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Everything posted by WARBOSS

  1. I don't know anything about Warren County football. I was just curious?
  2. Does Warren County have a underclass qb that is a good running qb that throws decently?
  3. Boxman and k1212.....this has nothing to do with the topic, but in your opinion where does Sequatchie rank to the teams on your schedule? I have friends there ...just curious ?
  4. Notre Dame didn't recruit until they got this coach. He come from Boyd the king of small school recruits. Although there recruits are young this year. ND's coach learn the art of recruiting there and applied it at Notre Dame. My opinion?
  5. Amen ! Btw ...Matt hope you get yourself a head coaching job after your one year of superb defensive coordinating.
  6. I agree with you. Can cause serious knee injuries . lol I thought you were upset they were covering a certain receiver every play...lol I wasn't thinking.
  7. My apologies K1212. I was just reading post and totally misunderstood. I thought you was talking about a defensive secondary coverage thus...high/low..over/under..whatever terminology the coaches use. I do agree that blocking high/low is dirty and dangerous. Again...my apologies ...total misunderstanding.
  8. Classless ?? I don't know anything about Forrest ...just sounds to me like they were trying to shut that player down? Its called coaching! If you score touchdowns on different plays considered Classless too?? Lol..this is funny!
  9. Your comment "washed up valley head coach" sure sounded like you were directing it exactly at me. But just drop it ...everybody can feel the way they want too. I just didn't appreciate it being directed at me. But that's the good thing about America...freedom of speech. Good luck Indians!!! I miss you guys!!!!
  10. Tbolt ......this is Coach Taylor...I won't hide behind a screen name. You seem to have a problem with me which is fine, but are man enough to say who you are or going hide behind your screen name. I just want to know who my enemies are and aren't! You slam me on Marion/Sale Creek post too. I loved it at Sequatchie and felt I had a great relationship with the kids. I just don't go for someone that wants to slam me for no reason. So if your so knowledgeable and know so dang much then be man enough to spit your name out or shut up about me.
  11. Not trying to start anything. I understand Coach Frost son is the senior QB on this years team. Does anyone know if Coach Frost plans to return next year?
  12. Roy....don't start rumors that are not true . This is all i have to say. state facts ...not bs rumors! There is nothing wrong with Taylor/Colquette relationship .
  13. Landons first or second year of teaching/coaching he was on the staff at Marion county when i played in high school....lol...i graduated in 1976. Bill Baxter was the head coach then. Landons took me on a couple of recruiting trips ...i also play a little whlie at apsu. He has always been good to me. I won't ever forget that .
  14. Landon Pickett hasn't coached in a while to my knowledge. Awesome DC and a great man!! I would love to see him ! I think he is teaching at North Jackson . His daughter signed to play softball at ETSU. Not saying Chris wasn't. He was also a great man and coach!!
  15. This is my last post on this topic. You guys know me but you hide behind your screen name and thats fine. You have yet to inform me of what it is that we are suppose to be doing illegally. I would like to know? If we are it is not purposely. I thought you could lift weights, run and do agility drills....just cant use a football. So whats the big deal? I agree everyone needs the same field to play on. So since you know me and I dont know you but whenever you want to come to me face to face and tell me what it is we are doing illegally then just keep crying. I'll not lower myself to these cry baby standards anymore. I have more things in my life to worry about than football. good luck to the warriors and indians this season! c ya!!
  16. Think what you want. Not going to argue on this post. Say what you want ...do what you want...Im just going to do my job and ignore you. Im a coach not a politician. All these TSSAA rules dont make sense to anybody but them. so whatever??????
  17. Im not going to act like a idiot as most people on here act. Bob your a great coach!
  18. Bob, since when did you become a expert on the veer? I dont know of anything you know how to run! Just because you hung out a year at Marion dont mean you know anything....your lucky you have a job! You know who I am and I will talk to you face to face anytime you want! They had there struggles running it for the first year and Finley will make them better! But your really one to say who can and who cant! Let me know anything you know to run?????????????
  19. Please everyone!! Keep the kids in mind! This adult arguing solves nothing! The kids at Stewart County are great hard working kids! Whomever comes in and shows them some "love" they will work there rears off for you. Win or lose ...lets the chips fall where they may? The administration is second to none!! The community is very, very supportive! whoever wants to apply has that right. The principal is a very sharp and respectful man. He will do the right thing for Stewart County! Why just sit here and take turns cutting each others throats...I dont understand people these days. But who am I to say? Im just asking to keep the kids in mind. Like I said in another post....I dont like commenting but someone needs to remind everyone what these boards are all about. If I have offended anyone I want to apoligize now. It is America though...freedom of speech!
  20. Guys, why does everyone want to get on these boards and start fighting?? Barger is a great coach....so is Ken! Chad's brother David is a great coach too! The politics of high school sports makes me absolutely sick!! Hearing all the arguing BS makes me absolutely sick!! The kids read these things too!! That is what its all about is the kids anyway. Everybody has made a strong point on certain subjects....but nobody is going to be right?? Why cant we just talk about the upcoming season and quit cutting each others throats........makes me sick to even read. Crap like this is what makes a coach want to get out of coaching completely....I hate it. Everybody thinks they know everything?? I have coached something for a longtime and I am by no means Bear Bryant, Vince Lombardi, Ken Colquette or Chad Barger and I definitely dont know it all by any means!! I dont claim too....I just love the game and the kids. I dont even feel like I have the right to say what Im saying but someone needs too! Its just sad...i hate it! Kids if your reading these boards just go out to your respective schools and do the best you can and whomever your coach is should love and respect you as you should him. Dont worry about all these adults arguing. I know some have hard feelings. I have had occasions where I have had very hard feelings...its not worth it. All these coaches mentioned works there butts off...nobody wants to lose but you know what...it happens. Everybody wants to be state champions. Thats only in "no child left behind version". So please EVERYBODY....chill out!!! I dont like to comment and if I have hurt anybodies feelings I want to apoligize now. Im just sick of hearing it on every topic you read. But thats America...freedom of speech!
  21. Im not going to argue with you. Thats why they have this board....to state your opinion. Thats yours!! Everybody has a opinion? Guess time will tell. Both are great guys and coaches!
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