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Everything posted by hoop04

  1. I have to make full discloser he is my son but John Hooper at goodpasture will do all he can to help his team win and he pitches fairly well.
  2. I just thought of something, OK assume that the privates feel this is going to be done out of a need to punish them. If so how can they punish the publics. what about each school giving 10 schollys for 2 years they dont have to do it forever just 2 years now your talking 600 kids or more. I hope that this gets straightend out. every time I hit the submit post button I think of another senario and people alot smarter than me will be thinking of the respoce to be taken.
  3. I also dont see the privates adding scholly,s like crazy yep the cost. BUT lets say that 20 of the privates decide to add 3 schollys per year thats 60 kids, argualby the best 60 athletes they can find. ok this has an effect on the level of comp. at privates go up and public goes down multiply by a few years add in the fact that it wont be just soft encourgment any more it will be out and out recruiting by all the booster parents of the private schools. what about reduced tution for parents of kids who tell the school I just cant afford that much maybe the finacial aid will be half tuiton. and wont the aid be a write off . that I am not sure of because of tax status of the privtes. profit or non profi? And what about motivation It seems to be apparent that the privates feel this is being done out of spite and a need to punish them. Well sometime people dont take to kindly to others punishing them and try to punish right back. I have seen that sentiment expressed here in this topic alot. I read an article in the tennessean that had quotes from private school coaches talking about forming their own association. I am not saying they will I am saying that these people will sit down and try to fashion a responce to this. It might be to decide what I have. games will be played kids will be kids and it will work out no retribution needs to be taken. but I doubt it.
  4. I just wanted to add, I truly mean what I said above I want the best for all kid's and I hope this is the best thing for those kids effected because after the last day of their senior year all this will end for them I hope these kids are prepared to compete whith anybody on that day because they will have to use the things they have learned to compete with my son. he will be there waiting to take on anybody,anywhere,anytime and will never have been told well lets make this a little more fair for you,you see I agree that the present situation might not be as perfect as it could be. but on the other hand I will tell you I really havent seen all of these super athalets walking aroud my sons school in MHO public school personal should have everything but sports on their mind, If what i read is true and Tennesse is 48th in education. If this is true we should all be ashamed and not a dollar spent on anything but better education untill we do a better job. no one plays untill its earned and 48th is not good enough in MHO.
  5. I have to admit that I jumperd into this debate a little late, but after reading many posts and going through many emotions. I have to say When my son steps onto a feild to play{and he plays for one of the private schools mentioned in here}. I want it to be about good oppontes who want to compete against him. players who want to be there and feel that they will both walk away better for it. Sooooo if the coaches of the schools that play against my son feel that this is not the situation then yes they should split. I have thought about it and NO it wont hurt my sons team they will play games and get better and do their best to advance to a state title. I do feel that A split would hurt the public schools. But that is not my call that is the coaches call and the coaches have spoken. I choose to beleave that a coach would not make this vote based on wether he can put a lot more W's on his resume. they obviously beleave that playing the privates is doing harm to their players. now I have to ask myself what will be the consequces of this. The privates play mainly themselvs through the season any way, there will be a seperate state tourny, maybe the privates will be broke out further. It dosent matter to me or my son we will play anyone anywhere anytime. thats the way we feel. It's not an attitude for everyone. one thing that I wonder about is if all the privates go into 1 divison why wont they all offer finacial aid even if they split privates into 2 classes why would they not join the division that gives finacial aid.what is their motivation. If they do this then if the public school coaches think they where loseing the good athalets before, man it would really get bad. If your team usally has 1 or 2 good players wont you lose them now.I think I read on a post that there would be about 80 or 90 schools in D2 can you imagine if there where that many schools TRULY recuiting your players. this might not happen I am just wondering?
  6. well I had some time to finaly read quite a few posts on this subject. I normaly just come to this site to read and hapend to look in this heading. I have a request, forget I said anything I was never here and I have no opinion on this subject. This is the most unbelivable topic I have ever read up on. split dont split do what you want just forget my name. I hope that it gets worked out where everyone feels like they got some of what they wanted and let the other side have some of what they wanted.LOL but the best bet would be draw numbers and have dules untill the winner is left standing.
  7. I think that Iunderstand that mr.nonews is a laywer so he does have insight into the law does this apply to a reclasification I dont know but he said "In the case of the BA suit the TSSAA's lawyers argued unsuccessfuly that the organization was a voluntary,independent association of like minded school and therefore not subject to suit by its members, ie if you dont like the rules leave the organization " In fairness he also said the the scope of this ruling was narrow and confined to the case. but in my unlawyerly logic couldent this be applied to any action taken by the TSSAA I need explained to me how they can be an state actor in on one issue and not the other.
  8. I am not sure that they would be motivated to form anew athletic orginazation, I think that some of the felling as to wether they would or not would be the motivation behind being reclasified .I keep hearing private public but to me these are not private publics these are people private public good badd tall small we seem to talk about this as if the school buildings where the parties its not to me its the kids and yea parents will do some strang things when they PERCIVE a harm to their child. would a separate body be right or wrong I have no idea but do I think it could happen...yes
  9. Now that is an impresive well thought out post I am not kidding . only a few things though, I am not sure how easy it would be to remove tssaa as a state actor Its no problem to do it, but easy no and expensive I would think.I agree it could be done though. than the line " the ruleing declaring that the tssaa is a state actor in no way restricts the ways in which it regulates or governs athletics " I have no knowledge my self but I find this hard to belive. It does not mean that they will have to act in a manner consistqnt with other state agencies?If so it would seem like here comes the red tape.
  10. I mean the kids how are they differant and I must also aknowledge that every parent of a child who goes to private has tax dollars taken from them to support public school so yes they do have a say in how the public shool is managed.They just also get a say in how their private school is managed. It seems that the opinon is if a parent decides to put their child in private then people feel that they have no say in how public schools are managed.nope sorry if you take my money you have to listen. thats not just for school. I try to get the most out of every dollar I spend. As far as how competative public vs. private is. I think that very many public school coaches could compete with anybody and some do it has a lot to do with parent participation ,funding etc. all of these things are not the privates fault if someone does it better people will come ...its the american way. I want to say that I want every kid regardless of public or private to have a chance at a great education and to be able to participate in many differant after school activites but privates did not seperate them selvs they chose to have all that public schools have and a little more just why cant they.If they are willing to pay for more thats their choice.
  11. I realy dont want to get to far into this but here goes. what is discrimination Is it to seperate a certain group and treat them differantly than others. If so yes you can be sued. the criteria for divisions before was enrolment I think. To seperate a certain group and say you will be clasified by diferant criteria seems to be discrimianation. The present div.1 and div. 2 have an majior differance finacial and non finacial assitance this is not some arbritary fact it is a linchpin of amature athletics. what is the basis of treating one school with 500 kids differant from another school with 500 kids an remember it must be a fundamental differance. not just the fact that the kids come from differant countis or are a certain color. If the tssaa is a state actor then they have to go by certain guide lines I am sure someone else can quote them better than me.some one needs to tell me how the KIDS at a private school are better or differant in some way to justify treating them dirreant not the school or money or anything else but the kids. Enrolment to enrollment try going down to the naacp and telling them that certain kids are better because thay come from a diferant county or negihborhood. it dosent matter wehere a kid comes from or how he got to school. As for wether the privates would form a new sacntioning body LOL man private schools will do just what they want its why they are private so they can make their own decisons. Cost just look how many more private schools there would be to share the cost, all of division 2 plus all the new ones and money dosent seem to be their problem.and I dont think they would care who approves or sanctions them . Before anyone flames me I couldent care less wether they split or not the games will still be played. It just seems that public will become club ball and private will just get more competative,attract an even higher percentage of great athlets and if they form their own body I bet the restrictions on finacial aid will be gone. How many of the best players will leave public then.In the end let the kids play against better teams or worse teams let em play.
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