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Posts posted by sarahpalin

  1. you are an angry little man, arent you? Seek professional help. This is a high school message board. Grow up and keep your perspective as an adult.

    Wow a shocker, the word little man out of your mouth for the 300th time

    You need help for your lies and for your cowardly actions

    You need to put on some grown up pants how dare you say I need to grow ip when you at first call mykidsdads wife names, you insult powercat with names, sterotype me with your gold chains etc. and not to mention you brag about my house is paid off, my great property. Not to mention I offered to meet and buy you lunch and your called me a gay slur so , yeah right taco look in the mirror whom is the one that needs to grow up. I don't expect anything from your posts then the usual avoid the queston, a lil man remark, ur petty lies and your cowardly actions....

    See you call me out by saying I called you a coward since I'm in Florida and a distance from you but when I said I will call it to your face what do you do? The usual avoid and hide behind your dress....your the little one and I own you until you decide to man up, so go to ur room

  2. Now taco has all of you staying awake at night to post to/about him and threaten him. How mentally weak do you have to be to get so worked up on a high school sports message board. Grow up, sheeople. A few jabs here and there, an "adults" want to make accusations and threaten? Pathetic.


    Go Cougars!

    1. first show and tell me whom threatened you.....

    2. dont flatter yourself was in LAX for red eye flight so i was not staying awake for you

    3. Again you say im weak for calling you a coward from a distance ( florida ) All i said was you are the coward as i would meet you in person - so....

    AND LASTLY you say grow up b/c we get worked up and how mentally weak we are over a message board ? wait it was you first to throw out a slur with your "I can just picture the faux gold chains hanging from your neck, and spaghetti stain on the front of your shirt"

    or calling powercat names and having a dig at mykidsdad's wife - so whom is the pathetic one TACO ?

    again you lose you will continue to lose -and you are the joke of coacht opps i forgot you are also the coward as well of coacht....



    so come back with you petty little girl quotes

  3. In Taco's old town they call a Powercat a PowerPuss. Don't talk about enemies he made unless you are the one and would like to back it solo. You like all the others are all just fart sniffers, talking with your fingers on a keyboard. The only guy on here that can pull his weight is Mykidsdad. If he can pull all that weight around then he must be the man. All you Wilco posters are just like your HS Footballers - WEAK! Punks like you would never never NEVER survive in Rutherford County. I would eat your lunch!


    Thank you for your time.


    firstly yes props to mykidsdad for giving out his name, but powercat and myself have offered to meet and greet taco so I doubt we are talking with my fingers - and if you are over 18 please feel free to buy this ex wilco and ex Notre Dame linebacker a lunch in rutherford Co....and for the record please back up what you preach and son you wouldnt have to buy lunch casue i would steal the money your momma gave you...


    to the game now -


    will CHS hold the Rebs under 45 ......

  4. B

    If indy wins this will it be considered another fluke? just like how they played Blackman to a five point game and held the I-Train and team to 14 points? I just love how Indy gets absolutely no respect, and probably won't even if they do win this game. What do they have to do to gain any respect in the district/county?

    Grasshopper , Indy lost its respect and has to earn it back.....yes they did hold the blaze in check give them credit, the page game well its page but the d does grab credit as it pitched a shutout......

    The big question is can indy score enough to win, I'm still not sold they can but a weak bhs and fhs will help a lot.

    Very early but this is A MUST win for the eagles

  5. typical native born American response. "If I dont like your opinion, I threaten and berate you until acquiese to mine. If that doesnt do it, I'll get my friends to gang up on you."


    I dont want to meet any of you. You come from a lower class of people that I dont associate with. That doesnt make me cowardly, that makes me very aware of a greater station in life and that self awareness keeps me from hanging around people of the wrong type.


    And its funny that you call me a coward and you threaten from Florida, with the safety of distance. Your Chicago mob mentality is laughable. I can just picture the faux gold chains hanging from your neck, and spaghetti stain on the front of your shirt.


    No, I don't want to meet any of "us." Let us not forget that you and your coacht compadres have shown yourselves to be boorish, threatening, and ignorant.

    First wettacoback I will call you a coward in person when I come to visit Sept 15 thru 20

    So you say since I'm in Florida with the safety distance its the only reason I'm calling you a coward.......why don't you take your little dress off and and let me show you I will CALL you a coward in your face.. I am tired of all of your petty lil talk, and that is what it is ...... you hide behind your computer screen, think you are cute with your little ATTEMPT at verbal jabs but when someone calls you out or wANTS TO meet you , you come up with many sissy little girl reasons as to why you can't.wow here we go again, you say I'm a coward for calling you out all the way from Florida, well spicinspan I will call you one face to face. See don't come out and sAY stuff like that when you can't back it up..

    Wait come up with more excuses that you are higher class, you don't meet strangers and whatever else that A true coward shows like yourself......lil sissy afraid to meet in public....ohhhh bring your w2 form as well since you think your in a social tax bracket better then us....Dream on, dream on...... better yet

    Bring your greencard .. MAKE SOME MORE excuses, everyone here knows your a liar, fraud, big coward and most of all scared .......

    I know sharing a computer must be hard for you and the 5 others families you live with, don't be mad at the world cause Mrs taco does what all rhymes with Texaco women do when they hit 25 get fat .....why is that taco.............

    Ps sorry no gold chains or pasta on my shirt only taco sauce seeing I just ate u for dinner.

  6. I bet you do like his posts chsteamplayer: aka: retiredtothebleachers and as we all know TACO!


    Go Rebels. I will tell you right now. Rebels win big next Friday. Hey, Taco it might be best for you not to show up this week it is going to get ugly. :shock:

    TACO has to show up as he is eubanks .

    Question can chs hold fhs to under 40 pts

  7. You were not there,I was there at all those locations. I do not care about you at all,just did not see you. The crowd was good and I am sure you could tell from where you were ,but you were not where you said because I was. As for the secondary play,they are much like you, inexcusable.

    Powecat we are wasting our time, he continues to play his childish games of find me , while we offer to meet him anywhere Anyplace....its simple he is afaid, we will meet you taco where and whenever , but you are the little one that can't man up

  8. Ole Pancho may have got derailed at the truck stop. Look at the bright side, at least the video is still undefeated. :popcorneater:

    Had many pacing the fence for lil man taco. no one even close to what he described ..

    Good ol ball coach taco better worry bout FHS putting up 50 next week instead of posting. Wonder how soon he will drop chs and pick a new team to support.......


    Keep hiding

  9. I have said repeatedly that I am a new fan of CHS. After an abysmal season at Indy last year, I chose another team to follow. CHS seemed to be exciting and an up and comer, so why not root for the underdog?


    I will need you to give me the bio on the players. I havent even seen a roster to really know names yet.

    okay aka TACO i find your above statement very interesting and perhaps you can show me the logic in what you mean by


    " I am a new fan of CHS. After an abysmal season at Indy last year, I chose another team to follow. CHS seemed to be exciting and an up and comer, so why not root for the underdog? "

    you were boasting of CHS and bashing INDY before before Rector was hired - so how can you say a team ( CHS ) that lost its last 5 games by a combined score of 186 - 58 say indy was bad and chs was up and coming -


    Indy went 3 - 2 last five games and yes horrible offense thier 2011 defense should be one of the best in the league this year/


    see you soon

  10. Wow...you don't take rejection well, do you? Must have been turned down too many times as a youngster.

    Sorry, I am married and dont sit down for coffee when a Tom, Dick, or Harry that asks me out.


    Jew name? not even sure what that means. My name has been given. Should have been paying attention.


    Now its time for you to go ask some other guy out for coffee. Sorry, but I dont swing that way.

    jason eubanks you are killing me here -

    Again you try to use petty non-funny jokes to avoid the truth .....

    NOW the real question is your sexuality - something is wrong with you when you say "go ask some other guy out for coffee. Sorry, but I dont swing that way." hmmmmmmm makes me want to talk to your wife, and ask her if you are a switch hitter - they always say that those quick to bash are hiding in the closet..

    Sorry to break your heart but, my offer to give $100.00 To CHS just for the chance to meet you over a coffee was not a date. Nothing more then sitting down with a cup of coffee, talking football - and the offer was for all and anyone to come out. If you feel happy bring Mrs Eubanks and I will bring my wife if that makes you feel more secure - and no worries my wife is too hot to for you or your wife to swing that way....


    YOU HAVE NEVER REPEAT NEVER given your name to anyone on here - and if you have ( which we know you have not ) why would you not give it out again ?

    Instead you say find me , i stand along the fence - yeah you are right i will spend my Friday night trying to find you and then you will tell us well i was not at the game ....... I know where to find you on the sidelines....

    You have become the the joke of the coacht- all talk no show ALL TALK NO SHOW .... YOU COME OUT AND call out people from hiding behind a screen name, then you get challenged as mykidsdad gave you his full name, powercat and myself more then willing to meet in person and what do you do > you avoid the question, you try to make jokes , you say i have given you my name - You are A COWARD -

    hmmmmm maybe even a U of Buffalo player talked about you on coacht........

    man, for someone with no ties to CHS you sure are passionate - sure your wife loves it when you leave her home on a friday night to go watch a football game cough cough -

    well maybe she likes you leave on Friday night - maybe that is when she swings ----

    ouch , makin fun of your wife and still dont wanna say hello to me........


    okay - waiting for your reply and the usual , i said my name, i dont meet men , your petty attempts of verbal jabs, your spin.....

  11. I am not in the habit of sitting down for coffee or meals with blowhards that I do not like. I've lived a long happy life because of that.


    I have said where I will be so its up to "one and all" to come see me if they want to. So you can pay the ticket price and help support the improving football program at Centennial and as a bonus can come see the illusive yet outspoken taco.


    There are no more calls to make. You want to meet me, you meet me on my terms. Simple as that. I'm a grown, old man, and your silly invitations for coffee are a waste of my time and your way of trying to dictate a situation you have no way to control or dictate.


    See everyone at a game...well, knowing the cowardice of so many on here, hiding behind screennames, probably not.


    Coward you are the biggest coward of all , you are the one hiding behind a screen name. You keep saying I have said ny name on here- funny we can't find it nor can we locate it anywhere. You keep saying I don't play silly games, we do you hide behind a screen name? It's you that's a loser sorry coward and that is hiding...say your name please stop lying and telling hd you said your name on here before...2 people offered to meet you on here , one gave you his full name and you, will you keep on spinning the issue , you keep being silly, you keep being a coward and you are dodging the issue....

    I will donate 100 to chs for our visit taco , so......

    Your time is drawing near to whom you really are, time for a Jew screen name......old man whom you say you are but talk like a child, make fun is others like a school girl and for such an old man as you state spread word of pot smoking in indy locker room..........

    Phone call to Brian on Monday go say hello..........great guy I met few years back after indy knocked off RHS for the first time, will make sure he keeps an eye if for the silly old man

  12. I was shooting for the old batman series where all the questions were asked at the end of the episode, but I nearly fell over laughing with the bachelor #2 comment. Good stuff!! :roflol:


    Tune in later at the same coacht time and same coacht channel....

    good stuff 'tween you and old kids dad - what is next is TACO gonna bring a ROSE for powercat?

    well im 47 blonde hair blue eyes 5.11 180 lbs tan good hair wait that is brad pitts details - cmon taco, really were gonna go for a game and look for that description and hope to find you...

    told you and i will buy the coffee, met me when i make my journey up from Destin to franklin - no trying to find me at a game -

    cool springs starbucks - in fact come one come all and lets swap some stories . . . .

    your call next taco ?

  13. Keep hiding, powercat, keep hiding. You've been called out and you didnt stand up to the challenge every time.


    well Taco you called out powercat to stop hiding - she threw a challange to meet you to prove you are not the fired INDY coach - so this is your chance to meet powercat - this is your chance to prove your not the FIRED INDY COACH =

    so the gauntlet was laid out by powercat - I have no doubts AT ALL it is YOU that will be the obe that HIDES -


    In fact 9/17 thru 22 I will be in the area - would love to buy you a coffee -


    so you gonna run or hide from meeting powercat - as you always say "whom is the little one now "

  14. Ummm...no. You envision it and you become it. Period. Thats how it happens and from all that I am hearing, that is exactly what will is happening at CHS. And that is why all the funky talk from FHS folks. They know its happening too. One more year is all they have, and it may not be that long either.


    If you think you will be catching up with eubanks, you better call him and set something up after the game. I'll be in the stands, eubanks will be on the sidelines.

    First, I never invited you I said I hope too see some of you at a game..did I say you or even mention it. Maybe we should, it would be rewarding for me........

    So go play with your dolls taco.............

  15. Ui

    That would take all the fun out of being taco. Im not giving out my password or my identity because its too much fun watching everyone showing how foolish they are. About all anyone should know about me is that I am NOT eubanks, no matter what a disgruntled Coach M supporter says. The indy folks that think I am eubanks are just as clueless.


    The sad think is that i really am just a retired old fart that enjoys high school football. Getting into a fray about the actual games are definitely a lot more fun than wasting time about who I am.


    Apparently "taco" has as many people worried about him as there are other teams are worried about who Centennial Football is becoming.

    You said teams are worried about what chs is becoming....I think that you have to earn that right before any team worries about what chs will be.... worry about beating Fhs first.... becoming comes and goes fast just ask the folks at indy, wait you know that first hand......I will be in area late Sept so hope to catch up with some at a game........remember all fun and games here but let's hope and pray for a healthy,fun and competive season and let's get that gold ball back to Wilco

  16. Couldn't you just post from your phone while standing on the field during a water break? I think the real reason that so many think that you are Eubanks is because of the posts from taco concerning Centennial and Indpendence. It seems you have a very strong opinion of both schools and also quite a bit of information about the two. I guess this could happen by chance, but I believe that is why so many think you are Eubanks. Even Palin said your posts looked awfully eerie when compared to certain emails that had been sent out from Coach Eubanks back during his Independence tenure. You could let taco die and just post under another name. Oh wait....

    hogan nice try -

    f for fail !

    eubanks + taco = fired IHS coach

  17. I do have other things on my mind,but you are so pitiful it is difficult not to respond.. It does not take a rocket scientist to see your bitterness at Indy where you were let go. It is also clear that your posts about Centennial are because of your hope that their unlikely success will prove your value as a defensive coordinator. You should wait and posts after your bragging comes true,but also hope that Rector does not find out about all your crap on here. Trust me,you need to spend all the time you can on football and get off coacht.

    Taco, give it up you Always use petty pet names to enhance your iq.

    At first you were amusing now just a fool whom is making AN Arse out of himself, your like a lil girl, no your the Dork we all beat up on the playground in the 5th grade.

    So shut up eubanks no wonder indy fired you

  18. If you could careless then why would you respond?? :thumb:


    Are you a college scout? Have you ever played the game of football? I think I will trust college coaches more than you. He may not turn out to be a D1 QB, but I will trust the guys who get PAID to recruit and whose job depends on how well they evaluate talent.


    It is fine to support Centennial, but why always tear down Franklin? Is it because Franklin is where Centennial wishes it could be? I think so. Why not support your team and act like they have been there before? Oh wait they haven't. Seems to me you have a complex with Franklin.


    Since you could careless, I would expect for you not to respond, but I know you won't be able to resist.

    GerryBertier -

    I am not picking sides nor am i legal defense for Sir Taco - Personally Taco and I have had some verbal jabs and yes I am tired of El TACO taking over and hijacking other TEAMS topics like this one and the Independence Eagle one with his CHS wisdom/gossip and anything CHS !!

    Now i dont have him coming on here and questioning FHS, or thier QB but TACO stop taking over other teams topics stick to your own ///


    As i said before FHS fans have always talked bout CHS never beating FHS so his comment FHS zero in a 100 is all fun in games

  19. Since when is stating the truth bush? 0-CENTURY. Its a fact just like Centennial is what, 0-15 against FHS? Its a fact. Only one is much more glaring and embarrassing for one of the schools...care to guess which one?


    Heck there are tons of schools CHS has never beaten...and there are tons they have never played. But in over 100 years to have never have won the big one? Seriously? There is really not much to debate about there.


    Thats ok, you stay satisfied with district championships. This year is your last shot at one for quite a while. I am sure Centennial is aiming much higher anyway.


    Franklin lost its athletic base and Grassland cant send you the athletes you need to compete.

    Ouch and so so true .............Sorry FHS you talk alot but you sure cry foul real easy

  20. I was told Haymer is going the juco route, so I assume grades are an issue. Don't know that for a fact, just guessing. My personal opinion (based on watching him play for several years and hearing from other coaches) Haymer could play D-1 even if he is not from FL.

    @ tandem, he didn't even get any sniffs from D1 schools grades or not.like I said many are tainted and don't grasp the whole spectrum

  21. I

    I didn't give the statement....I just answered the question. However given the fact that Gallatin rarely has legit D-1 talent, 2 on one team in one year is really something.


    Tandem or any other Beech poster, I was shocked to see in Murphy Fair's book that Haymer isn't listed as playing college ball. Is that a misprint?

    @ greenwave1 to answer ref haymer and other players from gallatin, hville, MJ or beech not playing college ball is that you are not seeing what is in front of you only,.... no offense to haymer but I used to assist with looking for kids to play d1 ball and I covered Miami to Orlando and haymer looked like a peewee player compared to some of these Fl kids.again no disrespect to the kid as he is talanted but just think how many high schools are out there.

  22. For CHS,FHS,BHS,IHS and RHS it will be a fun season and I dont care how much

    insight you have this is going to be any-ones to win it this year - Of course as per norm BHS and FHS will be the top 2 picks/


    FOR CHS - I think this year they will surprise a few- recotor is that good of coach... If i was a Rebel , i would be looking in the rearview mirror as CHS will have your mumber soon....

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