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Everything posted by behappy229

  1. I am very proud of the Vikings. They have worked very hard for many years to start winning games. I know they won't win them all but they now know they are getting better and the players have the same coaches for more than for one season. The coaches were in and out like the players play plays on the field. I think our coaches are doing a good job with these players and I like the way Rice is with our players. I am from Perry C. too and the players I have talked to say only good things about the coaches. Perry Co needs more sports and they are so far behind all the other schools in sports and in the classes they have in school. I know it is great for the football program to be in P.C. but we need alot more programs too. But basketball is not hurting our football program. We all need to support each sport in our county and show these players we support all our sports in Perry County. Congrat to the Vikings on such a wonderful start of a season. I wish you the best from now on.
  2. I understand words slip when you get hurt and for alot of kids this is common but when a boy does not do a play the way the coach wanted or when the boy gets tackled before the coach wants him to is not a reason for the coach to call him the names I heard a coach call a child. I did not stand there watching their practice I was going to my car when I heard this going on. I was not there to watch there practice and I would not had even noticed them practicing if I had not heard this remark the coach so loudly was saying to this player. I do not have children but I do know what a teacher should teach. I know alot about the game and I know how there is pain in the game. I also know words slip. But I do not believe the coach has to say the words he did to get this player to do better. As I said before I know the players cuss but if the coach cusses they will too. Sure in some cases if they get hurt it might slip out but the coach needs to set the example not call the players the names I heard one coach call his player..
  3. My point in this is not as much the kids but the teachers who are surposed to teach the kids to play a game not use these words like kids eat candy. A child will do as it is allowed to do and as it is shown to do. If a leader allows this to happen it will and if the leader does this then all of the kids will to. I do not think a teacher should teach kids to cuss in sports or in a classroom. It is a school activity and I do not think anyone can tell me that teachers are allowed to cuss in a school. This is a school activity and a coach should teach the sport in a control. I do not think a cuss word is needed to get a child to do something.
  4. You are starting this year out with something we all knew you could do. Everybody here in Perry Co. is so proud of you. Remember hard work and deducation pays off in a positive way if you want it too. Go Vikings.
  5. I say these coaches and players are doing things right. They have won the 1st 2 games of the season. Way to go coaches and players. Go Vikings
  6. I have watched Perry Countys teams every year and for some reason this team is a team with alot. It has kids that don't give up no matter what. They did not have everyone on the team play last week and with these players playing this week they will be better than last week if they play like they all can. These guys can play better than any team P.C. has had. I don't know anything about the team they play this week but I do know Perry Co. can win if they all play like they can.
  7. Well I have been every year to watch Perry C. play and this was the best game they have played together. I am sure the refs missed things on both sides but P.C. really played good and not as many mistakes as Greenfield. Greenfield never gave up and they tried hard but P.C. played like they were tired of getting beat and they wanted the game. We are proud of you Vikings.
  8. Way to go Perry County. You really played great. Keep up the good work and keep the winning streak going.
  9. This is so great. We are so proud of the soldiers over in Iraq and hope for their return soon. For those who are over seas God Bless U. Tennessee is so proud of each of u .
  10. A coach is a teacher and just like in a classroom they are looked up to for guidence and to teach kids what they should do to make it in the world. I agree alot of these words are used in everyday life by some people but for the teacher to teach this to the kids is wrong. This sport is taught by a teacher . I feel their jpb is to teach these kids the right ways of life not the ways of street life. Yes alot of these kids hear alot on T.v , movies and even with their friends but to say it is ok for them to have their teacher say these things to them is wrong. I know alot of kids say things they shouldn't . We all do but I feel the coach is the teacher and he should teach the kids the sport without using language like that.
  11. I recently went to a practice of a team and the language was so bad I left. The coaches should have more controll of a team than to let kids talk so bad . And the coaches should learn to talk to the kids in the way they would teach a class in a classroom. I know some kids talk very bad when they have things happen that they don't like but the adult should show a mature way for the kids to learn how to handle things that are bad in life. I recently heard a person say Teachers teach kids by patience,understanding and will lots of good things to say. A child cannot learn from yelling and cussing or showing a temper from something not right in life. I feel these are right and this is getting to be a problem when you see coaches not correcting kids from having temper problems and using foul language playing sports.
  12. I am wanting to find out what to do about trying out for a AAU team. I need info to play in a 16-17 year old team. Thanks for any info anyone can give.
  13. I hate to say it but Parsons will probally win. Perry Co. just has so much trouble with defense. I know Perry Co. has alot of talent but they have not been taught the correct ways of tackling and this is hurting them. And alot of the kids have quit due to they are giving up.
  14. Perry County has been playing for around 4 years. They have a great coach but they still are having a hard time. Some of the players have quit and it really has hurt the team. They have alot of talent but need help on defense tackle skills. They could be a good team with defense coaching help. They should be a good team in a couple of years with the kids who played Jr. Pro football. I really hate they are having this kind of year again. Maybe things will turn around for them and they have a better game next time. Good luck VIkings. Don't give up just keep working hard.
  15. Does Ron Adylott still coach Hillsboro High School Football?
  16. Perry Co. had a child taken out of football because the father had religious reasons for him not tp play. He was a very very good player and it really shocked the team due to the father was an assistant coach in years past. Sometimes things happen but this was a shock to everyone in Perry Co. But I agree with post earlier this is something we need not to discuss. Everyone has their reasons.
  17. How many kids will grow up to be professionals in sports? If they only worry about sports they will not have the knowledge to go to college, work or to manage their money. Sure some kids don't work during their high school years and live wonderful lives and thats great. But I believe kids can get a education, play sports and work then have what it takes to continue their lives in a way that will teach them all they need to succeed. Everyone has their opinions on this and I strongly think kids should enjoy their years while they are young but why can't they still be kids and enjpy school, sports and a job?
  18. My child plays 2 sports that run year around and he works 2 jobs plus plays his sports and does well in his grades. He pays his car payments himself and pays his gas and extra things he wants to do. However his friends have been given brand new cars, gas, and extra money and they are everyday spinning their tires in the schools parking lots and each day staying out late each night with crowds at partys. As one of the kids told me" If I wreck my grandma will buy me another car and if I need money I can get it ". This same kid spends $20. on his own lunch throwing away half of what he buys and does not eat what he buys. Then he will expect me to clean up after him with the trash he leaves behind. The thing is a child only learns if they are taught and the way these kids are now alot of them scare me for the future. I support all sports for all kids and I feel each kid should play anything they want in school . Kids are given so much they don't know how to manage their money or anyone elses money. When a kid waste money it shows they need to learn how hard it is to get it. And yes kids need to be kids but who ever said work would hurt too. Work only helps kids learn what life is about. Education is the most important thing no matter what kids do extra. So for someone to say work stops kids from being kids are wrong. I have worked since I was 12 and I still work. I played sports, worked and got a education. Kids can do what they put there minds too. If they are encouraged to do good in school, sports and work they can become great citizens. We can do anything good if we want too. And it won't take our fun away from our youth.
  19. I don't know if Coach Rice is going to another school but for the kids sake at Perry Co. I hope he stays here. He is such a wonderful coach and the kids love him. He works so hard with the programs here and really is dedicated to the sports he coaches and assistant coaches. This team needs a coach that stays here for them to have a chance and if this one leaves it will only start them over again. We hope he stays and doesn't leave us now.
  20. I am not saying P.C. should play and win every game. But every team needs to win some to keep there spirit alive. I don't know how you got basketball out of this topic though. All I say is I watched this team play several times and I feel they have talent and can win games with what they have. I don't think they play teams they should play but that is a view that many have different ideas on. As far as the little kids comming up I still fill if they stick together they will only continue to get better. When the same team grows up together and if the coaches stick around that we have I believe Perry Co. can have a great team. Ones opinion I know but I know Perry Co. has alot of talent.
  21. All I know is I don't have anyone on the Perry Co. football team and I have been to some of their games over the years. The teams they play have more players most of the time and you can tell by the score it is not a even district on the game. It is sad to take this away from boys who try hard and from what I have seen the Perry Co. team has alot of talent. I also heard the young guys coming up have won all their games in Jr. Pro and were the champs in that. It shows there is talent here but it is sad to see this taken away due to the boys are playing teams that they cannot beat. It doesn't seem fair. To the players from Perry Co. keep your heads up. You are a very talented team that to me did not get a chance to prove it. Best of luck to the Perry Co. football team. All you can do is do your best and you will suceed in life in all that you do.
  22. Are there any Perry County players who made all district?
  23. I would like to know why Perry Co. why they play teams that in other sports they don't play? Like Jackson schools and Nashville schools. Why doesn't Perry Co. play teams like the basketball and baseball team plays? Are they in another district in football and who made this like this? It seems they are playing teams that they should not play and they are not playing the teams they should play. How is this done and is there any way to change their teams they play? It doesn't seem like they have been given a chance in football. Just asking. Anyone know anything about this?
  24. Does anyone know where this game is to be played? :confused:
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