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  1. Yes vb did lose some but who does know how anyone going to be? Honestly do you know how much every player in the district shot or worked out. It impossible to tell until the season gets here. Then I wish everyone luck but you never know who's going to be on top, it's really a tossup.
  3. Hey Moose u should be a teacher up "on the mountain" English or spelling would be more for u sounds like.
  4. vb's post did pretty good, and it was a good game, stupid mistakes killed vb.
  5. #54 shankle from forrest is pretty good inside.
  6. He is telling the truth. If corey played for vb it would be great. He said he just stay at white co.
  7. Get-r-Done


    It's all new, nobody know's wut anybody goin to bring to the table.
  8. Hey about five people use this screem name. And for one of the five that talked about there on coach's is a real idiot . I talked to the coach personally and he was just practicing the press. And the other coach should not have said we would run the score up to high that when you are askin for it.
  9. why does it matter what the score was in the jv game. who cares. and by the way what happened to marion co. so called great freshman. he didn't look like much to me. the only time he actually done anything was when vb took out everyone and put in their 3rd string. just cause you start as a freshmen don't always mean your good it can sometimes mean like in marions case that theirs no one better to bring in.
  10. Don't judge vb by their worst figure. The boys coach played it like he should and ain't like the girls coach "bam bam" and have anything to prove by killin a team. and if you think that running that press all night is gettin u ready for forest than your wrong, cause that little press that ya run want work against a good team like forrest no offense to marion. so what were you trying to prove binkley aka bam bam
  11. I agree what were you trying to prove? you should have done had your 3rd string in by the second quarter. and if not put some of them in the the starters to help improve your bench. you ain't got to kill a team to prove that your better than a team.
  12. Forrest by 10. Vb has not played anyone this good except clay and we know what happened.
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