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Everything posted by cbrooks11

  1. As far as the banners go, they are a measure of success in the past. Sure they can't help us now, but we don't need the help. We have the talent to do well in the postseason and Westmoreland probably does too. All I'm saying is that there was success back then, there's success now, and there will be success in the future. So take it how you want and go on with it.
  2. You know EagleFan, I will agree with you. You're right. The banners signify a tradition that is Macon County basketball and there is a huge rivalry with Westmoreland, not only on the court but off of it as well. And as for the two teams that will be put on the court on February 14th, they are two great teams. Let the past go and let's get to the business at hand. I think both teams have gotten better as the season has went on and this next game will be as good if not better. Good luck to both teams and we'll see you on the 14th.
  3. Oh and one more thing: Go ahead and take pride in 2 out of 3 because when crunch time comes and it's one and out, are you gonna fight or lay down and die? I say die Westmoreland die!
  4. All that matters no matter who wins on V-Day is who goes farther into the postseason. If Westmoreland goes farther, then y'all will have a case to having the better team. So until then, we'll just see. Besides, you just don't beat a team three times in one year. But no matter what happens, I just hope the game on V-Day is a good one. I will wish both teams good luck, and we'll see ya on the 14th!
  5. Look, the bickering between Macon County and Westmoreland is just stupid and childish. To all you Eaglettes out there, face the facts: we have more district championships, more region titles and more state tourney appearances than you do and that's not gonna change anytime soon. When you walk into that gym on the 14th, just look - just look up at all the banners hanging from the rafters. To talk trash to us, you gotta have the numbers to back it up. And right now, you don't. When you have a few more outstanding seasons like us then we'll talk. Until then, just keep your mouths shut, or better yet, just stay home on Valentine's Day and smell the roses cause they smell better than what you'll be getting that very night. Then you'll have something to howl about - a good old-fashioned butt-whoopin like your momma used to give you when ya. Well, this time you've messed up and your momma can't save you now.
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