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  1. I'm not really a soccer fan, nor do I know that much about it...I was however at this game. I told my wife after we had been there for 5 minutes that if the ref's didn't start handing out some yellow cards that "punches were going to be thrown". SO, yes, I place a lot of blame on the officials. Most of you on these boards, and certainly those involved in the T$$AA have played some form of high school athletics. There is lots of testosterone pumping and when these guys felt like they weren't being protected (by the officials) some of them tried to take matters into their own hands. I'm not condoning it, but I certainly understand. Those making this decision have obviously climbed upon a VERY "high-horse". Granted, this is a self-discipline issue on both sides, and I think you have to hold the coaches responsible for that to a certain extent. When a player's temper starts to flair the coach has the responsibility to pull him out of there and get him "cooled off" before things get out of control. The OFFICIALS and the COACHES are the adults on the field. As to the "punishment" handed down by T$$AA...taking away the post-season from ANY group of seniors is incomprehensible to me. Each of these boys who received the red cards have paid their debt...they sat out the games that they were suspended. What about the guys who had nothing to do with this, why we are suddenly pushing them as well? Again, most of you know how important post-season is for you particularly as a senior, I find it to be just cruel. A $1K fine?? That seems ridiculous to me as well. I doubt there is a soccer team in Northeast TN that takes that much in at the gate during any player??™s entire high school career let alone a season.
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