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Everything posted by pride22

  1. So how are the guys doing so far? Any coaches changes or news of note? Excited about the season and hopefully with a new job will get to see a few more games. Go Govs!
  2. For crying out loud it is high school football!!!! Not honor, not death, not going down with the ship, not confederate soldiers choosing death over dishonor, etc.etc.etc. Terribly rediculous post. "HELLO, McFly" it is high school football. One might ask why it took a high school coach to teach your son honor when it should have been installed at a much earlier age. Sorry to be such a jerk but this post grossly under signified the fine men and women that have and continue to fight for our country. To compare a high school coach (no matter how good) and what he does to people that die for our country or their beliefs is nutz. Congrats to coach Stacey
  3. I call them as i see them. Too bad you don't have the sack to do the same. you must be a politician or something as you seemed very worried about politically correctness. Anyway good luck to the Govs and Coach G. Challenge will be great but the rewards even greater.
  4. I was trying to give you some advice on dealing with the TSSAA and getting your son eligible. I believe you have been misinformed because in tennessee the high schools don't release players. College yes but not high school. They do sign off for them to go out of zone which they would have to do to a student that plays football or a student that does no extra curricular activities.
  5. I would check that out again. it is my understanding that it is not the schools job to release a high school player to play elsewhere. They do sign off on kids going out of zone to another school. If he is moving in with his dad and his dad is his legal guardian then there is nothing WB can do to stop him from being eligible. It is treated like someone moving in from out of town. Under TSSAA rules who ever the kids LEGAL guardian is then that is the address that is used to determine his zoning. i do agree that no coach should be singling out any kid to keep him from playing. However Coach Gregory has every right to fight for the kids that are zoned to him. It may just be something as simple as showing his dad as legal guardian. You could always do a hardship to try and get him eligible but again you are at the mercy of the TSSAA board. Word of advice do not believe a word TSSAA says until you have it in writing. Good luck and I do hope he gets to play this year.
  6. You have got to be kidding. Backtracking? I have every right to my opinion. I agree completely that Selfishness is a character trait and was hoping to catch you on it but you didn't bite. If a kid transferred into WB for the sole reason he wasn't playing at his other school then yes I would be worried about his committment to the team concept and feel he was selfish. But there is a bigger problem at hand. In high school sports kids are not supposed to be able to tranfer in and out of systems for athletics.
  7. I don't think you can compare a high school player to coaches. Coaches are getting paid and have families to look out for so obviously they have more to consider than themselves. I do believe that if a coach leaves late in the year which hurts the schools chances of getting another coach then it shows poor character for putting the school and more importantly those players that he supposedly cared about in what could be a no win situation the following year. You seem to have a problem with the character word so maybe I should have used the word selfish. Would that be better?
  8. I meant committed to the program and no matter what happens they don't leave or quit. I wasn't referring to recruiting.
  9. So he was doing best for himself and not the team. he was committed to himself and not the team. To me in my opinion that is giving up on your team and teammates. i don't care if you are a star or bench warmer. You still are part of a team
  10. Just curious. If this player was good then how could it be best for your team to have lost a talented player? In other words how did it help you school build a program by losing a talented athlete?
  11. I hope Dalton does well. Why do you not think he could achieve those same goals at WB? Was it the new system? Coaching change? Will he be eligible or have to set out a year? Again I wish him and all kids the best but I also hope that you can see my point as well. I support the program not one player. I don't know these kids personally but I pray for them daily and hope all goes well.
  12. You get on here with your exagerated 2 year old stories and talking about temper tantrums etc. etc. Often times not making any sense. Anomyously I might add. Well lets take a look at the situation. You have a young man transferring to a rival school and giving up on his WB teammates. Now the question is why is he transferring? to better his chances? The obvious answer would be yes. So I ask you is that lack of committment to the WB program? In my opinion I believe it is. I cannot knock the kid for trying to better his situation but it is still lack of committment. Now another question arises. If a kid transfers to another school to better his situation and for all intensive purposes turning his back on his former teammates is that a display of strong character? I would say no. Therefore I wished him the best and portrayed my hope that WB will eventually weed out the uncommitted and build a strong program. To build a strong program the players have to be committed to the TEAM and not what is better for them. I would bet that Maryville has players that are committed to the team and that is why they are so good. So I ask you Mr. Solomon have you ever been on a football team before? And if you have what if one of your teammates transferred to a rival school when the going got a little tough?
  13. Wish him luck but says a lot of his character to bail on his teamates. This type of lack of committment is what WB is hopefully going to be getting rid of. How is summer workouts going and any news on how the new coach is doing.
  14. Good luck to Coach G. Time to get to work and hopefully have a successful season. I was really hoping we would stay with the spread but I believe every coach deserves the opportunity to put in his system. Will not be as fun to watch though.
  15. Do you have a mancrush or something? Why else would you want him to call you? See how dumb you sound. For the record I don't know Jason personally but the word Pride is ofton used without referring to a person. 22 used to be my numbers as well many moons ago. I am sorry you thought you had something figured out and it didn't go as you thought must be confusing for a simpleton
  16. Looks to me that a lot of people on this board claiming to be close to the Committee members are just full of hot air and know nothing more than me or anyone else on the new coach or when he will be hired. Give them time and I am sure they will make a good decision. I do think that if Gregory was their first choice they would have announced the hire by now. Must be someone on the outside.
  17. I completely agree and never intended to hurt anyones feelings. You are exactly right and I apologize to anyone that I may have offended
  18. Is it six teachers, parents? I guess you are not willing to share names and will respect that. Have they called all that they plan to interview?
  19. When have I ever said anything bad about Coach G? I haven't. I do not know the man. I was only asking the good Dr. to please drop it so we could discuss the coaching search. Never ever did I say anything about Coach G. I didn't say anything bad about Doc until he got his attitude about my suggestion. I do not know him neither and have nothing bad to say about him. When he talks about Coach G's football style scheme etc he really helps the discussion. But to continue to pick at someone who got on here and shot off his/her mouth and to keep bringing it up is counter productive. I have no clue who Reb girl is and could care less. I do care about the future of the program and the next coach though.
  20. I wasn't trying to be offensive in any way. i was just stating my opinion that I think the next coach has already been chosen. Lowkee I have never said anything bad about Coach G as I don't know him. I just thought that DrDave should just let it go so we could continue discussing the possible next coach. Does anyone know who is on the committee?
  21. I am really not sure about the details of Sweetwater. The only reason I knew about the other is I have a friend who coaches here in the Blount County area and he called little over a week ago and asked if it was still open and the AD told him they had filled he position.
  22. I don't think the position is really open. I think they have already made their decision and posted it to please the parents. I believe the new coach will be Gregory. Don't know him personally but wish him the best of luck. I do think they should have interviewed some other guys like Nick, Rathbone, Emert, etc. Emert may have gotten a courtesy interview not for sure on that though. Guess time will tell.
  23. I have a buddy that tried to apply for the job late but they told him they have already filled the position. This was about a week ago.
  24. DrDave, I agree you have a right to defend your "friend." That was not my original point. You kept bringing it back up time and time again when the true WB fans are more interested in what is going on in the coaching search and not someone playing "mall cop" to a friend. You have stated you are not from WB so leave our boards alone unless you are putting helpful info in like the potential offense that Gregory likes. Apparently others agree since they started a new board and asked it be only about WB's search. I thought I read on another topic that your son is going to UTC etc. If that was not you then I apologize for my mistake. As for LOWKEE please don't read anymore as you can not afford to have any "IQ points disappear." I once was told that some people shouldn't try to make fun others for fear of looking like an idiot. You proved the person that told me that to be correct.
  25. Sounds like more than a friend. Your arrogance is unreal. Maybe you should be more focused on fixing teeth than spending time on a message board. Just because he is your "friend" doesn't mean everyone thinks highly of him. Take you for example I am sure you have friend but I see you as a pompous jerk. I am sure your son is real proud of his supposedly "mature" dad getting on a message board that most of his friends probably read and calling out some woman "probably a kid" How bout thinking about someone else for a change.
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