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Everything posted by Sball21

  1. thumb Kevin Hamby-FB and Kevin Trew-QB from Polk Co.~!~
  2. thumb Polk Co. is the BeSt!!~ Go Kevin #32!!~ Love ya Bunches!!~ <3-Goofy!!
  3. Coach Moore is a GREAT coach.. He's the best coach i've ever had!!!! And he's gone to state in many sports.. not just in basketball~! He knows what he's doing though and Bradley is underestimating our guys~!!!!
  4. So walker valley had a bad game... give them a break!!~ They're SOOO much better this year than they ever have been in the past!! And i'm very proud of them!! GO MUSTANGS!!!!!!!!
  5. Yeh... girls from cleveland did quit!! I don't know why they quit... but i know that *1* of them quit b/c they were having problems w/ the coach!
  6. It was a good game either way and some how we were the ones with the yellow cards!! haha... but it's ok!!
  7. I don't know her name... but Sweetwaters sweeper #17 is awesome!! Somebody said that she was in training for the olympics?!
  8. Umm... what about walker valley? They're really good this year!!!
  9. Umm... walker valley w/out a doubt!!~ And if they could beat bradley and cleveland which are 3A... then they can DEFINATLY beat Polk!!~
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