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Everything posted by volleyeagle

  1. Thanks Jay, it's nice to know that the pictures are appreciated. I try to get them up as soon as I can, and all the pictures from the last four games are up now. You can view additional pictures at http://www.cocke.k12.tn.us/EaglesNest, though I don't have any from the last four games up yet.
  2. Cosby just doesn't want to give away any of our secrets *laugh* Our girls are hot right now, and that's all I'll say.
  3. Unfortunately, if I'm taking a pep bus again, it'll be 6:30 or later before we get there, I think. That's another advantage of taking pictures. If I don't have a seat, I can just post myself on the sideline with the camera. Sometimes it's better there, anyway. Not as confining or as hot. And, I know the game is decided on the court, but fans help keep the players spirits up and help keep them motivated in a tough situation. Ask a player, especially from someplace like Cosby or Rockwood who have loud fan sections, if they think the fans make a difference.
  4. I know I've not been on the ball, but it's been a busy three days for Cosby. Anyway, the pictures from the Oneida Cosby game on THursday are finally up.
  5. Pictures from this game are up. Since we are talking about conditions, I didn't like taking pictures in this gym. I don't like to stand under the boards and I kept getting jostled, but no big deal. I guess I'm just spoiled because we have a nice wide border around our gym where I can stand without being in anyone's way. I do want to respond about Cosby sitting on the Rockwood side of the gym. That really shouldn't have been a surprise. If you noticed, they were only directly behind the Visitor's bench. Our fans created a buffer for our players. I overheard someone commenting about us being on their side and that we did that at Cosby too. Our visitor's section is directly behind the visitors bench, and it isn't a huge area for big games, but if you've ever been at Cosby for a game that's no so big, you know one side won't hold all of us. As for the game, I thought it was well-played by both sides. I was so surprised about one of our players getting MVP I didn't even realize that was what had happened. Here's hoping Rockwood gets a better sound system before the next time they host Regional Tournaments. I'm proud of players on both sides because the game was an excellent example of good sportsmanship. I didn't see any trash talking or animosity. I am also pleased that the fans on both sides seemed to behave themselves. I'm actually very disappointed in Cosby's fans. If it is a very close game or we are ahead, our fans are insane. We got down by six or seven points and they just sat there. THis happened at state last year, too. Players are always commenting on how much fans help them. Our fans did nothing to help during the second half.
  6. Congratulations Lady Eagles on a fantastic win! You are finally playing with heart. You're hungry right now, so don't get full yet! Pictures are up. If you looked at some earlier, I have posted about 9 more this morning.
  7. I think this is good news for Cosby, too, as Oneida has been the bear that we couldn't get passed in post season. I hope I get to make the trip down tomorrow night. We can't find a driver for a pep bus so I don't know if I'm willing to make that drive by myself. Maybe I can hitch a ride with the team.
  8. Loco, I agree that they picked the two most uniteresting Regian 2A games to show, and didn't even mention the Cosby-Wartburg score or the Rockwood-CAK score (which I was about to have a fit to know). Can't complain too much about them since Kevin Hall is up for PrepXtra player of the year, though.
  9. Final Score - 82-72 Cosby Congratulations girls! Coggins - 26 points Jenkins - 26 Hannah - 13 Webb - 9
  10. Coggins fouled 78-70 Cosby 17.8 seconds
  11. 76-67 Cosby 76-70 Cosby 27.5 seconds time-out Coalfield
  12. 52.5 left Cosby foul Chandler 3rd fould 73-65 Cosby Coggins loses ball 73-67 Cosby Intentional foul on COggins 38.2 seconds 74-67 Cosby
  13. all five starters in for Cosby, who has given up 34 points in 4th quarter put up 21 themselves 1:01 left Coggins fouled time out Cosby 73-64 Cosby
  14. 1:13 left Coggins missed two foul shots 1:07 left 71-64 Cosby
  15. Morgan fouled out for Coalfield 70-60 Cosby 1:50 left
  16. 2:10 Macy Webb Foul 1 Team 9 69-58 Cosby
  17. 2:25 left Jules Jenkins Foul 4 67-57 Cosby leads
  18. 65-53 Cosby just under 3.30 left
  19. BTW, is this game being broadcast or anyone doing updates?
  20. Darn, CosbyEagle, I've been trying to figure out who EagleEye22 is and was hoping she introduced herself so I could ask Mrs. CosbyEagle tomorrow morning. I have a good guess though. I'm pulling for CAK in this one. Like has been said, no one wants to play a team like Rockwood on their homecourt. As for the Cosby-CAK rivalary, it is actually a game that I look forward to. It doesn't necessarily seem like its the players and the students disrespecting one another as the adults on either side. I know when CAK played at the Nest the during the regular season, the fans were having a little competition during halftime. I think everyone was having a good time, though. There was nothing nasty in it, just a lot of school spirit.
  21. For pictures that I did not post, you can follow the link. http://www.cocke.k12.tn.us/EaglesNest/basketball.htm
  22. For additional photos of the tournaments that I did not post, you can follow this link http://www.cocke.k12.tn.us/EaglesNest/basketball.htm
  23. Thank you, that's exactly what I needed.
  24. I am putting together the Tournament program for District 3A. I need from Midway the years and the positions for the following players. Matt Crabtree Josh Llyod Jesse Weigle Jeremy Woody Thank you!
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