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Everything posted by titansfan05

  1. I'm sure that Fairview is gradually getting better, but one of the ways that you get better is by taking a loss and seeing what you can do better. Blaming the refs does nothing, because in reality refs almost never change the eventual outcome of the game. I know that you cannot change your schedule, so I will not use that against you right now. Keep playing well, and continue to improve. Good luck.
  2. This will be a close game, but if any team can end the winning streak, it's definitely Farragut. I'm gonna say Farragut 3-1.
  3. no way, Brentwood just has too strong a side put together. Brentwood 2-0.
  4. yellowjacket, I'm sorry that you have to go to school with this punk. I wish good luck to the soccer team of Fairview, and i hope that you continue to have a good season.
  5. wow, ure mature :confused: I've been playing soccer longer than you've been able to go to the bathroom by yourself...........wait, that might not have been that long ago.
  6. Eastside, I've seen your schedule, and though you may be a "rising" team it does not mean you are good enough to consider yourself a "big boy". Beating Spring Hill is no great accomplishment, especially by only 4 goals. Beat a decently good team............wait, you can;t! You don't have anymore on your schedule.
  7. I think the Franklin Centennial game will come down to who can control their emotions and their mouths the best. I know that there are many friends between these two teams, but on the field friendships mean nothing. The officiating will most likely be margional, and I believe that both teams have their share of talent. My prediction: Centennial 2 Franklin 1
  8. I'm going to laugh when this game turns out to be a tie, and all of these posts about who is better are in vein!!!!
  9. because Trew was too far outside his 18 and the defense could have probably caught the goalscorer, except that because trew was that far out, the scorer just slid it past him without being inside the 18 yard box
  10. All three goals in the FRA father ryan games came from lack of expierience in the sweeper position. Centennial's win over BA had a mistake by Trew and then a rebound shot. You are right that a win is a win and a loss is a loss, but the information that a person was missing is still good to know.
  11. What was the score of the Fairview-Spring Hill game?
  12. Eastside, Don't be hypocritical about telling someone else to "play with the big boys" when you yourself haven't done so yet. Dback, I've seen Spring Hill play, and honestly, they have no stand out players. Their forwards are decently fast, but not fast enough to burn anyone. Their defense is pathetic, and their goalie bobbles the ball a lot.
  13. o well, its a good effort considering you're an A/AA school. It's too bad to see that you had a crucial player missing, because in High school soccer one player can make a difference. Unlike pro or college, all players aren't on the same level, and if the back-up isn't up to par, it will cost you.
  14. Eastside, you lost to both of them. Just do everyone a favor and stop posting.
  15. Centennial did lose 2-1, and Brentwood's 2nd goal was on a PK. From where I was sitting it looked like one of Centennial's players fell down, and the next thing I saw was the ref calling a Penalty. I also noticed that he never explained it to Centennial's coaches, where as he would do so on Brentwood's fouls to Brentwood's coach. Brentwood was a good team, but Centennial proved that they are only human, and I hope that these two teams will meet again.
  16. How are they looking for next season?
  17. It's ok, after looking closely it is the right call. The only thing that could really put a wrench in the rankings is if Centennial can somehow beat Brenwtood.
  18. wes, ure opinion poll was just better. BA lost to centennial 2-0, yet they remain ahead of them. I guess u just think they got lucky.
  19. Well isn't this peculiar. BGA beat Centennial 4-0 and the cougars were missing 5 starters. Centennial beats BA 2-0 and doesnt play all that well, and BA beats BGA 2-1. What are the rankings now?
  20. I don't think so. I was at the BA-Centennial game, and he was good, but he wasn't good enough to get a full ride for just athletics.
  21. Fairview, you lost! Get over it! You have played two decent teams and lost to them both.
  22. Look man, just stop complain about the refs. Everyone is aware that TN refs aren't the best in the country, but everyone has to deal with them, and when it comes down to it, a team loses because the other team beats them, not the refs.
  23. I think we can all agree that High school is more fun because of the publicity, but basically to sum up what everyone says, even if club doesn't get you recognized publicly, you do get reconized by the people who count: college coaches. High school is like international games at a much lower level; you see these people day in and day out, and then u play in front of your peers for your school, and a win in front of them is an amazing feeling. I think both teams have their benefits.
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