicker goes out there and takes care of business. At this level of high school play our little "D-1 prospect" should be able to get that one little extra point in his sleep! What's gonna happen when we get in a one, two or three point game? This "little" problem could be a BIG one. I admit he is a GREAT punter and kickoff kicker......really great.....but if we cannot count on him for the PAT then why on this earth are we still putting him out there time after time? Oh, maybe because all of our other kickers quit because they knew they had absolutely NO chance of taking the field with Davis and "Daddy Davis" on the team?! I hear there is ONE JV kicker that is doing pretty well in his own right. I mean it can not HURT us any to just go ahead and let him TRY to make us a point or two. Not saying to put Davis on the bench completely.....just let someone else try for the PAT. ANYONE else try. For heavens sake, we could put Daggett out there and do better. Hear we have more of a chance with him. Not trying to be mean or anything but if our coaches cant see it or are just TOO AFRAID of making "Daddy Davis" upset, then maybe Davis himself may have to step up - take one for the team - and suggest it himself! Lets do something NOW instead of waiting till we actually lose one because of coaching politics. PLEASE!!! /blink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" />
  7. Not to try to start the whole Coach Cameron thing up again, but guess who coaches one of our middle school boys basketball teams? Has for years. And whose sister is supposedly coming back to help coach the middle school girls basketball team? ALL IN THE FAMILY!
  8. Don't EVEN get me STARTED on our "wonderful" baseball coach!!!! I could go on for hours! We'll save that till Feb.
  9. Not his uncle. Brother-in-law!!!! THAT is absolutely hilarious!!!!!!!! /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" /> You are cracking me UP!!!!!! This has got to be Walt.
  10. THAT is absolutely hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />
  11. If AJ wants the ball.........he needs to catch it when Tallent throws it right in his hands!!!
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