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  1. pioneerfootballer: What are you talking about best backfield in 30 yrs? Answer this Mikey Perkins was hurt after the 2nd game of last years freshman team. He looked fine on the sideline he could jump up and down and cheer with them, he could run down the sideline. He even played a down or two and came out. Mikey Perkins has no pride and I'd say after the first two games he will be eather benched or fake an injury. And another thing Jevon Ramsey runs a 4.9 40yrds that is a joke up in some football teams. Some of there linemen run that. Who the heck is Tyler Boyd. He is a capitian that is a joke. Tyler Boyd missed over 30 tackles and runs a 5.5 40yrd. I think the Pionners will have another rebuilding year like every year.
  2. bench is only one lift you can bench 300 lbs but can you squat 500? I'm sure Kingsnake and Cole (what ever his name is) can't squat over 300lbs think about it there from warren county they are always slow and weak... Kingsnake thinks he is something but we will see during season. I think the strongest player was Sammie Lopez he was a running back from Warren County but he got kicked off because he stole a cow head from Oakland (amazing things happens in Warren County)
  3. well I guess we can give up about a coach staying around for more than 3 years. Why don't they just ban helmets in warren county, this is the second time someone has got hit with a helmet in two years. Last year John hit Cole. (isn't that right?)
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