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Posts posted by bigguy97

  1. it almost makes me sick to my stomach to see the shape of macon's boys team....they definately do not live up the traditions of macon county basketball. macon has never had just blown people out with athletic talent but the teams in the past have just had that knack of knowing the game of basketball and doing the things it takes to win. u learn that by putting the hours in on the court to develop the intuition it takes to get that little something extra that it takes to win the big ones....i wonder how many hours these boys have put in extra (i mean besides practice) to develope thier skills? by the looks of things, not much at all. sometimes playing hard, which these kids do, just isn't enough.

    i guess the days of substate, all though not that long ago, have been forgotten.....and thats to bad

  2. i would like to make a point due to the comment on the youth of the players on both teams. first off, as a basketball coach you play the people you have. whether it be a freshman or senior, u put the ones out there that give you the best chance to win. RBS over the years have had decent basketball talent for a small school. not good, but decent. if a player plays as a freshman, logically you assume that that year after year they would get better. well, in RBS that doesn't seem to be the case. westmoreland, it seems, does get the natural progression of talent. RBS might have won this game, but i'm betting that next year westomoreland will win because their young players will have gotten better. RBS's young ladies will have not. and that my friends is completly the coach's fault. if a coach cannot develop players from one year till next then that is more of a problem than whether the players have talent or not. RBS has talent, and a good group of kids it seems. they do win thier fair share of games, but they don't seem to be able to win when it really counts in tournament play. westmoreland has shown that it can. to me that shows that they are much better coached than RBS. talent is wasted if nobody shows the kids how to use it. and thats RBS's main problem, they are not getting any help from the coach position. till they do, RBS won't reach the level that the fans think they deserve. lol, which is state tourny every year from what i hear....not gonna happen as long as the current coach is there, sorry....


    just my opinion, good luck to both teams on the rest of the year.....

  3. congrats to greenbriar on a well played game, good luck on the rest of the season. the difference in the game was basically 2 big plays. macon fought hard, and i personally was impressed with the willingness macon had to put the ball in the air . i mean seriously, we've went season's where we didn't throw 32 times! but where was the running game, even though greenbriar did an excellent job containing the ground game it seemed macon abandoned ship alittle quick on the running game. which brings me to asking where did dallas dissappear to during the second half? someone said he had tweaked his ankle or something but i would hope that he would have the heart to stink it up if at all possible. so i am assuming he was really badly hurt cause surely he didn't just quit on his team, so lets hope its not serious enough to end his season.


    good luck to both teams for the rest of the season

  4. boys and girls, if you guys think that greenbrier is in the leauge of sycamore then you'r sorely mistaken . greenbrier shut down pearl cohn last night and i dare say that bobby counsil is as good as dallas, plus pearl has an established passing game you have to respect. if macon wants to stay in the game, they have to pull out all the stops and mix it up out there so greenbrier can't just stack the line. its gut check time for macon because greenbrier is the caliber of the teams macon is gonna see if they plan on goin farther than first round of playoffs.


    but i still got greenbrier by 14

  5. smith county took advantage of the ton of mistakes westmoreland made and turned it into a win like a solid ballteam is supposed to. i have seen westmoreland play a few times this year and this game was by far the worst they have played yet. they have a solid quarterback, but between missed reads and dropped balls they couldn't get anything done against SC. and just to make a comment to westmoreland......if you have a reciever (#8) that is covered by a db (#25? ) that is a foot shorter, common sense says wear that match up out until they double up on him and that opens someone else up. maybe you'll see it on film :blink:


    but reguardless, good job taking the monster holes the o-line opened up and dishin out a butt whoopin cause the game wasn't even close...congrats SC

  6. first off, i am betting if look at the stats for most of the teams in the state you'll find that prolly one player accounts for most of the yardage on the team be it a quarterback or a running back. so dallas having all of Macon's yardage is really not unusual. the bottom line is, even though a team might have only one weapon it takes the whole team to win a ballgame. the center has to have a good snap, the qb has to have a good hand off to the rb, the line has to block and the rb has to decide what to do with the ball when he gets it. one person might get the credit, but the whole team has thier jobs to do in order for any and everybody to be sucessful

  7. for those of you who say shaw isn't a quarterback think about this. if you've watched the same games i have then you see alot of balls dropped that should have been caught. plus they won't run anything farther than a 5 yard route. that usually doesn't get anyone open at any level. granted shaw doesn't have the best arm but more times than not he puts it where it can be caught, its not his fault his recievers don't catch it when it hits em in the hands. plus the head coach doesn't allow checks during the game (who knows why) so there is no way for the qb to manage a game, and thats probably what shaw is best at.


    even if they don't complete them though, macon has got to throw to at least make defenses think about the possibility. cause right now its 8 or 9 in the box and pin your ears back trying to stop dallas. if they don't open the offense up alittle, the chance of macon making the playoffs are square on the shoulders of dallas and he can't make a whole defense miss enough to make up for a extremely vunarable secondary. so its up to whoever makes the decisions on whether the tigers make the playoffs or not, cause its not lookin good for the home team

  8. hats off to SC in the game, they put themselves in a position to win and capatalized when it counted. i don't think MC was outplayed, but they were outcoached by far. as far as someone saying MC had creative play calling, they must have watched a different game than i did. everyone in the stadium knew dallas was gonna get the ball alot, but if the defense is gonna put 8 or 9 in the box then as a coach you have to come up with a way to use that to your advantage. running dallas right, dallas left and dallas up the middle every play just isn't gonna get it done against 8 or 9 in the box on defense. if MC would have thrown some, even if they didn't complete the passes it would have made SC loosen up a little i would think. and SC did what they had to win, which is to pick on MC's weak secondary. so tough luck tigers, you didn't get outplayed you got outcoached. chalk it up to a learning experiance for young coaches and good luck to both teams on the remaining part of the season.

  9. you have got to be kiddin me.....there are presumably grown men on here threatening each other over a shirt. act your age, not your shoe size people. you have the right to your opinions, but act like you got some sense. doesn't matter who started it, lets talk about football.


    speakin of football, the game should be one of the hardest hitting games of the year anywhere. suffice it to say these two programs could not care less for the other one. i say great! everybody needs a rival! lets see if SC can hold dallas under 200 yards (i doubt it), and lets see if Macon can cover somebody in the secondary (i doubt that too). have fun with it people :lol: take the smack talk to the next level :ph34r:

  10. i would like to say something about the "quarterback who can run and/or throw the ball" comment.....you could have brett farve out there, but if they don't catch it when its thrown to them it doesn't matter who throws the ball. when you only throw a few times a game, you have to take advantage of the oppourtunity when the ball comes your way. its amazing that something as simple as catching a football seems so hard for our guys! mabye they will put some extra work in this week and come out snagging everthing this friday.


    but back to the topic, westmoreland has looked good but if the tigers hold on to the ball instead of turning it over like they did against a trousdale county team that is lightyears away from being as good as they have been....then it should be a good game.


    westmoreland by 7

  11. put yourself in coach dyers position for a minute and then ask yourself if you would stay somewhere like macon county. the majority of people appreciate and fully understand the contribution that he and his coaching staff made to turn macon county football around. but then there are the ones who have thier own agenda's and are envious of the success the football team has had the last couple of years.


    so bottom line, you can prolly bet good money that he's gonna go somewhere he's gonna have the administration's support.

  12. i see that someone else knows who wears the pants in the prock family. and it is a shame to see some good kids get the shaft due to political reasons. it seems to me that even though football is lookin up somewhat in macon county and gained lafayette some statewide recoginition (the kind that basketball had given them) due to its sucess the last couple of years, the administration wants to block the strides that football has taken.


    there is a reason the teams have been better than previous years and that is the ablility of the coaching staff to stay intact long enough to get the kids ready to use what talent they had. stability goes along way toward confidence. which leads to wins. and who doesn't want wins! anybody can see that.......exept maybe the ones who make the decisions unfortunatly.


    maybe one day the people of macon county will get the marbles to remove the bad apples that are in place in the administration and replace them with people who have the kids best interest in heart...........we can only hope!

  13. i've seen some great games over the years (many of them trousdale county games) but the best by far has to be the macon county/smith county game a couple years ago. macon had the best team they have had in decades and smith was thier equal.


    the hype and expectations that surrounded that game not only involved the teams but the whole countys! there wasn't a person in either place that didn't know about the game. macon has a history of futility on the football field the last 10-20 years but both teams were exceptionally talented and put on a display of defensive intensity that ended with a unbelievable 50+ yard field goal. you could hear the roar all over town................if you werent' there, i'm sorry :lol:

  14. i feel sorry for the kids at macon county. now that the superintendant has ran off some quality coaches, they have to learn new coaches systems and personalities. i can only see the head coach getting tired of all the b s that the superintendant does and leave as well.


    that would be disasterous for the tigers. we can only hope the kids play through it all and do well this year.

  15. this might come a little late, but unfortunately i can't come watch the great game of high school football because of me being in training to go to iraq with the military. but, with that being said i would like to say one thing. last year was last year, its over and done. everyone knew macon would be back to mediocracy this year. frankly, alot of people didn't think they would win at all. considering what they lost last year. but, i see they won thursday night, against a team that is improved over last year. that says someting about macon right there. they may have lost alot of talent, but what is there now doesn't need to be overlooked. in the past, macon didn't have the talent pool to have 2 decent teams in a row. now they just might. so smith co., u can get as hyped as u want claiming revenge over last year. but this is a whole differnt team, maybe gettin hit a couple of times will make u realize that ;) good luck to both teams, wish i could be there.

  16. basketball99, it sounds like to me that you have a personal problem with coach brown. maybe your one of the ones that couldn't hack it in coach browns program, i don't know. but you can really tell that you have a vast knowledge of the game of basketball, so let me ask you a question. as far as the past teams go, can you tell me what the records of those teams were? maybe you need to look that up. maybe its just me, but i seem to remember seasons with low numbers in the loss department. but they had no talent huh. sub-state, district championships......they don't really prove anything do they?........anyway, this year no coach alive could have gotten this team more than 5 wins. period. the kids did play hard, god knows they tried. it just didn't happen for them. as far as quitting at halftime of the rbs game, if you have any pride at all you never quit. coach or other wise. that shows no character at all. just because things aren't happenning the way you planned, it is a coachs' duty to be loyal to the kids out there busting thier butts for you! its also the kids resposibility to play hard and respect the coach who is giving them the chance to play. thats a privilage that some take for granted. there is no excuse to quit, maybe that doesn't make sense to you,.....

  17. i have read all the posts on here and i just want make some points. first, about the talent of the old teams compared to the brown era. here are some players who have and could have played in college between 94-99. joey tuck- mr. basketball, austin peay. todd austin- ut, cumerland. joe gentry-vol state (he sat the bench in high school too...interesting). john conroy- could have played but had no interest in it). nathan gregory- see john conroy's excuse. jason marsh- prolly the most talanted on the list; works at fleetwood! the 96 team, lost in substate to mlk (won state that year)and niki arinze (lets see, played at wake Forrest). 99 team, lost to marshall county (two guys over 6'9 on marshall, and a certain marcus haislip playes in the nba now) and i don't know if the teams the old squads faced were less tough than the current schedule either, could be though. as far as any of the kids playing now, nathan harris is the only one who could possibly see the court. these kids played extremly hard, but as the old saying goes " you can't draw blood from a turnip". for those that say 1 win just isn't enough, you have no idea of the dynamic of high school sports. wins do fill the seats and bring the cash in, but the lessons kids learn last a lifetime. and thats way more important than selling out a basketball game! good luck to a QUALITY basketball coach in coach brown, and i hope he doesn't have to put up with small town politics of this magnitude ever again.

  18. i have just heard about the release of coach brown in macon county. and to be honest, it doesn't shock me as much as it does some people. the way i understand it, the administration thinks it can do a better job running the basketball program than coach brown. apparently, the one win season is blamed on coach brown. never mind the complete lack of talent the team suffered through (please don't take offense people, its a regretable fact) and that it played a very tough schedule in one of the toughest districts in the midstate. the administration apparantly thinks that because he has had success in the later years of his coaching tenure, he must be a much better coach. WRONG! his success as a basketball coach was not his doing at all, for a stretch of 3 or 4 years he was blessed with excellent basketball teams. he had a mr. basketball winner, and players who know how to play the game of basketball. if he thinks he was the catalyst for macon county winning, he's sadly mistaken. so lets see how he does with inferior talent and a Community that doesn't trust him because he has fired a wonderful coach in coach brown and an quality person......all due to arrogance and a inflated ego! good luck coach brown in whatever u do, sorry you had to go through this!

  19. well, i can only speak from my experiance and i know that some of the boys had the chance to improve thier skills by playing this summer and fall with some superior talent from around here and instead of learning from that experiance they ditched the chance. and the results are showing on the basketball court. that tells me they do not want to do what it takes to get better. plain and simple. i am sorry u don't agree with me, but thats what makes the world go round!

  20. well, first off catalyst.....rbs had 2 phantom techs because nobody in the gym saw what they were for. but that is no excuse, u can never blame officiating for a loss. westmorland won a very, very physical game by shooting the ball better than rbs. plain and simple. both westmorland and rbs have quaility basketball teams, westmorland was just better this night. result may be different next time. i left and didn't see the sc and e robertson game but i am assuming westmorland needs to be getting ready for sc. and they need to worry about thier lack of size inside against sc. should be a good ball game, size vs quickness. of course that is assuming sc won tonight!

  21. wow, i was just scanning the topics and saw there were 19 pages on this one!!!! i can't remember when football has been this exciting in macon county!!!! after reading everyone's reply's, i can see that if everyone's true to thier word there won't be a seat left at the game :D i hope everyone comes out and supports his or her team. i also hope good sportsmanship is employed by all players and fans. lets hope for a good, tough ballgame. feel free to cheer as loud as u can for whomever u are cheering for! good luck to both teams and see u at the game.............o yeah, as far as the game goes. if SC throws the ball its over. MC's secondary plays soft, they can be short gamed to death. if MC runs the ball like they can, it will be a good game.


    MC 17 sorry tigers, i hope u win but u must play at ur best to do so.

    SC 21

  22. i haven't seen much on the rbs bulldogs. i know that they are beating pretty much everyone that comes along. so why aren't people talking about them. i have seen them play and way very impressed by the little school in macon county. teams need to pay attention, or they might end up in the bulldogs dust......and no, i am not from rbs.

    good luck in the post season to all!

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