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Posts posted by larry

  1. As an old-timer I remember going to the state, picking up a program, and looking through the lineups at all of the 6-10, 6-9, 6-8 guys. It seemed like every team had one and some had several. Where are they these days?


    This would have been back when there were schools like Chattanooga Riverside, Pearl, Cameron, as well as Melrose, Science Hill, etc.

  2. QUOTE(coacht @ Mar 18 2007 - 01:28 PM) 826416284[/snapback]All of those are girl's state tourney games. There are pictures from 5 boys games and 9 girls games. Is counting a problem for you?


    counting is not a problem...lack of any riverdale games who oh by the way won...thats a problem /mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="mad.gif" /> but your site you get to pick just like any other publication..sensorship at its best...print or pictures only of who you want too. well enjoy them and congrats to those teams that made coachts list of most important to take pictures of. /tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />


    You and that nonathlete up there may be the most selfish, ungrateful fans I have run across in awhile.

  3. QUOTE(persistant @ Feb 26 2007 - 10:18 PM) 826391046[/snapback]Was not at game. Help me out what about this last statement? /unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":unsure:" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" />


    If you have been watching 4AAA very long, remember how the game always was about Insell, not the girls, which is exactly the way he wanted it. That is how it looked tonight with Riverdale's coach. It was about his ego, not the players. And I wasn't even there to watch that game, I was there to watch Shelbyville, not Riverdale.

  4. Just got in from Siegel. What a contrast in coaches in the two games. Burkey up by 40, playing everybody he has, Lincoln County scores the last 17-18 points of the game, and Shelbyville wins by 22. Riverdale up by 25, pressing in the 4th quarter with Lanning rolling over an ankle and the other guard banging up a shoulder, and the starters in with less than 2 minutes to go. I thought Riverdale had a chance to win state but if they do it will be in spite of that coach, not because of him. Coach Burkey and Coach Scott sure won the "class" contest. I thought I was watching an Insell in maroon and white for a minute.

  5. QUOTE(FlatCreekJim @ Feb 20 2007 - 05:06 PM) 826381566[/snapback]SCHS Eaglettes play Lebanon, if they win they get the winner of Cookeville/Lincoln Co. Hopefully we won't see Riverdale, Lawrence County will beat them won't they?


    Often people who are arrogant are not aware of their own behavior or don't want to recognize they are arrogant. A person can be arrogant but not show it externally to others due to his thoughts, actions and emotions.


    A strongly arrogant person will usually try to downplay other people's achievements or ideas in order to make himself appear better. Arrogant people will even ignore or downplay good ideas from others, as they cannot accept that others might have better ideas than themselves. This makes reasonable communication difficult and arguments impossible to resolve fairly as the arrogant person will not accept the other person's point of view, no matter how logical/intuitive or correct it is, because the arrogant person is really having an emotional argument about his own arrogance.


    Arrogance is an unpleasant unloving experience for people interacting with someone who has an arrogant personality. Most people do not like or enjoy being with excessively arrogant people which makes the arrogant person unpopular. Arrogant people do not notice this problem or cannot change their behavior because their personality/ego enjoys being arrogant much more than being liked by or having a respectful, loving and accepting attitude towards other people.


    Arrogant people are often unable to realize they are not as good as they assume they are or have problems recognizing their own self limitations. Arrogant people are usually over competitive and don't know when to quit.


    Often arrogant people can be overbearing and try to coerce/force people into doing what they don't want to do with little regard for the other person's feelings or the group's best interest.

  6. QUOTE(sportsguy22 @ Feb 19 2007 - 09:42 PM) 826380122[/snapback]With all due respect to the Lawrence County team and its fans, I truly believe the District 8-AAA Championship game tonight was a perfect example of complete overconfidence and lack of respect. After the Lady 'Cats won at Shelbyville, you would have thought they had won the State already by some of the posts on here. I just don't believe the Shelbyville program was shown much respect at all and it played itself out this evening. The Eaglettes just drilled them and it just goes to show that the best teams always rise to the top in tournament time and that is the most important thing with as many games as there are in a season. From my years of watching high school basketball, overconfidence plays a huge factor when it comes to crunch time and Lawrence County felt as if they could just walk out and beat the Eaglettes yet again. Shelbyville has too much pride for that and they are just too tough when it gets to February and March! It's all about peaking at the right time and the Eaglettes do that better than anyone year in and year out. Best of luck to both teams in region play...Lawrence County has a tough game at home against Siegel in the opening round (that could go either way) and then a possible semifinal matchup with the very hot Riverdale Lady Warriors and senior standout Anne Marie Lanning...Shelbyville should have a fairly easy road to the region final since their bracket is much easier. It's looking like a Riverdale-Shelbyville rematch and showdown in the finals, one which I know the Eaglettes will be fired up about. If Riverdale is overconfident like Lawrence County, they will be in trouble. It should be a good one, though, because the loser will likely have to travel to Cleveland for a very difficult matchup in the sectional. The region final could be a game for the ages!


    Still bothers you that Lawrence COunty won on your floor, huh.

  7. Before I respond, I want to reiterate that I do think that there is an advantage with privates vs. single A schools. (an opinion that I have stated before) Private schools are located in large cities, with a broader populace to choose from, and with the mindset that (especially in soccer) you will find more students who play club soccer year round in the big cities, than you will in the more rural areas. I would say that if you looked at almost all of the private school teams, you will find that a high percentage of them play club soccer. I would imagine (but haven't researched or have facts to back it up) that it isn't the case in single A public schools.


    I have never claimed to have taken some "bad news bears" and won anything. There has been some incredible talent at CAK. Would I win at a single A public? I don't know. I do know that I would put the same effort into coaching there as I do here. I have coached everything from NCAA division 2 to AAA boys and girls soccer, all the way down to middle school. I have won some big ones, and have had my share of horrible losses (shoot, we used to get beat by 8-10 goals by Farragut every year).


    I personally think that a split is coming. There is a huge disparity of private vs. public champions in boys soccer. I think the main reasons are what I stated in the first paragraph.


    We have lost to single A public schools, and have only squeaked by on several (Alcoa soccer gave us an incredible game in the region semis last season). Alcoa has a great coach, that is dedicated to the game, and has worked hard on developing a program that is having some great success. He took a team that had never won a district championship to region semis in the boys and sectionals in the girls 2 years ago.


    I also am very grateful for the "advantage" of being able to openly share my faith with my players. I know many public coaches that would love that "freedom". That is one advantage, that I am sad to say, will never be equal.

    Thanks. Good luck this spring.

  8. QUOTE(chattaboogieboy @ Feb 9 2007 - 10:12 AM) 826364903[/snapback]

    you need a dictionary...i'm not excercising intolerance man, i'm excercising a lack of understanding, which i was hoping to get from tiger...you could say i'm ignorant to his level of reasoning, but not intolerant. intolerant would indicate that i cared nothing about what he had to say and pushed him to the side based on my own personal opinions/beliefs. can i get someone else to talk to please?



    Keep spewing.

  9. QUOTE(chattaboogieboy @ Feb 9 2007 - 09:53 AM) 826364878[/snapback]

    i just don't understand why folks are so intolerant to something they can't understand. because you or your children can't be included in a private school atmosphere then your immediate reaction is to run the other way and scream SPLIT...the posts speak for themselves



    I just don't understand why folks are so intolerant to something they can't understand. the posts speak for themselves


    QUOTE(chattaboogieboy @ Feb 9 2007 - 09:56 AM) 826364881[/snapback]

    read my post about double-dipping on the main private/public board and you'll understand my stance...if you really care



    I read it. So, using that analogy, you are done. Bye.

  10. :):);) No problem! Soccer players and coaches are breeds of their own! If you actually do get a chance, I think you would be pleasantly suprised if you came to one of our games.


    And (gasp) I also agree that private Christian schools are held to a higher standard (whether fairly or not) by people outside of the school. I try to coach my boys and young ladies in a way that they don't take off their "Christian" hats when they step on or off the field. Anyone can win or lose... a true champion can do both with class. That crosses all public and private "boundries".

    BigG- a serious question. What is the closest Class A soccer school to you? Could you win if you coached there?

  11. QUOTE(chattaboogieboy @ Feb 9 2007 - 09:14 AM) 826364834[/snapback]

    what exactly are you trying to even out? maybe you should contact some private schools, see what their mission/purpose is and then look in the public schools to see if any kids fit the bill. once you've made your list then you could become the middle-man/ambassador to these kids and possibly their brighter future. you seem to have this block in mind towards private schools but have never really made it clear as to why you feel that way. you made it personal by spewing garbage and not sensibly explaining yourself. i'm not trying to change your mind, just trying to understand your angle, for which you have provided no insight



    If you check all of his/her posts over the last several months you will see exactly where he/she stands. Very consistent. You are the one who is having trouble articulating without ranting and calling names.


    QUOTE(BigG @ Feb 9 2007 - 09:33 AM) 826364854[/snapback]

    No problem! Soccer players and coaches are breeds of their own! If you actually do get a chance, I think you would be pleasantly suprised if you came to one of our games.


    And (gasp) I also agree that private Christian schools are held to a higher standard (whether fairly or not) by people outside of the school. I try to coach my boys and young ladies in a way that they don't take off their "Christian" hats when they step on or off the field. Anyone can win or lose... a true champion can do both with class. That crosses all public and private "boundries".



    Which gives you an advantage. Public schools can't even mention the word christian.

  12. Its really pretty simple, public schools kids have all types of parents. Private schools have one type of parents,they all want their kids to achive. They push their kids in school or whatever else they do as they grow up.If you could put all the motivated kids in Carter Co in one school, that school would be awesome in sports and every other way. Private schools have very few kids who are not well taken care of, and pushed to be their best.

    And our public schools would be much better if all of the "motivated kids" were in them. Private schools dilute the whole process and then complain.

  13. why must you perpetuate the retarded arguement of public vs. private...and i give BS where BS is due.


    ...is it not enough for you to realize that certain folks want something better for their kids? you have said that you are rich in a previous post so why not send your kids to private school to give them an advantage towards their education?

    This whole debate centers around whether or not private schools have a distinct advantage over public schools and should therefore play in their own classification. I take your response as a "yes" vote?

  14. QUOTE(basketball=life @ Jan 28 2007 - 12:35 PM) 826349215[/snapback]

    like i said before it didnt seem to bother them too much, if any, they hit their shots and won the ball game... woo hoo good for them, maybe you just thought they should have won by more and now you are saying they could have if not for the man flashing a camera in their face, this makes perfect sense...



    Surely you aren't saying that teams are good sports or bad sports only based on whether they won or not?

  15. QUOTE(ReitzFan @ Jan 27 2007 - 10:50 AM) 826348047[/snapback]

    I think that it is pretty weak to indicate that if you get a plus membership that you can get more details into what is going on here. Very WEAK indeed. Sounds like someone is trying to get some sort of commission.



    Exactly what portion of the $1 a month do you think they are fighting for? Plus members can use private messages to discuss things that need to be discussed privately. Easy concept to understand, even for you.


    I, for one, appreciate the fact that fans are awaiting more information before posting on this topic. That is best for all concerned and I think we can all wait until then. If not, send me a private message. You may incur the wrath of reitz, though, but that is no big deal.

  16. Excellent point! Conclusion: parental involvement is a key to educational success. Does that also hold true for athletic success? Just wondering...

    Which is another reason private schools should be playing other private schools. Leave your kids in public schools and help improve the system for everyone. Granted, you can send your kids where you want but in doing so you should forfeit the ability to play the public schools you chose to abandon.

  17. It would be more interesting to sit down with these five sets of parents, or any parents of private school students, and ask them what caused them to send their child to whatever school they sent them to. Were they planning from birth to send their children to a private school, or did they meet parents of toddlers of similar ages and decide they were going to send their kids to such and such a school, or did they decide based on their church, or what? Of course, this conversation doesn't take place in rural communities.

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