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Everything posted by luvsports

  1. Tank, Thank you so much for your post. Being the mom of Alex Hall, you have no idea how much I for one appreciated it. I know for a fact that my son gives it his all - not only on Friday nights but throughout the entire week. And yes, he does take a severe beating. He has the bruises to prove it on Saturday morning. But has he quit after what has happened the last three years? No. He just keeps on going out there every day doing his part to rebuild this program. And he really has a good attitude about it all. I'm sure it is very hard to take all of the criticism, but Alex says "It just builds character." How can you help but admire a 16 year old kid for that? Since he is a junior, unfortunately folks may not see it before he graduates. But I guarantee you the Devils will be back. Even though the Friday night scores may not show it, there is improvement and they do work as hard as anyone else during the week. You don't see my son or any of his teammates on here posting any crap. The "mouthy" post usually come from kids that DO NOT put on pads and a helment on Friday nights. Once again, thank you so much for your post.
  2. Once again I say, "biggamer does NOT play for Harriman". Goose - love your optimism. Alex says that he continues to build "lots of character". I admire him and his friends for their undying love of the game. They could have quit like most of his teammates on their middle school championship team, but they keep going out there every Friday night giving it their all. I would really like for those that get on here and run our devils in the ground to see the bruises on my son on a Saturday morning. But he doesn't give up or give in. Everyone should have such heart and desire when they are doing something they truly love. I used to get really upset when I read some of the stuff that was on here, but I know that most of the crap comes from those that have never put on a helmet and pads in 90 degree weather. God bless you all.
  3. biggamer does NOT play for Harriman
  4. Biggamer - Thank you that was much better. I now know that you don't play football or you would be at practice. Keep supporting the Big Blue. They will be back!!!!
  5. Biggamer, I don't know who you are but please quit getting on Coacht and running your mouth. You are really making the entire Harriman team look bad. As if things aren't bad enough already. The team is trying to rebuild and having to read the crap that everyone is saying on here because you can't be quiet isn't helping.
  6. Please don't let the nonsense and ridiculous talk of one person determine how you feel about the entire HHS football team. There are some reallly good young men on that team that deserve a lot more than they are getting. Some of those young men continue to give 100% no matter what the score.
  7. I can't believe those of you who get on here and talk trash. I don't believe that is what coacht was intended for. I agree Harriman has definitely had a rough few years, but nobody know it or feels it anymore than the boys in blue. Then they have to listen to crud and read crud like this all the time. Just remember when it 86 or so degrees and every player from every team is out on the field practicing, so are the boys of Harriman. When others would have given up and quit, they just keep on working. You wanna talk about character. I truly am a believer of "what goes around comes around" and one day...... I could not believe it when I read the post where someone called Harriman a "bunch of thugs". How can you profile everyone on a team based on the actions of one or two? And what exactly can happen on a football field to classify someone as a "thug"? May God Bless you all.
  8. I can't believe those of you who get on here and talk trash. I don't believe that is what coacht was intended for. I agree Harriman has definitely had a rough few years, but nobody know it or feels it anymore than the boys in blue. Then they have to listen to crap and read crap like this all the time. Just remember when it 86 or so degrees and every player from every team is out on the field practicing, so are the boys of Harriman. When others would have given up and quit, they just keep on working. You wanna talk about character. I truly am a believer of "what goes around comes around" and one day...... I could not believe it when I read the post where someone called Harriman a "bunch of thugs". How can you profile everyone on a team based on the actions of one or two? And what exactly can happen on a football field to classify someone as a "thug"? May God Bless you all.
  9. Why did Michael Paul leave Oakdale? And did he actually "move"?
  10. Does anybody know the revised schedule for this tournament. I know that Harriman was scheduled to play on Thursday, but that has been changed.
  11. Okay, now children. Why can't we be a little mature about this? Why all the trash talk? This thread was meant to let the Harriman team know that the parents were proud of them not to be blasted by other little children.
  12. Way to go Harriman!!!! Your parents and fans are so proud of you. You really put the lid on all the people that said you didn't belong ranked where you are in the polls. You guys played 4 great games. One or two hits could have made the difference in the three games that you barely lost. To only be beaten by the 2002 AA State Champs 8-12 was good enough but you guys just kept fighting! To lose to a team that is going 3A like Chester County 7-10 was also great....but to only lose to a team like USJ on their home field 0-2 was worth every minute of the drive down to Lexington. And then to finish the tournament with a win made it even better. Don't fret over the losses, games like this will only make you better. We hope y'all get another chance at USJ in May. Keep up the good work and the determination to make it to the state. Once again I commend you for your great playing and superb attitudes. Your excellent behavior made the trip enjoyable for everyone involved. You are a great bunch of young men. Go Harriman Blue Devils!!!!! Alex - your defense was awesome!!!! Great Tournament. I LOVE YOU - MOM!!!! Go Harriman Blue Devils!!!!!
  13. This was the worst game that Harriman has played. They had trouble getting the ball out of the infield. Wartburg was definitely at the top of their game. I was very proud of the Devils, they never gave up and kept fighting and it paid off. Tough loss for Wartburg because they really played well. Daniel pitched a heck of a game. Congratulations to all of the Devils and to Kevin Monk for coming through in a pinch.
  14. Keep your eye on Sam Cummings from Harriman. This kid has got game.
  15. Watch for Alex Hall from Harriman. He was "Freshman of the Year". He is coming back from a season ending shoulder injury during his sophomore year. He has put on a lot of muscle and weight and continues to do so. I look for him to standout big this year.
  16. Alex Hall from Harriman is certainly on this list. He started every game as a freshman and continues to do great for the Blue Devils. Not only is he brick wall, but he can throw, hit, and run with the best of the best. This kid may definitely have a college future - you outta see his grades.
  17. Don't even start giving Coach Adcox a hard time. He doesn't schedule easy games on purpose. If you think that he hadn't hoped for better competition, then you are so wrong. Harriman scrimmaged Halls to begin the season - how easy was that? Austin East was scheduled before Bill Meyers stadium was torn down. The game was suppose to be played there. Coach Adcox thought that it would be nice for his team to play at the stadium. How was anyone to know that Sale Creek wouldn't be a better team. As far as the other teams go, I believe that Rockwood has them on their schedule also. Not that anybody needs to defend Harriman to you or anyone else but... Harriman will be playing in the ESPN Coca-Cola classic in Lexington in April. They will be playing USJ - sound familiar? They are ranked #1!!!! Has Rockwood played them yet? Why all the excuses and all the bad mouthing? Most of the boys on both teams are friends off the field and they have the utmost respect for each other. Let things be decided on the field between the two teams and forget all the bad mouthing over Harriman's schedule. I guarantee you that their schedule will be getting much tougher. Enough said about all the "schedule" crap!!!
  18. Harriman has several talented sophomores that are starting varsity this year.
  19. Can someone tell me who the players were than quit at Wartburg? Does anybody know why? :confused:
  20. Alex Hall started every game as a freshman. Very seldom will you see a pass ball when you are watching him. He has a lot going for him. Not only is he a solid catcher, but he is a great hitter and he can fly around the bases. Not only is he very baseball smart, but he makes the grades to go with it. He is the total package.
  21. luvsports


    Dwight Smith from Knoxville is the best Catching Instructor that there is. He is also a pro scout. His son played Triple A ball as a catcher for a few years. He's in the book, give him a call. Promise you will not be disappointed.
  22. luvsports

    Loudon's team

    How can pitching be weak with Aaron Everett?
  23. Harriman scrimmaged Halls before the season began and without their basketball boys. I heard that Halls was ranked 10th in the state AAA and Harriman was only beaten 9 - 8. I agreed Rockwood is a great team and I also believe that Wartburg will be in the mix of things, especially because of their pitcher Daniel Morgan. But... don't count Harriman out. Yes, they are very young, but this only means great thins to come. Just wait and see.
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