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Everything posted by OleMissRT

  1. I can't believe I had to get a call from a friend to tell me that people on CoachT were dishing my family and my brother. I won't hide behind my screenname like some of you will. I am Jordan's middle brother Justin. I seriously hope people will drop this nonsense and get on with their lives because you seriously have issues if all you have to do is talk about a 14 y/o child who ISNT in highschool and compare their abilities with others and bicker back and forth about it. For someone to get on here and talk about my brother and my Father, I find that very disrespectful. If you have a problem with them then address it to them instead of a message board. I know for a fact my Father would never disrespect another person or child especially on CoachT or in general because he is not that type of person. In fact, my father is a Great man. He has raised us in a very loving Christian family. Some people might not see him that way or may see him as pushing Jordan hard and everything be all about Jordan Hall, but that is the way he is. I did not know it was a crime a father wanted his children to grow up to be respectable Gentlemen and succeed in life. I am proud that he has helped mold me into the person I am today. If that makes my father a bad man to be talked about because he wants the best for his children, then at least we know he loves us. Anyone who knows my dad knows this. He is always willing to help out another child. I know for a fact he has went out to North and helped both boy's and girl's for open gym to help them work on their free throws, etc. He doesn't do this stuff to make himself look good. He does it because he loves the game and he would help anyone out in general any way he could. Anyone who has seen my brother Jordan play ball knows this. There is no I in Jordan and the game is not all about Jordan Hall. He is always looking to be a team player and make his teammates better around him. This past season playing at North he sat out most of the 2nd half due to North winning by 20 or more. Anyone who has grown up watching Jordan or myself play ball knows my parents do not kiss up to coaches. They never did when my older brother and myself played and I don't expect them to start now. We have been raised to work hard for everything you get in life. Anything I or Jordan have accomplished we have done on our own. In fact, my parents keep mostly to themselves at games because they don't feel the need to be caught up in apparent drama like this. As far as Jordan and highschool goes. If he plays, he plays. If he doesn't, well guess what he doesn't. I know my parents don't dwell on how many points he scores a game or if he starts. It would be no different if Shane Wells, who is our Uncle was still at Lenoir City. Shane was an asisstant coach for Tony Williams my Senior year and it didn't help my playing time, etc. Jordan earns what he gets hands down and I know he is not out here bashing your children or telling them he the best player coming in as a Freshmen. It's sad to see people would act like this toward a young man who excels in life not just sports. You people should be happy your children are healthy and able to play a sport still and I hope each and every one of them succeed in life and make their dreams come true. I played Basketball and Football at Lenoir City before graduating in 2005. I was on the verge of going somewhere to play Football my Senior year. People who know me know I was diagnosed with Chron's disease my Junior year and watched me fight this disease that year as well as my Senior year. It limited my ability to play ball and I was told not to play by my physician, but you know what I still did because I cared about my school and my teams and had the support from family,friends,teammates and fans. I said this to show that your life can seem perfect and it can all be taken away just like that. I thought sports were going to be my life esp. in college, but that does not happen for everyone and it's hard to get Athletic scholarships. I have been able to live out my dreams to help others and I am thankful Christ has blessed me recently becoming a college graduate with the support of my family. My advice to everyone is this. Celebrate your new coach and get back on with your lives. Take pride back in Lenoir City like it once was. You have talented players around the board to be powerhouses in Football and Basketball again. It doesn't matter if your child plays or not. Heck, I rode the bench my Senior year in basketball the whole season, but you know any of my teammates who played with me will tell you I never gave up and I made them better players in practice and I worked hard everyday in the gym. Good look to the future of Lenoir City. Now please leave my father and brother alone out of your discussions and take your problems or concerns to them. Justin Hall
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