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Camper (1/14)



  1. Bravo Justin Cash. I had the displeasure today to sit near the Father Ryan fans. I now know why Mr. Cash reacted the way he did at Father Ryan Tournament to the Father Ryan loud mouths. I watched as a team in front of them cheered against one of their wrestlers. How did this prestigious schools parent's react? I heard one say "Hey what place is your team in". Then he called them losers. Then the parents started cheering against that school and said "Turnabout is fair play". So beware Baylor, McCallie and others! Do not cheer against a Father Ryan Wrestler or your children will be called losers by Father Ryan parents. What has happened over there! When did a class program start to have NO CLASS PARENTS? Father Ryan has adults attacking a wrestler after a final and now arguing with children and calling them names!! Their top wrestler is dodging the top competition in the name of the team? Not the Father Ryan I have seen in the past!
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