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  1. Yeah, I was there too, and I still say if the crowd we had would've got up off of their behinds and made a little noise we wouldn't have needed the band anyway. Page didn't have a band and we could hear their little crowd all the way across the field. All I hear from my player after a game is how disappointing our crowds are. So, if you're reading this and you are one of those "dead heads" show up next friday and make some noise. We need to show our boys that we have faith in them and support them. They love it when the crowd gets behind them. Go Bobcats! /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />
  2. Ok, I usually just read these messages for entertainment, but...as a football parent and a band parent I have to say something. Those instruments are very expensive and some are not waterproof, I didn't find it disrespectful that the band decided to pack it up. What I found disrespectful throughout the whole season is we seem to have the deadest crowds possible. I know we had more fans than the visiting teams each night we played at home, but listening to the little crowds across the field put ours to shame, now that's disrespecting our football players. Each game those boys are working their butts off to win a game and most of our fans are sitting on their butts doing nothing. When those boys start out on that field we should all be standing and cheering for them. When they start raising their arms at the crowd, that means they want to hear some noise. Maybe this time at DL our crowd will do better. Not saying that you aren't one of the ones hollaring and cheering the team on, but maybe some of those other dead heads will read this. Go Bobcats, show 'em you can do this!
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